You lost the house man? I remember you mentioning a couple of times you were really trying to penny pinch for it. Sorry.
Well, as you know, we have some very parallel sides, put you and
@Kluso together it's like Holy Crap, a twin brother.
I have to be REALLY careful with my neurotransmitters... ephedrine, too much, too little... feel like ass for a couple days, pop an ephedrine and bam, normal... dopamine must have been low... but then take too much tyrosine for increased focus, and major crash later ... ritalin really was a big game changer for me but not "healed" by any means... then as you mentioned, the mental aspect of "failure" can just compound.... do you put a lot of pressure on yourself? High achiever? Not competitive with others in the office per se, but just expecting a lot from yourself... That can kill me sometimes, I feel like at "this" or "that" stage in life I should be at least an "8" but feel like I should be a 3 or 4 in certain area's... but who's to say necessarily? Having my balls kicked in twice by a narcissist and then a sociopath can still haunt me sometimes despite finally getting lucky.
What the point of all that? jesus, I dont know, group therapy hahahaha