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TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
friday afternoon the monchers had a bake sale with one of emmas friends. im not sure what they were raising money for and im not sure why anyone would want to buy one of their cookies but apparently a few people did. none the less they had a good time.


saturday we had to do a rabies clinic all day in greenlee county. i have to say that i hate doing rabies clinics! they are a complete loss of money for me as i have to pay for staff to be there and we dont charge that much to do the shots but IT IS A COMMUNITY SERVICE, so i do them :) it was cold although not as cold as some times. i spend the whole time walking around to the vehicles to give shots so that people dont bring their dogs up and everything turn into a free for all. needless to say it was a long day and we came home to about half a dozen emergencies waiting at the front door. but we got it all done.

every place we pulled up to had a line of people already waiting and we were busy the entire time.




loma linda





the waste product from the mine. they make new mountains with it.


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011

the moon was out early




beautiful sunset though!

slept like a rock last night and didnt want to get up when the alarm went off. but i rolled out of bed and did my two sets of hanging leg raises and got on with my morning.

dreadmill warm up 5 mins

shoulders and tris

*65# for 5
*75# for 5
*85# for 5
*95# for 5
*105# for 5

reverse grip bench
*105# for 5
*125# for 5
*135# for 5
im such a retard. i was going along and doing my sets and i was thinking, damn, this is really easy. i dont know why i struggled so much with it last week. i got everything ready for the last set and laid down and it dawned on me that i was just doing a wide grip bench and NOT a reverse grip! what a retard! so i stupidly tried to do the 135# and it wasnt happening so i dropped to 105 and went from there. i got all my reps in but im sure it could have been much easier had i paid more attention.

i sucked on my last set of OHP! the 95 felt so good that i didnt rest and just slapped the weight on and tried to do it. i will say that as i have thought about it today before i could only ever get 105# for 1 so i guess the fact that i got three is an improvement but had i just rested for a few minutes i could have atleast gotten 4 if not 5!



today has been freaking crazy and non stop! thank goodness for my office manager as she was able to go and get zac and take him to and pick him up from tutoring. i was just getting started into a redo of a cruciate repair that took forever. i hope to never have to do that again. there is so much scar tissue that it makes it way more complicated!

the afternoon has continued to be non stop and i have 2 horses waiting for me outside and one of them i have to lay down and put a cast on it! and i have to run and get emma and im about to go crazy :)
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TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011

"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

i am writing on this because i am anything but enthusiastic today and i need the reminder! it is so easy to get in the "groove." to go about doing things while running on autopilot! be it in ones job or in ones workout! one of the things that i have liked about having someone train me is that he is enthusiastic about it! i am pretty stoic and dont get that excited about much of anything and having someone who is enthusiastic and encouraging is great! and even though i never let him know, him being excited about my accomplishments makes me try harder and makes me be more enthusiastic about the whole process. like most things in life, enthusiasm is a choice! we choose to be miserable, or we choose to be blah or we choose to be enthusiastic about what we do! i need to try harder to be enthusiastic about all things that i do. i think part of the reason that i enjoy the forums so much is because it is like an alter ego where i can be that enthusiastic person that im not in my everyday life. but i need to transfer that to my real life and stop making excuses for not! whew, let me tell you, it is a tough pill to swollow this morning :) but im going to work on it today and tomorrow and everyday because we only get this one life to make a difference and why not do it the best and most enthusiastically we can!


National Champion & VIP Member
Jul 8, 2011
Great job on the OHP and rev grip presses! I have done the same thing on the bench with close grip versus standard, thinking "This is easy!" and realizing I'm doing the wrong lift.


TID Lady Member
Oct 6, 2011
"When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it." Great mantra. Being a perfectionist I naturally push myself to excel but introspectively thinking, I could be a lot more enthusiastic about several areas in my life that I take for granted. If I looked at some chores more enthusiastically, I would enjoy the mundane more. Would be nice for my kids & friends to remember me using the phrase, 'She was enthusiastic about everything she did, even the simple ordinary tasks; she really lived w/ a great attitude!'


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Great workouts ATW, that RGOHP rep at 1:10 was a killer I was all tensed up watching you push through it, way to keep smashing things!

Love the reflection from yesterday, I couldn't agree with that thought any more than I do. You are an amazing person in a unique situation and you do not only get to witness miracles you are an integral part of making them happen and the works you do have a profound impact on many blessed animals who end up in your care even if they are at the end of their time with us, I know if my dogs who are family to me would be passing or having tough decisions made about their lives I couldn't imagine a better place for them to be then in your care at that moment. The families of the animals whether it's being short on funds, in a desperate situation flying into your driveway or calling you in the middle of the night are profoundly impacted by how you deal with them and the animals they love or rely on for a living. I'm glad to see your understanding of all of that stuff evolving and love how you keep it all in perspective. Thanks for sharing that part of your life with us!


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
Great job on the OHP and rev grip presses! I have done the same thing on the bench with close grip versus standard, thinking "This is easy!" and realizing I'm doing the wrong lift.

thanks MM. i felt so stupid and the boss chewed my ass for it this morning! "you have to pay attention and focus on what you are doing! you arent using pink dumbbells and you arent 20!" :eek: i asked him if i could use the purple dumbbells instead :D

"When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it." Great mantra. Being a perfectionist I naturally push myself to excel but introspectively thinking, I could be a lot more enthusiastic about several areas in my life that I take for granted. If I looked at some chores more enthusiastically, I would enjoy the mundane more. Would be nice for my kids & friends to remember me using the phrase, 'She was enthusiastic about everything she did, even the simple ordinary tasks; she really lived w/ a great attitude!'
that is a great way to be remembered!

