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Tucker Carlson leaving FOX News



VIP Member
Feb 2, 2023
I'm more interested in what he is going to be say moving forward without the restraints of corporate media.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
You guys are delusional if you think FOX did not have a case in their settlement. They flat out folded like a bunch of cowards. Almost every defense lawyer, on all sides of the aisle have stated FOX could have won that case. They decided to just settle without any fight.

It's been known for a while now that Rupert has wanted Tucker gone, and that he's been influenced by that loser Paul Ryan in the background to pull the plug on Trump and anybody supporting it. Rupert wants the company to go in a total different direction, despite being the highest rated news network, by far, on television.

The question should be why do they want to change the direction when the majority of people who lean right still by far are Trump voters, as well as right-wingers. Paul Ryan IS THE SWAMP.

Whether or not a person likes Tucker or not, that is not the issue.

Also, most people were turned off by Tucker the first 6-12 months he was on Fox because he was always trying to debate every person who came on his time slot. He changed far from that over the years. He also spoke out against people on all sides of the political spectrum, not just dems, and RINO's, but also at times against MAGA voters. This is what made him popular. He's stated many times he has not always been correct, which is a breath of fresh air from any other primetime newscaster....good luck finding that kind of statement from an ybody else.


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2012
You guys are delusional if you think FOX did not have a case in their settlement. They flat out folded like a bunch of cowards. Almost every defense lawyer, on all sides of the aisle have stated FOX could have won that case. They decided to just settle without any fight.

It's been known for a while now that Rupert has wanted Tucker gone, and that he's been influenced by that loser Paul Ryan in the background to pull the plug on Trump and anybody supporting it. Rupert wants the company to go in a total different direction, despite being the highest rated news network, by far, on television.

The question should be why do they want to change the direction when the majority of people who lean right still by far are Trump voters, as well as right-wingers. Paul Ryan IS THE SWAMP.

Whether or not a person likes Tucker or not, that is not the issue.

Also, most people were turned off by Tucker the first 6-12 months he was on Fox because he was always trying to debate every person who came on his time slot. He changed far from that over the years. He also spoke out against people on all sides of the political spectrum, not just dems, and RINO's, but also at times against MAGA voters. This is what made him popular. He's stated many times he has not always been correct, which is a breath of fresh air from any other primetime newscaster....good luck finding that kind of statement from an ybody else.

This makes zero sense.
They settled for 787.5 millions BECAUSE they had a case makes no sense.
If Rupert wanted to fire Tucker he could have done so without settling for that amount.
Fought the case, win then use that as an excuse.

Sorry but this sounds more like the same lies so many bought into.

Fox has several other lawsuits pending regarding this issue and will pay out more.

So many are more comfortable with the lies than being told the truth.
Tucker lied and thats a fact. Lies has consequences.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
I'll just say that I agree with about 98% of everything Tucker Carlson has ever said. I don't for a second think this has anything to do with him lying about anything (not saying he did or didn't) its about shutting him up. Same with Andrew Tate, and may more I could name. Once someone with his views (truth) starts to gain traction they are ALWAYS shut down.

I guess my only real question is why haven't all of the other "news" groups in MSM been sued into the ground? They haven't told the truth about anything in over 20 years. EVERYTHING coming from them is either propaganda or flat out lies. Where is the outrage?


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I don't believe for one second the election was legitimate. Way early on, there was very specific information regarding the Dominion voting machines that did not have to be released... highly technical information that everyone just seems to have forgotten. Now we're trying to be gaslit that Dominion is this poor, innocent company that was vilified by Tucker Carlson and Fox News. Boohoo. Bullshit. Over that past few years, I've started seeing more and more subtle changes coming out of Fox. They folded for some reason that isn't about money. January 6 was one big gaslighting operation, as was the entire Covid theatre.. lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc. And now we have those on this board acting as criers for all of it. Bizarre.


