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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 11 '23 Yanopertrophy
197.8 bodyweight
1190 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night - total 15 miles

Today was right the fuck on , focus was there , drive in the lower half was on. Everything felt proper got in some good work but didnt push into full retard land too far. Slow n steady.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Knee Rotation 5x5 hold
Lower back Rotation 5x5 hold
Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bord Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Lifts -
Squatz -
4x5 -110#
1x5 - 150#

GM -
4x5 - 150#
1x5 - 200#

Front Squat -
4x5 -150#
1x5 - 200#

Calf Raise -
3x20 - 200#

Deadz- lil different today

5x5 - 265#

5x5 - 265#

Quad Ext -

Ham Curls -

Pull Throughs - looped doubled red mini

Abs -
4x30 - 30 bent leg lifts - 30 rev crunches - 30 bll - 30 rc


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 12 '23 Yanopertrophy
196 bodyweight - bloat b gone
1625 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 15 min morn - 15 noon - 15 night -

Today went real good fountain of youth type day when ya just want to keep pushing. Drive was up focus was there , kept the intensity up til the end .. damn good day all the way around.

Bench - 270#
Warm up - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
Work - 270X5x5x5x5
Amrap - 270x5+1+1 - no rack

Incline Bench - 195# - 3xamrap - 10 -8 - 7

JM Press - 190# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 7+1

Shrugs - 5x5 - 185x5 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x3+1

Bent Rows - 155# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 7+1

Curls - 85# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 7+1

Delt Raises - 25# - 8 +1 - 8 - 6+1

Chinups - 5x5 - band assist - 5x5x5x5x5

Band Pulldowns - 4xamrap - 24 - 22 - 20 - 18

Abs - 4x30 - 30 bent leg lifts - 30 rev crunches - 30 bent leg lifts - 30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 13 '23 Yanopertrophy
196.2 bodyweight
1330 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio day - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night
Total distance 15 miles

Raging for revenge, with Ate by his side come hot from hell, shall in these confines with a Monarch's voice cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war ....


Today felt great , intensity was up , anger was there , drive and a full tank of gas. I got no complaints at all.

Put some weight on the bar and had a damn good time.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 5x20 count hold
Pelvic Tilt - 4x20
Pelvic Raise - 4x20
Dead Bugs - 4x20
Bird Dogs - 4x20
Cat Cows - 4x20

Skwatz - ass to grass no box - ssb
4x5 - 150#
1x5 - 200#

Good Mornings - ssb
4x5 - 200#
1x5 - 240#

Front Skwatz - ssb
4x5 - 200#
1x5 - 240#

Calf Raises - ssb
3x20 - 240#

Deadz - 5x5 - with chains - few singles at the end
175x5 225x5 265x5 315x5 355x5 405x1 425x1 445x1*

SDL - 5x5 - 285#

RDL - 5x5 - 285#

Quad Ext - 100# 3xamrap - 10+2+1 - 10+1+1 - 8+1+1+1+1

Ham Curl - 65# - 3xamrap - 10 - 7 - 5

Pull Throughs - looped doubled red mini - 4x12

Abs - 4x30 - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunch - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunch
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Awesome work brother!

BTW never go full retard. Save the extra chromie for your homie.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 14 '23 Yanopertrophy
196.6 body weight
1338 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 15 morn - noon - night

Solid day , worked well. Good focus and energy , intensity was there. Another day of just wanting to get more n more done. See how the recovery goes. Definitely feeling like a wet dishrag after this one ,, ready for some food and a nap.

Bench - 270#
Warm up - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
Work - 4x5 - 270#x5x5x5x5
Amrap - 270# - 5+2 rack 1+1

Incline Bench - 195# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 7+1+1 add 5

Spoto Press - 200# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 7+1 - add 5

Shrugs - chains - 3xamrap - 175x10 265x8 355x5

Bent Rows - 155# 3xamrap - 10 - 9 - 8 - add 5

Curls - 85# 3xamrap - 9 - 8 - 7

Delt Raise - 25# 3xamrap - 9+1 - 8+1 - 6

Chinups - band assist - 5x5

Band Tricep Pushdowns - looped choked red mini - 4xamrap
25 - 24 - 20 - 14

Abs - 4x30 - 30 rev crunch - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunch - 30 bent legs


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Awesome work brother!

BTW never go full retard. Save the extra chromie for your homie.
Thank ya !

Full retard is always just one click away ... WOOOOOOOOO!!!!

one click away.jpg


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 15 '23 Yanopertrophy
197.4 body weight
1560 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 15 morn - 15 noon - 15 night

Once the pain train left the station and got up to speed shit just kept rolling .. thought I would gas out at some point for sure but the inner demons just kept packing the boiler with coal and on we went.

Great intensity today , drive focus was there. Left everything I could down there today to finish out the week , feels good like i'm finally back to myself more n more.

Have to work on splitting up lower day as the weight increases , one day squats and acc , one for deadz and acc and one general lower maybe, see how the recovery keeps going.

