VIP Member
- May 23, 2011
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In the Serostim insert it references a study where there was no significant difference between daily dosing or dosing eod with twice as much. For me at least and I think MassiveG has the same issue, if we pin every day, we have greater potential for side effects. If I pin every day, even 1 iu, my hands all the way up to my triceps will go numb. However, I can 6 iu MTThF (training days) and there is no numbness or lethargy and the water retention is much lower.I do not mind pinning everyday I just didn't know if there was an advantage to go with bigger doses less often versus just an even amount continuously. 100 years ago when I was able to get my hands on jinatropin toward the end of the run I was doing 10 IU a day with no side effects but after a while made me think that it wasn't as strong as thought. GH has come down in price which is nice I just didn't know if going with higher doses makes a huge difference or not
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