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2012
I don't believe for one second the election was legitimate. Way early on, there was very specific information regarding the Dominion voting machines that did not have to be released... highly technical information that everyone just seems to have forgotten. Now we're trying to be gaslit that Dominion is this poor, innocent company that was vilified by Tucker Carlson and Fox News. Boohoo. Bullshit. Over that past few years, I've started seeing more and more subtle changes coming out of Fox. They folded for some reason that isn't about money. January 6 was one big gaslighting operation, as was the entire Covid theatre.. lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc. And now we have those on this board acting as criers for all of it. Bizarre.
You bought the lie too.
This has been all over the courts and failed every where.
Trump sold the lie to his supporters BEFORE the election was even over.
Tucker lied about what he said on the air regarding the stolen election and thats fact.
he didnt even like Trump, thats another fact.
You can find all of this in the Dominion discovery.

Why dont you hold Tucker responsive for lying to you about an issue that created turmoil in this country, including Jan 6.

More lawsuits to come.


VIP Member
Jan 8, 2011
Post evidence of Tucker lying on TV and all his text messages. This way every one can see what we’re talking about here.


VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
In the text of the suit I linked there are sources for the allegations against FNN.

Some of this stuff is leaked information and isn't exactly publicly available so take it with that disclaimer. These are supposedly the slides used during the March 21, 2023 hearing that lead to the judge ruling that there is sufficient evidence to proceed with the defamation suit against FNN.

There's a lot of emails, texts and testimony quotes to sift through but some notable examples of FNN continuing to push narratives that they themselves have known to be false:

Leonard Balducci - Fox Information Specialist - "Fact - Claims about Dominion switching or deleting votes are 100% false. Dominion systems continue to reliably and accurately count ballots, and state and local election authorities, as well as fact checkers, have publicly confirmed the integrity of the process.

Leonard Balducci - Fox Information Specialist - "Dominion has no company ownership relationships with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global initiative. Dominion works with all political parties; our customer base and our government outreach practices reflect this nonpartisan approach."

Video of them broadcasting the narrative that votes are being flipped:
Second video of them broadcasting that votes are being flipped

Leonard Balducci - Fox Information Specialist - In an email between himself, Kevin Ward (Production manager) and Megan ILievski associate producer of Newsmax dated Nov 13 2020: "THE FACTS: There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election"

Here's Hannity presenting a segment on wide spread voter fraud after FNN's own fact checking dept debunked it.

David Clark - Senior VP for Weekend News and Programming during investigation: Interviewer: "To the best of your knowledge, on November 6, 2020 you did not believe that the election was being stolen, did you?" Clark: "I did not".

I could go on but I'm out of time.

The devil is in the details and one could absolutely make the argument that in none of these videos have they made specific claims stated as fact and they'd be right. What propagandists do is use very carefully curated language to imply and insinuate that what they're discussing is true. Your average viewer is unable to discern a statement of fact and a hyperbolic implication phrased as a question. We know this to be true, there are myriad interviews with people who whole heartedly believe the allegations FNN made against Dominion. That's how propaganda works.

That's the crux of the lawsuit, not that Fox flat out lied on-air but that they continued to push a false narrative with malicious intent even after their own fact checking dept debunked it.

Do with this what you will, I don't really care what people choose to believe so long as those beliefs aren't used against others.
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Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Here is a video collection of lies put together by Taibbi and his colleague regarding MSM lying about the Hamilton 68 scam that accused conservatives of being in bed with the Russians. Twitter determined that it was false, but didn't communicate it to anyone.

While I have no evidence that MSM knowingly lied about this, not one of the MSM actually went and verified any of the allegations made by Hamilton 68. Journalism 101 states that you don't publish anything that's not verified. But this was just too good to not be true....



VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
I find this stuff fascinating, it's history in the making. We learn more as time goes by about the intricate relationships between government and media from past events, I'm so curious about what links come out in the future and the motivations that drive it all. We may never know the truth but we may know more than we do now.

Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

Good stuff.


VIP Member
Jan 8, 2011
The media is giving Biden the questions ahead of time. He knows exactly who to call on, what they’re going to ask and what his answer is going to be. It’s all fraud.



Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
The media is giving Biden the questions ahead of time. He knows exactly who to call on, what they’re going to ask and what his answer is going to be. It’s all fraud.


Lmao what a brainless husk. They even have the phonetics.
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