A day in the life:
4:30 - alarm goes off
4:35 - brew coffee
4:40 - take multi vit, multi mineral, 2 ephedrine, 1 caffeine pill, 1 buffered baby aspirin
5:00 - drive to work sipping on coffee and bcaa-s
5:30 - 45 min fasted cardio
6:20 - 6:30 work on posing
6:30 - shower and menrally prepare for the day
7:00 - arrive at work and eat meal 1
8:45 - meal 2
11:30 - 45 min fasted cardio
12:30 - meal 3
2:00 - meal 4
4:30 - meal 5 during drive home
6:00 - lift
7:00 - tan
7:15 post wo meal
8:30 - meal 7
8:45 - pack lunches and gym bag for next day
9:00 - 10:00 - relax with gf
10:00 meal 8
11:00 - bed