Good for you at least you got in there! I'm not a big fan of his, there's show boating while showing respect and then what he does. He's a one armer ....nuff said on that.I got to arm wrestle Travis Bagnet at a motocross event in St.Louis some
Years ago. A big group of the WAF guys were there. I thought I would
Let 4-5 guys go before me and then steal the show ( if you beat him they paid out 5k)
No chance for me. It felt like his arm was a hydrolic pump. My arm hurt for two weeks
Levon is xtra human...with help. I don't think Devon has subscribed to the same muscle building techniques like others in the sport...but yet he's a beast and very entertaining. I've grown to appreciate his marketing for the sport.Devon Larratt said Levon can curl 300lbs with one arm and that the sport has never seen strength like this before. It will be the biggest underdog story of Devon's career. if he wins it will or should become an awesome movie.
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