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Can I have some help putting together a meal plan for power lifting please?



TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Hey everyone, my name is Brock. I am pretty new to the forum. I really like it. I found out about the forum on Twitter.

The basic stuff. I'm 5'11' 260lbs, probably around 20% body fat.

I have competed twice in WABDL. My last competition was Sep 8 of this year. I competed last year in the 242 and this year in the 259.

I would like to lose about 10 lbs, I know you aren't supposed to put a number on your weight loss but this is just an idea of where I want to be. The only reason I want to lose about 10 lbs is mainly for comfort. I would like my pants to fit a little better. And because I'm short waisted, when I sit down my stomach pushes out and its kinda uncomfortable. I was hoping to get some advice on a meal plan to drop down to about 248lbs. I really don't wanna lose any strength because I don't have that much to start with. Haha.

I've done carb backloading before. I recently did it around June of this year. I lost weight but my strength took a big dive and I was tired all the time. I seem to do better with high carbohydrates throughout the day.

Here is what my meal plan sort of looks like, it changes depending on what the day looks like: Meals are about 2-3 hours apart

Meal 1: 2 scoops Whey Protein, about 8oz Rice Milk, 1 packet of Raisin, Date and Walnut Oatmeal.

Meal 2: 1 apple, with natural peanut butter.

Meal 3: 6' sub from subway, flat bread, oven roasted chicken, provolone cheese, mayo, vegetables or 5-8oz lean meat, 1 cup of rice

Meal 4: The other half of the sub , 5-8oz lean meat 1 cup of rice

Meal 5: Maybe another apple with natural peanut butter, or a protein shake ?

Meal 6: Maybe some fat free yogurt ?

Fluids, water, juice and maybe 1 diet soda a day ?

Supplements: whey protein, creatine, fish oils, milk thistle, any suggestions ?

Workout wise, I lift 4 days a week.

Any suggestions or opinions are more than welcome !

I wasn't sure if I should post this in the weight loss category of this section. I'm sorry if I made a mistake.

Thanks !


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
I dropped from 260 to 236 in 12 weeks so I could compete in 242 using carb cycling. Cut your carbs back on non-training days and throw some sled pulls or hammer strikes (or other conditioning). Sprints are pretty effective too. That diet you posted above isn't enough food to sustain your strength or explosiveness.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Oh, what should I change about it? I'm not really sure where to start.

Can you give an example of what carb cycling looks like please?


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
An example of Carb Cycling might look like

Training Days (High Carb)
1g protein per pound of bodyweight
2g carb per pound of bodyweight
.2g fat per pound of bodyweight (no clue about how much fat you should have so I made up that number lol)

Non-Training Days (Med Carb)
1g protein per pound of bodyweight
1.5g carb per pound of bodyweight
.33g fat per pound of bodyweight

Non-Training Days (Low Carb)
1.5g protein per pound of bodyweight
.5g carb per pound of bodyweight
.5g fat per pound of bodyweight

As far as what the meals should look like, it depends on the day. I'm not gonna write out a meal plan for you because I'm not qualified, nor do I have the time. But keep in mind a protein shake isn't a meal. Neither is an apple with peanut butter.

You want things like eggs, or egg whites, fish, sirloin beef, turkey, shrimp, pork tenderloin for protein and for carbs you want things like beans and legumes, lots of fibrous carbs from green veg, rice, potatoes, pasta, quinoa, farro and whole grain breads.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Thanks for taking the time to explain. I'm gonna look into that.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Thanks PillarofBalance for your advice

This is what I have been able to put together from researching carb cycling.
Body weight is 260lbs

High carb day:
526g carbohydrates
264g protein
Little fast as possible

Medium day:
396g carbohydrates
396g protein
Fat: 39.6

Low day:
132g carbohydrates
330g protein
Fat: 92.5


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
I try to eat 5-6 times a day. That breaks down into:

High day: each meal

87.6g carbohydrates

44g protein

Medium Day: Each meal

66g carbohydrates

66g protein

7.5 g fat

Low day: Each meal

22g carbohydrates

55g protein

15.4 g fat
porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
Carb backloading took a few weeks to get used to but I've made strength gains while losing fat on it. In three months my waist is down 4" and the only lift that's suffering is my bench ( because I don't have the extra inch of gut to touch to)

With backloading, as on any low carb diet, you have to learn how to manipulate your fats to meet your needs for that day. As a 308/SHW my normal day looks like this:

6am - 50g whey and 30g egg white shake

7am - 1/4 cup natural peanut butter

9am - 1/4-1/2 cup raw almonds or sunflower meats

10:30 - 50g whey shake

12:30 - 16 oz steak or chicken, 2 cups broccoli or spinach

4:30 - 50g whey shake, or if training that evening that and some peanutbutter and coconut milk

6:30 - 16 oz steak or chicken, spinach or broccoli.....

9pm - 50 g casien, 30 grams egg white, 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream, 1/2 cup peanut butter, unsweetened yogurt, and a few cups raw milk for a good night shake.

Those times are dictated by my work schedule. I train 3 days a week. One evening and two mornings. The evening day looks like this except with something ridiculous after training, the morning days are whey and egg breakfast with heavy cream and peanut butter, then whole pizzas and cakes after lifting..... last week I killed 15 sushi rolls.....

It took a few weeks to get through the change of running on carbs to running on fats, but I feel more stable now, workouts don't leave me gassed as bad. But it did take a few weeks and a bit of work to dial it in for me.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
It's interesting you bring cbl up. I was doi g cbl back in may up until about August. I stopped because my strength went down and I was tired all the time. I adjusted the diet to be a 50/50 protein fat ratio, but overall I just didn't have the strength to push on bench press.

I lost weight and looked better though.

I'm actually considering giving it another go. But if I do it ill oh do it for about 8 weeks tops. Then change back to a carbohydrate type diet.

Thanks for your advice.

If you don't mind me asking, how are your energy levels?

And your strength is increasing? That's awesome.
porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
It definitely takes some adjusting to get right.

The whole idea is that the CBL diet is way to go low carb and not totally destroy your strength. The way I use it is to follow it as zero carb other than after training when I want to pull in my weight or gut. Strength isn't great but it's okay.
When I'm just training normally but not looking to push fat loss I'll add in a carb meal the night before heavy morning sessions. That has helped a lot.
Even slower, but still better than a regular diet, is to keep it low carb, carb up the night before training and right after, but add in something small like a potato on non training nights. Still no morning carbs, but a little night time carbs to keep you full and strong. I switch to this around a month out from a meet.... this week actually.

50/50 is impressive as shit! I'm at like 65/35 protein/fat and feel great. Energy levels are stable. I don't get the huge sugar rush I did from a half-dozen doughnuts pre-squat day, but after 3 or 4 hours with another hour of deadlifting to go I am still going strong and not tiring out as fast. I'm also not getting the 1:30pm crash at work which is really nice.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
I like the idea of carbing up the night before a main lift training session. I actually did that this week. I trained bench yesterday, so on Thursday I increased my carbohydrate intake. I felt pretty good for my workout yesterday. But then again some days are just good workout days and some day are just not good.

I get that 1:30 crash too man. It usually zaps me. Moving around helps some, just don't sit still on the couch. Haha


Nov 12, 2012
At 260lb and 20% body fat you can lose 10lbs easily just by cleaning up your diet a little - eliminate all sugars, processed food and alcohol. You can following carb cycling or anything else for better results and a better body composition but just to lose 10lbs you could drop that in 2weeks by eating clean and drinking plenty of water.

Good luck with it

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