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Do not buy from sources on eroids it is a scam



Apr 11, 2014
If you got even ONE fake from there, that would be enough for me to call them a scam. As much as this stuff cost, and the fact that you will be taking it internally, it needs to be real. The hell with bullshit.


VIP Member
Jul 21, 2013
I agree with like a weed. Everyone says if you are on here and pay attention sources will fall in your lap. Maybe I'm obtuse but that defiantly hasn't been the case for me.


TID Lady Member
Mar 5, 2013
I agree with like a weed. Everyone says if you are on here and pay attention sources will fall in your lap. Maybe I'm obtuse but that defiantly hasn't been the case for me.

I have mixed feelings about eroids. Their forum moderators are atrocious. Most of them seem to have borderline retarded IQs AND they are geeked out on huge doses of drugs to the point their anger, aggression, and ability to think rationally are severely compromised. There have been many mods who ended up getting banned for playing games with sources. I don't think there is any way you can avoid this. One man will never make it is his full time job to moderate these sites, and there just isn't enough money to be made in it. You'll always have volunteer moderators.

I don't participate much on this forum, mostly because I am busy, and am active on other ones. I heard about that mod here who passed away however, and he sounded very straight up, so I'm going to try to stick around more often. Basically, this is my 2 cents

1) Street dealers often can be better, depending on where you are. Here in NYC, a bunch of Chinese in Queens are into this game, and they have fire product. If you're in a small town, you will probably be out of luck. It helps buying from someone who is real. Even most black market dealers are not total thieves, otherwise of course - they'd just be thieves. There is nothing wrong with going to guys in your gym who are clearly on gear. Look at their trap muscles, that's a sure sign of gear usage.

2) What people mean on boards is stick around, be active in the community, make friends. It's a time investment. Sure, don't take a PM suggestion from a total stranger. But, if you've been interacting with someone for a year or more, or whatever your persona threshold is, it's probably ok. If you're at a site like Elitefitness, which is RIFE with all sorts of corruption - this is not true. Those sites have long-term pro scammers who work for many outfits. But, on sites like this, it's pretty safe. Back to elitefitness, need to build muscle is a huge red flag. They are a truly evil company. If ANY forum allows promotion of them, be suspicious. If there are no obvious flames, do not trust anything that goes on there.

3) If you're going to use eroids, my advice would be to AVOID the top 10 sources. ALWAYS check to see if a source is discussed on another forum. If it isn't, do not use. There are 1 or 2 GREAT sources that are always in the top 25, but never the top 10. One of them I've used for years.

Cabo Jo

Thick n Wide VIP
Jun 26, 2011
^^^lol,interesting spot a dude with big traps.and that's the guy to get juice from.thanks,i'm going to look for those guys for sure.


New Member
Jun 14, 2013
This is an update to a seven year old post, so information will be quite varied, but I have to say that Eroids has changed greatly. As a member there for five years, I was recently banned after having huge disagreements with a circle of highly ranked members. There was one in particular that was following my posts through tracking and I mean at every turn a negative comment. Anyhow, in the end, I rated a new batch of meds by a lab that had earlier in the year taken a beating, and it was sponsored by a source I trusted. When I 'rated' that lab, the guy following me went berzerk, claiming promo whore and all sorts. His complaint was that I had done a review on one lab for NNP and then I was rating the sponsoring lab for Deca/Test and Aromasin. I never broke rules, was highly rated in my own level of infrequent cycle user, and I contributed regularly

I have known many of the sources on a S2S level for years and I can say that the majority do a good job, but there are indeed some shady fellows allowed on. I know first hand that if you have a website and $50 UDS, you can be on the eroids boards. Give out 100 promotion packs and you are on your way to being ranked.

I think that today, the information on eroids is at best, politically controlled by a group of very spiteful 'experts' and questionable 'mods'. I would suggest staying away from the site as real information is tainted in there summer of 2018.

Just another dewd

New Member
Aug 12, 2018
I joined this site bec i saw this thread on google. i have nothing but positive things to say about eroids... every supplier i researched on there turned out to sell me good gear at decent prices and i have blood work to back it up. i am also not by a long shot new to the game.. yes there are scammers that try to set up shop there, but if you do a little research its easy to pick out the good sites
I know
wel:pl...I know a guy who knows a guy... lol if he's gonna get screwed again it might as well go to a good guy like me!
pm me ?

Just another dewd

New Member
Aug 12, 2018
I joined this site bec i saw this thread on google. i have nothing but positive things to say about eroids... every supplier i researched on there turned out to sell me good gear at decent prices and i have blood work to back it up. i am also not by a long shot new to the game.. yes there are scammers that try to set up shop there, but if you do a little research its easy to pick out the good sites
I know
wel:pl...I know a guy who knows a guy... lol if he's gonna get screwed again it might as well go to a good guy like me!
pm me ?
I realize this is pretty outdated, but I figured I'd toss this out for any one reading this a bit late like myself. As a female athlete who was pretty new the whole source game I just went with the first thing I spotted online which happened to be eroids. I've only had two orders with any of their sources. One experience was miserable, the gear was clearly fake - I'm not a super confrontational gal so I put up a polite semi-positive review and then just voted accordingly (gave the source a low score). Within like a hour of scoring the source honestly I was basically bullied into voting higher by the source and the fan boys. Seriously intimidating over there if you don't know exactly what you're after and you're not trying to be a jerk.
Second order was better, but like some of the others here noted a while back the source I went through wasn't in the top 10. At the end of the day their stuff was okay, seemed potent enough but definitely overpriced for what I was getting. I don't know. Just some thoughts if you're like me and are pretty confused navigating all this stuff for the first time.
Did you ever figure it out because Im Where you are atm i Cannot find a reliable source


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I know pm me ?

Did you ever figure it out because Im Where you are atm i Cannot find a reliable source

I'm not trying to flame you, but rather to warn you that whenever you ask for information about a reliable source, you're asking to be scammed. Think about it for a second. I send you a PM that states, "hey bro, glad to have you on board. I've been using source XYZ for years, and he's got the best ____. Quality product, blah, blah, blah... here's his email ____"

And you're on your way to having your money taken. You're not going to find sources here at TID, and asking for sources here or elsewhere is an invitation to be scammed.

Lastly, you've got 3 posts, and you're asking for sources. Why don't you edit your posts, go to the new members area and introduce yourself, and become a contributing member here. Lots of good training and diet information to help you reach your goals. If you're only goal is to find a source, you'll need to look elsewhere.
Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
I'm not trying to flame you, but rather to warn you that whenever you ask for information about a reliable source, you're asking to be scammed. Think about it for a second. I send you a PM that states, "hey bro, glad to have you on board. I've been using source XYZ for years, and he's got the best ____. Quality product, blah, blah, blah... here's his email ____"

And you're on your way to having your money taken. You're not going to find sources here at TID, and asking for sources here or elsewhere is an invitation to be scammed.

Lastly, you've got 3 posts, and you're asking for sources. Why don't you edit your posts, go to the new members area and introduce yourself, and become a contributing member here. Lots of good training and diet information to help you reach your goals. If you're only goal is to find a source, you'll need to look elsewhere.
PM me?


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 30, 2011
I thought it was - list me


VIP Member
May 7, 2011
This thread reminds me of the time a stripper stole my laptop from my hotel room While I was taking a shit.
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