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Why some stay with Arimidex over Aromasin


Tony Delk

Senior Member
Sep 15, 2010
I've seen many experienced users stick with arimidex over aromasin and I was wondering why. Is it due to cost? Old habit? Or is there a reason of preference?

Thanks for sharing!

Taken from the AI/AE Estrogen Handbook from Kreas:

Adex will lower your estro by about 50-60% of course if you keep taking it that percentage accumulates so you lower 50% by another 50% and so on, you can easily end up with your estradiol in the singles if you take it for long enough at a high enough dose and you aren?t converting much estrogen from aromatizing gear (using low dose of test high dose AI). Adex imo is the best suited for trt purposes, reason being the rate of which it lowers estrogen compared to the other AI?s is smaller. For trt purposes you only need 1mg of total adex per week to keep estro in range (e2= 20-25ng/dl=sweet spot)

Why adex is bad for blasting: This small posting has been posted on another forum by a doctor not my words but reflects a lot of my experiences with adex

"Adex is not particularly effective for drugs that tend to be subject to peripheral aromatization, methandrostanolone in particular. Often a full 2mg daily of Adex will still not stop dbol bloat and cramping
Arimidex is best at E1 suppression (tissue affinity, gonadal, adrenal, etc and because its a competitive inhibitor). it suppress e1 at even the lowest of doses, but takes rather high doses to see significant impact on peripheral aromatase"

While cutting with a low test dose and non aromatizing gear is as good as an AI as any but while bulking with compounds that aromatize heavily Adex is the worst AI you can use. No matter how much you use you will still be much more bloated than you would by using aromasin/letro

Common dose while blasting: 0.5mg ed/eod
Trt dosage: 0.25mg eod, 1mg e6-7d


Hands down the best down for blasting but it does have its downsides. I found that the more you use aromasin the more senstitive you become to it. When starting out with aromasin even 25mg per day is a common dose for a mild cycle say 750mg test and 500mg deca. As time goes by the more you use it the less aromasin you will need, you will end up needing 12.5mg eod if not less for a mild cycle. It doesn?t happen in a few days though it takes months. Another drawback of aromasin is hairloss, comparing to the other AI?s I found it makes me shed a lot more. Once side effect of aromasin is Alopecia, the other two AI?s have hairloss/hair thinning as a side effect but not full blown Alopecia.

Like mentioned earlier the biggest fear with aromasin is crashing estro to low. At this point all you can do is wait or up your hgh dose. Give it at least 10days before you start taking any more AI even if you are switching to say Adex.

The best write up about aromasin which reflects my experience with it 100% is here:

Ahhhhh-romasin?! The king of anti-estrogens.

This post is kind of long, but take the time to read it, it's probably the most important thing you'll ever read if you're a BB'er (haha well maybe not, but there's some gold in here)

Exemestane, sold under the name Aromasin? by Pfizer, is an orally available suicidal aromatase inhibitor. <This sentence describes exactly why exemestane is the king of Anti-E's for bodybuilding purposes.

Because exemestane is steroidal this gives it a favorable estrogen suppression profile and confers a few really awesome benefits over other anti-estrogens both on paper and in real experience. Steroidal anti-estrogens have the benefit of being lipid-friendly and they all lower SHBG which increases the ratio of free to bound testosterone, which as many experienced BB'ers know can have a relatively profound positive impact on gains.

I think it is important to understand how drugs work in order to properly dose them, exemestane is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, this means that it binds with aromatase enzymes and as it does so permanently disables the enzyme and destroys it. Hence the "suicidal" this chemical is like a kamikaze pilot out to destroy your aromatase enzymes which is what makes it so special.

Exemestane's half life in the male body is actually very short (~9 hours) and it is quickly eliminated, however, since as soon as it enters your bloodstream it quickly destroys 80-90% of the aromatase enzymes present in your body, it is effective in maintaining significant reductions in estrogen for up to 72 hours after a single 25mg dose. Estrogen levels only begin to rise again after your body has begun to make new aromatase enzymes to replace the ones destro by exemestane.

There is a great study on the pharmacokinetics of exemestane in men which found the following:
-24 hours after one 25mg dose estrogen levels are reduced by 70-80%
-72 hours later estrogen levels are still 40% below baseline even though the drug itself is almost completely eliminated
-120 hours after initial dose estrogen levels return to baseline (without rebounding)

this means that you can find the timing and dosage that works for you, i've seen some guys recommend between 25mg ED and 12.5mg e4d, and you can see why both are effective while providing different levels of estrogen suppression, and it is this flexibility that makes exemestane such a versatile Anti-E.


VIP Member
Nov 20, 2014
I'm guessing it's cost, and the fact that a lot of "research" and/or "liquid" aromasin is fake...I only use HG aromasin now...I want to make sure what I'm putting in my body is going to work...


Dec 31, 2011
From what I was told Aromasin is a more fragile compound to produce so I wouldn't trust RC's.

I liked aromasin but to be honest after looking back my levels and libido was way better on adex, coulda been bunk aromasin?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I believe aromasin is better on your lipids than arimidex.


Dec 2, 2013
There is so much wrong with that article it's ridiculous.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
I like 12.5mg of aromasin per day. Works great and works almost every time. I have had spotty results with arimidex. Also human grade aromasin is not that expensive if you go generic.


May 29, 2013
Most people like to use HG PCT product and HG Aromasin is not cheap. HG Arimidex and HG Letro are cheaper, more available options. If HG Aromasin was cheaper and more available, then I'm sure most guys would convert to using strictly Aromasin.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
I've just stuck with adex all these years and, well, everything has been fine. Adex also takes the bloat out. But use what you like, at the end of the day, all that matters is that you aren't growing a set of knockers and turning into a stay puff marshmallow.


TID Board Of Directors
Aug 27, 2010
Cost is one factor and personally I just feel Adex works better despite aromasin looking more effective on paper.


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 24, 2011
I tried aromasin but experienced a TON of hair shedding. (I mean A LOT) Being in my 40's and still having a full head but with definite MPB in the family, I went looking for answers.

Found this in my research and posted a thread about it.

Being mostly on trt, I dont have a need for an AI often but when I do I now use adex and no shedding issues experienced.

For those who are taking aromasin, you should be aware that aromasin's primary metabolite, 17-hydroexemestane, acts as a strong androgen, binding to androgen receptors with affinity almost 30 times greater than DHT. See e.g.,

This goes a long way towards explaining why aromasin is popular in BB circles as providing better libido compared to arimidex. However, it also brings up red flags: It appears that it will cause hair loss in susceptible individuals (there are many complaints of hair loss from aromasin among men and even more among women who are taking it). Potentially more serious: We don't know if it might affect prostate health deleteriously or accelerate the growth of prostate cancers. 5-AR inhibitors such as finasteride will not protect against these potential side effects because aromasin is not metabolized by the 5-AR enzyme.
Last edited:


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
MacGyver pretty much covered it. When I need a stronger AI for prep week I do short Letro cycle 4-7days to wring out last bit of water. Otherwise Adex does a great job with very low sides. As for lipid profiles I only use adex in prep and blast without any AIs for the most part. Even with 900mg Sust per week I find diet and sufficient water intake keeps bloat away better than any AI.


VIP Member
Sep 12, 2010
Cost is one factor and personally I just feel Adex works better despite aromasin looking more effective on paper.

Couldn't agree more, I would still use adex over aromasin even if adex was the more expensive one. I personally respond much better to adex. I almost feel like aromasin dose nothing for me unless I kick the doses up pretty high. Even hg
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