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The Truth About Alcohol & fat !



Nov 2, 2011
Beyond that this is an awesome read What Happened? Alcohol, Memory Blackouts, and the Brain

Beer is from about 95 cals per 12oz serving to Sierra Nevada Bigfoot's 330 cals per 12oz, I don't think anyone has averaged all beers given the # of microbrews these days. Alcohol adds calories this is common sense, alcohol adds calories so factor them in and know your limit. as with anything else know the content of what you are consuming. If used in moderation beer for example does have benefits (polyphenols are the main reason). It's not as simple as calories. drink in moderation and remember they aren't calorie free.

"used in moderation beer for example does have benefits (polyphenols"
yes but drinking to a buzz is not moderation so the risk to reward goes out the window


Jul 25, 2011
Agreed crow, if I was talking about drinking to feel the fact one is actually poisoning themselves I would by no means use the word moderation.


VIP Member
Sep 15, 2011
How do you know it hasant effected you negatively at all? I can definitely answer it has not helped you positively. In no way am i trying to be a dick but you have alot of room for improvement from your pick. Im not saying you look bad, just room to improve. So to be sticking up for it so hard on this thread really makes me wonder how honest you are being? Drinking "to a good buzz" could mean 5, 10 15 drinks it depends on your tolerance, weight etc. Im no angel, i do get drunk here and there but I know its not good for me nor would i try to justify it.
"Really, the only time alcohol is a problem is the food you eat AFTER drinking" again not true. It was just broken down the amount of calories and sugars not too mention the mixers. These are empty calories, not the same as a chicken breast so again i dont understand that statement.

Lol, you don't sound like a dick bud-hell, that's why I stopped drinking as much as I used too. It's been several weeks since I had a drink. In fact crow, that's how I've improved my physique to what it is now (and diet, of course).

Yea, the buzz is highly individual; it only takes me 1-2 glasses of 4-8oz of bourbon (no lower than 101 proof) with diet coke. I never considered that a lot of alcohol, but they say to not have more than one shot of whiskey to be considered "moderation".

Still, alcohol is a great thing in my eyes for both winding down and being with friends (as long as you don't get drunk lol). Also, bourbon (the only thing I drink) is chock full of antioxidants, like ellagic acid.


May 25, 2011
Sooo I can't drink until I puke and call it all even?!?!

What a freaking buzz kill!!!

......kidding, I hardly drink I try and get most booze for my cals when I do I know "bingeing" isn't optimal on the body and I still limit it when I do, as I get to the buzz stage and stop because I get motion sick and so spins makes me wanna barf ;)


VIP Member
Jul 22, 2011
Ive gotten to the point that I dont even like drinking anymore. It makes me feel like complete shit the next day, no matter how little I drink. I could go out to eat and have two jack and cokes, not feel the slightest buzz, and wake up the next morning with a hangover. I hate how it does me but love it at the same time because it makes me not drink. I agree though, I can tell a big difference in results and overall feeling when I dont drink.


Sep 29, 2010
It is a solvent, good ol ethanol...

And yup, LOVE beer, enough to not drink it for years now. The BigFoot you mentioned is a barleywine, a supersatured high carb high alc beer- 11% or something, I forget :) A 'meaty' beer, consistancy of cough syrup LOL

Remy and a strong cigar, on OCCASION. Alcohol impedes progress. Not worth it, to me...


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
Off to bed as I drink the last swig of my bourbon and water.


New Member
Feb 9, 2012
Ive gotten to the point that I dont even like drinking anymore. It makes me feel like complete shit the next day, no matter how little I drink. I could go out to eat and have two jack and cokes, not feel the slightest buzz, and wake up the next morning with a hangover. I hate how it does me but love it at the same time because it makes me not drink. I agree though, I can tell a big difference in results and overall feeling when I dont drink.

Me too, I can't even have a couple beers e.g 2-3 without a hangover. I don't like to drink anymore. Last night took the wife out ordered a drink, but never drank

I think the reason for hangovers is because of dex I'm taking not sure though either way just don't like it, unfortantly for my job I'm around booze all the time.


New Member
Dec 2, 2011
newbie posting over here.

Guys its an adult beverage. Do I like 25 year old scotch. Do I like 25 bud lights. Do i like 25 y/o broads. Of coarse. Moderate that shiz. I live in a HUGE downtown metro area, Chicago. Some times i rock it out and have a few. Not always, hell not often. But if you can't balance alcohol in your life, especially tasty libations your not an adult, maybe you should drink less and giime your good 'supps'. Cause y'all just downright irresponsible.


VIP Member
Oct 11, 2010
Here is my write up from sub zero. Some of our members added some more Info that was omitted....

Alcohol…Why not? Hmmm…You may have a lot to learn if you ask that question and think that this decision will not have a negative impact on your training and development…….

Ok so for those of you that know me also know that I’m not that shy of the odd mug of rum. Take a look at my handle and you’ll know it was bred into me. Couple this with my dad’s Irish side and my liver never had a shot from day 1.

But in all seriousness though, I do see on the boards quite often threads started regarding questions like - “Is it ok for me to consume alcohol while on cycle?” or “How much alcohol is it safe for me to consume?” or even “Will a night or two out a week really affect my training that much?”

Over the years I have seen a lot of anecdotal evidence or broscience posted up in response to such questions. I have not however ever seen anyone try to make an explanation of why it its bad, meaning there has been really no explanation of what’s really going on here past just scratching the surface or speaking to the obvious.

So taking that into consideration let’s first look at what we all know and then try to have a look at it a little deeper. I will make the confession now that I am not a health professional, nor any am I remotely close to being qualified as any type of expert on this subject for that matter. You’ll be able to tell by my writing…lol. I do, for the record, make a kickass Caesar though….Anyways.