Stretches -
knees to chest 5x20 hold
pelvic raise - 4x20
pelvic tilt - 4x20
dead bugs - 4x20
bird dogs - 4x20
cat cows - 4x20

Lifts -
Skwatz -
Warm up - ebx10 100x5 150x5
4x5 - 240#x5x5x5x5
1x5 - 290#x5

Good Mornings -
4x5 - 240#x5x5x5x5
1x5 - 290#x5

Front Skwatz -
4x5 - 240#x5x5x5x5
1x5 - 260#x5

Calf Raises -
3x20 - 260#x20 x20 x18+1+1

Deadz -
5x5 - 135x5 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x5
3x2 - 405x2 425x2 445x2

SDL - 5x5 - 285#x5x5x5x5x5

RDL - 5x5 - 285#x5x5x5x5x5

Quad Extensions - 3xamrap - 100# - 8+1+1+1 - 6+1+1 - 5+1+1+1

Ham Curls - 3xamrap - 70# - 7+1 - 6 - 3+1+1

Pull Throughs - doubled looped red mini - 4x12

Abs - 4x30 - all bent leg lifts today x30x30x30x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Today went well , house full for the bday party and folks showing up for Christmas week already so It was a short one today.

Hit mains a couple of general accessories and called it

Got in some decent work fast n got out and back to family. Intensity was there , focus was a bit off but all in all for what I put in I'm happy with.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 5x20 count hold
Pelvic raise 4x20
Pelvic tilt 4x20
Dead Bugs 4x20
Bird Dogs 4x20
Cat Cows 4x20

Skwatz - lil different progression on these today - ssb - ebx10 150x5 200x5 240x5 260x5 280x5 290x3 300x3 315x1*pr since injury

Deadz - lil different progression on these as well - 135x5 225x5 315x5 365x3 405x2 455x1 475x1*pr since injury

Quad Extensions - 100# 3xamrap - 10+1+1 - 8+1+1 - 5+1+1+1

Ham Curls - 70# 3xamrap - 8+1 - 6+1+1 - 5+1+1

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4x12

Abs - 4x30 - 2x30 bent leg lifts - 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 19 '23 Yanopertrophy
199 bodyweight
1035 cals headed to 2700
45 min of cardio

Today was a good day , not a real strong day no big pr's or anything just a good solid motivated work day.

Everything felt good , lower back is a lil tired and sore from yesterday but not reinjured or anything just feels like it could of used an extra nights rest.

Bench - warm up - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5
4x5 - 270#x5x5x5x5
1xamrap - 270#x6 + 2 30 sec pause -1 + 1

Incline Bench - 200# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 6+1

2 Board Press - 200# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 5+1+1

Shrugs - still working 5x5 - 185x5 225x5 275x5 295x5 315x5 - bonus question 365x3

Bent Rows - 160# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1+1 - 6+1+1

Delts - 25# 3xamrap - 8+2 - 8+1 - 6+1+1

Curls - ezbar - 85# 3xamrap - 9 - 8+1 - 6+1+1

Chinups - band assist - 5x5

Band pull down/apart - 4xamrap - 25 - 22 - 20 - 18

Abs - 4x30 - 30 bent legs - 30 rev crunch - 30 bl - 30 rc


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 20 '23
197.5 body weight
1445 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio

Two hours of AMRAP HELL WOOOOOOO!!!!

Holy shit today was a corker I ain't gonna lie , Grampy might of second guessed himself once or twice today but we got it all in and done.

Swapped schemes today just to see if we could handle a full lower hypertrophy day ,, the quick answer is ,, not yet. Long answer , I got way more done than I thought I felt I could and that makes me mighty fucking happy on the inside.

Box (bench) Skwatz - ebx10 - 150x5 200x5 240x5 290x5 330x5 380x2 420x1* pr since injury
420x1 - nice n controlled


Watch "410928032_7323583974343097_1675887028238740758_n" on Streamable.

Good Mornings - 210# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 6+1

Front Skwatz - 165# 3xamrap - 10 - 9 +1 - 8+1

Zerchers - 140# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1+1 - 6+1+1

Calf Raises - 280# 3xamrap - 20 - 17 - 14+1+1

Deadz - 135x5 225x5 315x5 365x5 405x3+1+1

RDL - 205# 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1+1 - 6+1+1+1

SDL - 205# 3xamrap - 8+1 - 6+1+1 - 5+1+1

Quad Ext - 105# 3xamrap - 8+1+1+1+1 - 6+1+1+1 - 5+1+1+1

Ham Curls - 75# 3xamrap - 9+1 - 5+3 - 4+1

Pull throughs - looped red mini - 4x12

Abs - 4x30 - 30x2 bent leg lifts 30x2 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dec 21 '23 Yanopertrophy
197.6 bodyweight
1359 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio

All in all looking back on the page it wasnt that bad a day. While it was going on it felt like weak ass shit hahaahah.

Went up on most things a hair today , main mover hit me like a ton of bricks today. Strength was there then ,, it wasnt poof.

Still got in some good work , hit some nice reps , focus n drive were in place , intensity kept coming up so I got nothing to complain about.

Bench - 275# - this felt like a house today
4x5 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 3
1xamrap - 2+2+1

Incline Bench - 205# 3xamrap - 10 - 6+1 - 5+1

Spoto Press - 205# - 3xamrap - 8+1+1 - 7+1 - 6+1

Shrugs - 315# - 3xamrap - 6+1 - 5+1 - 4+1

Bent Row - 175# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 7+1+1 - add 5

Delt Raise - 25# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 5+1

Ez Bar Curl - 85# - 3xamrap - 10 - 8 - 5+1

Band - pull apart/down - 4xamrap - 25 - 22 - 20+1 - 18+1+1

Abs - 4x30 - 2x30 bent leg lifts - 2x30 rev crunches
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I had a day like that today. Everything felt great, until it didn't. It was like, man this feels light as hell, it is going to be a good day. All of the sudden, I was like, fuck everything feels heavy now.

Way to stick with it brother.
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