when I dropped 8% bf in a short time, my breasts were the first to to (and I also get scrawny around the clavicles), the most stubborn fat was the old love handles and for some ungodly reason there was a patch of fat over either knee that hung in a long time LOL. Getting old makes your knees fat..
For growth, I notice it in my quads first, they grow very easily. For whatever reason people think I am much lower bf than I am...maybe it is because my limbs and upper body are leaner in comparison to my midsection?
I have always wondered how I can weigh so much more than other gals my height and build...I am predisposed to a bit more muscle naturally I suppose.
Had to add, I also have a problem area for fat just above my c-section scar...for some reason the fat seems to go away everywhere else on my stomach and leaves a small pool of fat sitting right over that scar....and it is the spot that actually bugs me the most. The dr that did my boob job said that he could do a scar revision that should fix it...but I have to pay off the girls before I can even consider that
Any other gals have c-section scar issues? I don't think I could ever compete even if I wanted to just because of that problem...