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Friends Remembered
Sep 8, 2010
We are all here because we all share a common enthusiasm and passion for enhancing our physiques. By enhancing I don't necessarily mean chemically.
Enhancing our physiques means simply, taking our bodies beyond what they physically would do on their own, the desire to be more than just a sum of our given parts.
I mean really think about this, grown people lifting heavy ass weights...intentionally? The sheer act of lifting weights for the purpose of recreation and creation is just a little bit insane to start with.
So what is it that makes a bodybuilder somewhat successful at this endeavor?

Before you answer to yourself, think about it beyond the, training, the food, the supplements, and drugs on and on...think beyond that.
Many think genetics is the big key, well a lot of people have great genetics, but not very good physiques, and others have the genetics of a refugee and yet get outstanding results.

I would love to hear from you about what it is you feel that drives you to push out that extra rep, to do 15 more minutes of cardio or push down one more bite of food even though you feel like your gonna puke.

I would love to hear from you about what it is you feel that drives you to push out that extra rep, to do 15 more minutes of cardio or push down one more bite of food even though you feel like your gonna puke.

So again I put the question to you, what is it that makes some individuals a bit more successful than others in this sport?

Ask yourself what is it that drives you to be better? Most of us have a starting point, some event that came along and changed things, introduced weight training into our lives, but something made it stick, something made it become a part of our lives, not just something we do, but something we are.
There is something common with those of us who push constantly to keep being better and better. It is something that some people never come to realize, and others eventually see it and feel it for themselves and it all falls into place.
Its more than willpower and discipline, its an element that gives superhuman effort to an individual. Its something as a bodybuilder that you have learned to draw upon at will, as if your life depended on it. Science has even documented this sudden ability to do more than was physically possible before. There are well documented cases of normal people exhibiting superhuman effort and feats of strength when the life of a loved one was in peril. However these were extreme circumstances to elicit this effect.
The bodybuilder has learned to harness this power and use it consciously, but even more incredible is this power is not drawn upon to save the life of a loved one or even their own life. This ability is used to inflict physical damage upon ones self.
Again, absolutely insane to the outside observer.
Still it begs the question, why do this, what is it that empowers individuals to draw upon their ability to go beyond physical limits? Why not do just enough?
I can tell you that from my own personal perspective, that just good enough, is equal to failure.
I think that those of us who possess the desire to push ourselves against what nature programmed us with aren't so much insane, but possessed with an extreme drive to not give up...EVER.
Just look at the time that it takes to build a physique, I mean a quality bodybuilder takes years to do, years and years of pushing against genetics and life itself in some cases.
I think people limit the scope of this warrior mentality to just the gym. No, it applies to the lifestyle in full.
A superhuman mental and physical effort is what successful bodybuilders possess.
The ability to integrate job, family, and life's occasional curve balls with a scheduled training, diet and sleep regimen. Bodybuilding is really another job, it's just a job that some of us decide to pay to do.
Again, just insane sounding. It takes a lot of constant planning and re-evaluation just to be a bodybuilder, throw in life on top of it and it's absolutely incredible that anyone does it at all. The training and diet isn't something that's mindless and you can just 'fire and forget'. Your body is like life, it's always throwing you some confusing signals. Diet, training, and the variables that come with that all must be changed from time to time, and then you need to still hit it hard. Tired yet?
That's just scratching the surface of how demanding this endeavor really is, and those of you who do it at this level of effort know exactly what I mean.
Often times I ask myself 'why the fuck am I doing this?' the only thing I can ever tell myself is that I would rather be dead, than be some mindless ordinary person who gets up every day to repeat a routine that doesn't push themselves to be better in some shape or form, be it bodybuilding or some other passion.
To me bodybuilding is like life, its pain, its hard, and it never quits trying to kill you, so you have to fight back, and I would rather keep fighting hard.
I would rather die than stop lifting weights HARD. Maybe some of you cannot understand that mentality, maybe some of you can.
All I can say is that for many of us to look in the mirror and see how far we have taken our physiques is a sense of accomplishment that you come to realize that only a select minority ever come to realize, and there is a component of our minds that pushes us to never quit, and too push harder than we did the day before.
It is an indomitable spirit that some people have within themselves that they would rather eat broken glass than give up.
That is what separates the average trainee from one who gains success with his/her physique goals.

I would love to hear from you about what it is you feel that drives you to push out that extra rep, to do 15 more minutes of cardio or push down one more bite of food even though you feel like your gonna puke.
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Jul 9, 2011
So what is it that makes a bodybuilder somewhat successful at this endeavor?

IMO, work ethic or hard work. However you want to put it... drugs, food, supps, etc all play their parts but none of those things get you anywhere if you don't lift and push yourself while lifting. Move heavy ass weight first, everything else is secondary.

I would love to hear from you about what it is you feel that drives you to push out that extra rep, to do 15 more minutes of cardio or push down one more bite of food even though you feel like your gonna puke.

