Nice work brother.
Take care of that shoulder. I have had surgery on both shoulders and the only thing I can say is recovery can take some time depending on what is done, so make sure it does not get to that point.
Keep 'em coming *thumbs up*Today I weighed 182. I am 8 lbs away from my standard weight on-cycle and 3-4 lbs from my off-cycle weight. Those 5 lbs make a difference.
Workout (<#>=(sets), S=superset, H=hyperset, CB=cattle bells, DS=Drop-set B= banded, BO=bentover < = linking with previous)
- Chest
- Rotator cuff-lateral/neutral (10X5,10X10,10X10,10X10)
- (4S) < flat bench press (10X90, 10X135, 8X160, 6X185, DS- 4/3/10X205/185/135)
- Rotator cuff- vert. (10X5,10X5,10X5,10X5)
- (4S) < incline bench press (10X135, 10X185,8X185, 10X135)
- (4S) cable flies upper/lower super (10/10X30,10/10X30,10/10X30,10/10X30)
- Workout (<#>=(sets), S=superset, H=hyperset, DB=dumbbell, BB=barbell, CB=cattle bells, PU+push-ups, < = linking with previous)
1. Biceps
- standing BB curls (10X60,10X60,10X60,10X60)
- (4S) < hammer curls (10X30,10X30,10X30,10X30)
- reverse grip BB curl (15X30,15X30,15X30,15X30)
- (4S) < reverse grip curl (10X40,10X40,10X40,10X40)
- 2. Triceps
- (4S) skull crushers and burn-outs (10/10X80,10/10X80,10/10X80,10/10X80)
- sphynx PU (15,15,15,15)
- single DB extensions (10X20,10X20,10X25,10X25)
- (4S) <reverse grip extension (10X30,10X30,10X30,10X30)
- (4) hammer extension (10X70,10X70,10X70,10X70)
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