So there’s my declaration take it or leave it…and by all means please challenge it and/or add to it…After all that is why we are all here.

1. Alcohol is high in cals. None of which are quality cals. 7 cals/gram, so it doesn’t take too long for those babies to start adding up. Especially if you like strawberry daquiri’s like red rocket does. Cough cough…ghey! Seriously though have you ever thought about the amount of cals you consumed in a night of heavy drinking? Its scary! For arguments sake lets say 1g=1ml. How many mls did you consume? How much mix?

2. Alcohol suppresses inhibitions and as such many times leads to poor decisions being made. This not only includes that “last call girl” you just woke up beside but also leads to a trip to the late night drive through. Boom an additional two large could be racked up there without too much trouble. P.S – the coyote arm that you may have developed in the morning as a result of taking home that “last call girl” may also account for unwanted cals – but at least it should be a high protein meal…lol

3. Alcohol interferes with normal hormonal responses and can cause increased secretion of insulin….Which in turn can lead to low blood sugar ….We all know what happens then…and we all know what we do when that crash comes. Bad news on both accords.

4. Alcohol dehydrates us terribly. Need I say more?

5. A bad hangover usually leads to a day on the couch watching movies, eating more comfort food and probably a long snooze. Not great for the waistline, not great for pushing through plateaus. Not to mention a really bad one can make us feel like shit for days and keep us out of the gym entirely or simply cause us to go through the motions and not to push oursleves.

6. Alcohol is toxic to our body. We all know this too well from our first experience with the tequila bottle we stole out of our dad’s liquor cabinet back when we were kids. How toxic? I would suppose that most don’t really know. Well, ethanol is only moderately so, but consider this - take away just one methyl group (one carbon atom and 3 hydrogens) and that ethanol we all know and love becomes methanol and that is extremely toxic to humans.

Now this may not mean much really to most of us. I mean we’ve made an entirely different compound by removing the methyl group so the above point is moot really. However, consider that the boiling points of these two compounds are only 2 degrees apart and we definitely want the people at Bacardi’s paying attention when they are separating one from the other. Doesn’t make you feel too warm and fuzzy towards you backwoods moonshiner now does it? And you guys thought ugl’s were dangerous! Lets all hope Dan Cote doesn’t moonlight…LOL!

Maybe more importantly we should consider the detoxification process our body goes through when trying to metabolize alcohol. This process leaves toxins in its wake as by-products. I won’t go into specifics but those who want to know more should research alcohol dehydrogenase and its potential to leave behind toxic forms of vitamin A.

7. Liver stress and decreased liver function. Ok maybe we should focus our attention more on direct effects but technically decreased liver function can affect how we metabolize what we are putting into our bodies as fuel and possibly mess with glycogen regulation and nutrient uptake so I see this as a more direct effect in this case.

8. Alcohol can be considered an anti nutrient because of the way it inhibits the normal metabolism of nutrients and our main energy substrates (macros). Couple this with the fact that alcohol is an irritant to our GI tract and its use can lead to the malabsorption of those nutrients. Add in the fact that increases urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium. Not good news especially since many of us are deficient in at least one of these already either because we don’t consume enough, or we consume too much of one. These compete for absorption in the same portion of the gut and over consuming one may lead to pooling of another….But that’s a discussion for another day. Wait though we’re not done here quite yet. Regular alcohol consumption increases Mg excretion in our sweat and lowers ability of magnesium resorption. Blah, blah, blah – the take away here is that alcohol consumption fucks with your ability to use the nutrients you need for proper function.

9. Alcohol negatively impacts thermoregulation in the body. We are particularly affected in cold environments. However see above as to what happens when we are hot. This leads to additional stress on our body and systems. Regardless, in this case things are not functioning optimally and that is not a good thing.

10. Alcohol impairs the repair process of injured tissues and there is evidence that suggests that alcohol may also impair muscle glycogen storage. Not good for taking things to new levels or needing a little extra when digging deep.

11. Long term health effects should be noted. But are beyond the scope really of what this was to be about. Most are familiar with the obvious ones so we don’t have to go into any detail. However, aside from those obvious concerns we all have heard about, one may wish to note that regular alcohol consumption may lead to cancer of the mouth, throat or esophogus and possibly other forms of cancer as well. Not to mention that as AAS users, we may be at more risk than the general public in regards to liver issues because of the use of some of the tools we decide to use. So saying that lets dive into other significant concerns. Chronic alcohol abuse may also weaken the heart, alter the brain and CNS. Alcohol also can increase blood lipids (triglycerides mostly) and even pancreatitis. The latter most can have major negative impacts on blood glucose control and the digestive process.

So in closing I’m not preaching, nor even trying to tell you what to do. I still drink a little from time to time and even have the odd semi-bender (old man style though these days). But I just wanted to show you guys that alcohol is doing more to you that you might think and has a measurable negative impact on your training, and thus your goals. Is this an acceptable risk? As with everything in my opinion….Only you can decide for yourselves.


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
^^^ Good work! NO way in the hell I can drink these days, takes forever for my old ass to recover! lol
Go Away

Go Away

Dec 28, 2011
Not to mention alcohol being a depressant, giving easy access for bad thoughts, inevitably releasing cortisol throughout a bad drinking experience. I would imagine the same goes for the following day, having the body under extreme taxation, dehydration, lethargy... Giving an easier outlet for cortisol to rear its ugly head once again. Then the following day feeling guilty, again allowing cortisol to come into play again.

Less stress, more gains right?
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