For me, it's fear of being average.
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TID Official Lab Rat
Jul 22, 2011
I started getting back in shape for my son. I wanted to be able to keep up with him throught all the sports and activities he is in and will be in. As i started looking better i remembered how good i used to look years ago and i had to get there again. I push harder and harder in the gym because its the only way i know. its the way i have always done it. I have never been patient or happy with slow and steady resutls. I always pushed for the best results regardless of how uncomfortable it made me, or how lackluster my diet had to be. I dont really know when that mentality escaped me to begin with. Now, healthy and motivated, im striving to be in the best shape of my life. as good as before, then better. TID is a huge part of my motivation. not to mention the confidence that comes with a better physique is unmatched.


Dec 15, 2010
It's a sport where I go to the gym and compete with myself. I am the type of person that has to master every thing I do. Bodybuilding has been the toughest thing I have ever done and I think that's what it is that keeps me coming back for more. It's not something you can simply conquer, it takes time and dedication. I'm proud at the level I have achieved so far. I took my physique from a skinny fag to something that commands respect, but I'm still not satisfied. The satisfaction of saying I've accomplished what I set out to do hasn't been had yet, so for that I press onward.


Jul 25, 2011
I do what I do because it gives me a way to test myself, to push myself and to be better. In highschool it was team sports and lifting to supplement it now it is lifting as a means of pushing my body to an uncommon level of efficiency and functionality.

The drive to do better is what makes anyone successful in anything, when you lose drive it's game over. Everyone is driven by different reasons and uses something different for motivation but the common thread is that the top people in any activity be it bodybuilding or selling cars all had the drive to stick with it, get past the hard parts and keep looking to improve.


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
life is full of choices, it is a choice one makes! to go to the gym or to stay home! to work hard or to be lazy! to be built or to be flabby! to want more or to be content!

some people are driven to succeed in the marketplace, some in the gym, some in their home, etc etc. what drives us to the gym someone else might put that energy into making money or being a dirtbag or being a great parent or succeeding in their job. it is a choice on what one wants and what is important to each individual. its a choice.......

i choose it because it is better than the alternative! ive been fat and lazy and it sucks! dedicated and fit is more rewarding! PRIDE, yep, it is a pride thing :D
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VIP Member
Sep 15, 2011
I would love to hear from you about what it is you feel that drives you to push out that extra rep, to do 15 more minutes of cardio or push down one more bite of food even though you feel like your gonna puke.

The drives comes from wanting to complete my lifting goals so I can check that off my list and move on (granted still maintain my goal pphysique) to other goals.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2011
It's a sport where I go to the gym and compete with myself. I am the type of person that has to master every thing I do. Bodybuilding has been the toughest thing I have ever done and I think that's what it is that keeps me coming back for more. It's not something you can simply conquer, it takes time and dedication. I'm proud at the level I have achieved so far. I took my physique from a skinny fag to something that commands respect, but I'm still not satisfied. The satisfaction of saying I've accomplished what I set out to do hasn't been had yet, so for that I press onward.

From a skinny fag, to a big fag?


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
What drives me to be better? Just for the fun of the sport. I know I'm never gonna be a mass monster, as I don't have the frame for it. I know I'll never get on stage. For me, what drives me is to compete with myself each day to see if I can get that one extra rep or that extra 1/2 inch on my arm, or to achieve a 6-pack. I just love the iron and I have the utmost amount of fun every time I go to the gym. I count calories every day as well, because if I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna put all my effort into doing it right.


Jan 26, 2011
The sheer mental orgasm of being better than your average couch potato.


Jan 5, 2011
I am the biggest over-acheiver in the history of mankind. Ever since I was a young teenager I could not stand the thought of someone having the drop in me in any area of life. I am not a brilliant mind, shit I have a hard enough time with completing a full sentence lets be honest... but managed to push myself hard enough to have an advanced degree. Was an average kid in sports, but one of the few people I know to play at a decently high level of college sports due to my work ethic. Wasn't the best scrapper... but had a successful little run that made even my old man drive me to tourneys (like I was in grade school all over again). The same went for weightlifting. I liked having a nice physique, but that was never my ultimate goal. My progress was always backed by the same mantra my father left in my mind, as ghey as it sounded then... "its about can you swing the ax? You need to be able to swing it harder than others". Guy was stupid as hell, but he had some priceless nuggests of truth. I always thought it was about competing with others, but eventually you realize (as Gixxy said) it turns into the fine practice of competing with yourself. I have had a rough go for a good while now, and these old reasons are what keeps me going. I cant stand the thought that people have the drop on me right now, even though I have been half-dead... and its what keeps me going. For another rep when I am struggling, for another crap piece of fish because thats the only 'meat' I am technically allowed to have now, to keep trying in the face of the adversity I have to face in the morning. Whatever your reason, doesn't really matter.... as long as you still have one.
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