Looking good bro!!! What are the basics of your transition? Diet, cardio, supps, gear? All it takes for me is 100mg tren e per wk. mixed with pretty much anything. I'm not sure why I even add anything else in as the tren seems to completely take over and soak up all my receptors. I loose a lb a day when on tren .
Hi Sea,
Well…. there’s a LOT of all encompassing lifestyle decisions and behaviors in general that all add up to creating the Me I aim to be. From being in bed each eve 7 days a week by 6:30-7:00PM and up at 3:30AM, to fasting, to food and drink restrictions, to reading/watching/studying any and all applicable knowledge I can gain and apply.
I don’t speak of it much at all, but I have a tedious health condition to contend with throughout it all — I have stage 3b CKD (chronic kidney disease).
It was brought on initially at 18yrs old by a car crash that included various internal traumas. Add to that, a crash while racing moto that also once more injured organs, and then yeeeaaarrrs of partying and abusive levels of peds, along with a very near fatal drug overdose in 1998…. 3 days in ICU, barely made it (no exageration).
I’ve used peds since I was 18 (almost 56 now and still on). Wild life, wild times — and I wouldn’t change any of it even if I could. It’s been an AMAZING life I’ve experienced and enjoyed.
So, suffice it to say, I have numerous obstacles, hurdles, challenges to contend with to be how and who the man I am is.
My ped use is very mild by comparison to all previous years, though any use at all at this point is excessive to many if they knew of my health challenge.
The candid truth of my current ped use includes: 150mg cyp (75 x 2 pokes) wk. A 150mg blend (50mg ea) of prop/tren/mast 1x wk. 100mg nandrolone deca wk. 2-3iu gh each morning.
I eat carnivore; beef, eggs, liver, chicken, occasional fish, sausage, bacon, mct oil, electrolytes, along with including the following dairy items: butter, whole cream, and milk. That is 95+% what I consume daily, consistently.
The other 5% includes infrequent and very small servings of any and most all common shit that most everyone else consumes as their daily norm.
I train 5-6 days and my routines are intuitive and cyclical. I don’t lift 90-100% intensity any longer. Typically I stick to anywhere from 50-80% effort, 5-12reps, and 3-4 sets of 4-6 different movements per body part / muscle group.