Great workouts ATW, that RGOHP rep at 1:10 was a killer I was all tensed up watching you push through it, way to keep smashing things!
i have to say, i really wanted to give it up but i knew the boss was going to be crabby because i didnt get the 5 because i rushed so i figured i had to get it!

Love the reflection from yesterday, I couldn't agree with that thought any more than I do. You are an amazing person in a unique situation and you do not only get to witness miracles you are an integral part of making them happen and the works you do have a profound impact on many blessed animals who end up in your care even if they are at the end of their time with us, I know if my dogs who are family to me would be passing or having tough decisions made about their lives I couldn't imagine a better place for them to be then in your care at that moment. The families of the animals whether it's being short on funds, in a desperate situation flying into your driveway or calling you in the middle of the night are profoundly impacted by how you deal with them and the animals they love or rely on for a living. I'm glad to see your understanding of all of that stuff evolving and love how you keep it all in perspective. Thanks for sharing that part of your life with us!

you are way too kind with your words. right now it is taking everything in me to remember the miracle that needs to be done to this 9 yo black lab that has 4 probably dead pups in her and is howling at the top of her lungs right here beside me! she starts and all the dogs in the kennels start and im saying over and over in my head, it is a miracle, it is a great thing to be able to do this :D im going to enthusiastically give her an anesthetic injection so i can have wonderful peace and perform a c section and hope that there are live pups that she will probably lay on and kill because she is a total freak and walking all over the one live one she had last night! :D


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
God challenges the strongest the most :D That's a handful you have with the black lab.... wow....


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
yesterday was busy, very busy. the entire afternoon was double booked and i kept thinking it would have been nice to have another vet but thats not going to happen anytime soon so, i try not to think too much about it! i had two horses that had to wait until the end of the day because i couldnt get outside to even look at them. the one was just a simple suture removal but the other was a bad laceration on the back pastern. not bad in size but bad in the fact that it cut some important soft tissue structures and needed a cast put on to help everything stay where it was supposed to.




laid her down as it makes it way easier to clean things up and not worry about getting kicked or stepped on or having to deal with them moving all the time.


it does make for some sideways suturing and working though!


casting the foot and pastern after suturing to decrease motion on the laceration and the tissues that i had to sew up.


was happy with the end results and the horse was very comfortable upon standing. that is a good thing as she will have to wear it for 3 weeks if it will hold up that long!

slept pretty good last night but woke up with my back feeling a bit out of whack so i didnt do my HLRs because it was right in between my shoulder blades and the hanging would have probably made it worse.


sunrise this morning on the way taking monchers to school.

the boss chewed my ass, well not really but he did get after me for not focusing better on the task at hand and doing wide grip bench instead of reverse grip bench. i expected it and deserved it so i was determined to do better today. although i failed miserably! i struggle so much with the power cleans. the videos are so bad that im not posting them because quite frankly, i look retarded! but i will get it, i will, i will!

dreadmill warm up 5 mins

power cleans
*95# for 5
*95# for 5
*105# for 5
*115# for 5
*125# for 4
i tried 5 but failed. i set it down and took a deep breath and tried but knew it wasnt going to happen so i racked and went on. was mad at myself for not doing better at the cleans.

*bw for 5
*bw for 4
*bw for 4
*bw for 4
i was supposed to put a 10# db between my feet but im not good enough yet for that so i stuck with bw. i will try the db next week and get myself mentally prepared for it! cant be wimp, cant be a wimp, cant be a wimp!

somehow while on my second set i pulled something in my neck on my left side. right at the base of the skull and down the neck. makes me not very happy with myself. not that i have any idea what i did but still, dont like stuff like that!


jenna pants is at the doctors in phoenix today so am way short handed. we got done with surgeries about 11:15 so i headed out the door and stopped by the chiropractors and had him adjust my middle back and neck. middle back feels better, neck not so much. will put some heat on it tonight and take an extra muscle relaxer and advil and hopefully it will be all better by tomorrow!

the afternoon has been solid. we had someone bring in a 9 yo black lab that started having pups last night. had one live and one dead. she has 4 more inside so we are going to do a c section and spay her at the same time. she is a freak! i have no idea if the pups are alive or dead. im keeping my fingers crossed for live ones and then that she will not kill them all by being a freak when she wakes up and walking all over them or laying on them like she keeps doing to the one she has!


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
God challenges the strongest the most :D That's a handful you have with the black lab.... wow....

indeed! whew, good thing im on good terms with Him :D

just about have a few spare minutes to get to the lab. holy moly im almost crazy :p


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
c section accomplished. three live pups and one dead one that was stuck in the birth canal. hopefully she becomes a better mamma.


the ones with white are the ones that just came out. they were ready! started squeaking and screaming as soon as i pulled them out!


oliver wondering what in the heck!!


and the new clinic pup, redt! he came in yesterday with a big hemorrhoid and diarrhea. the feedstore just had a pup die from parvo and this pup was in the kennel right next to the one that died! the owner was going to just take him home but i knew she would just let him die so i bought him from her! he still might break with parvo but atleast i know he will get good care and have a chance at living. he is mercys half brother.


VIP Member
Jul 7, 2011
Wow ATW your workouts are looking solid. I went back through some of your other workouts and you can def see improvements in many areas. Great job and keep up the great work. You can make some nice framed pics.
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