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Quitting Coffee



VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
It is funny, because I thought the pros were crazy when they would tell me they were looking forward to contest prep. I found out why. Putting down 4000 calories a day of chicken breast, rice and vegetables is hard as hell. Sure you can add in more calorie dense foods to help, but I also noticed when I do this I start gaining bodyfat fast. If I keep it to a lean meat protein source, rice and vegetables I do not gain much fat. The calorie dense foods lead to insulin resistance.

The only things I do like during the growth phase, you look fucking huge, at least everyone in the gym says so. Just keep the shirt on. Haha. Also, strength is through the roof. Pressing 155 lbs dumbbells, floor rows with 315 lbs, hack squats 7 pps full ROM for 12+ reps, incline press 335 lbs for 12+ reps, etc... During contest prep, especially towards the end I couldn't get those weights for one good rep.
Yeah, bulking eating clean is a joke for me. I have to eat crap just to get in enough. Luckily I have a pretty fast metabolism but that’s slowing down now that I’m getting older. Just terrible appetite. Only time I could actually eat a lot and not feel lfull was after my last cut. Never had an appetite before in my life. Wife and I were amazed at how much I could eat in one sitting and had to stop myself from eating too much. Wish I could eat like that all the time.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah, bulking eating clean is a joke for me. I have to eat crap just to get in enough. Luckily I have a pretty fast metabolism but that’s slowing down now that I’m getting older. Just terrible appetite. Only time I could actually eat a lot and not feel lfull was after my last cut. Never had an appetite before in my life. Wife and I were amazed at how much I could eat in one sitting and had to stop myself from eating too much. Wish I could eat like that all the time.
The problem with adding in the crap food is all the visceral fat you gain. Then once you have a fatty liver and pancreas you are even more screwed, as you will now compound the issue.


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
I don't want to make Beef fall off the wagon, but as I was going through the posts I just kept thinking about how the best coffee I had was when I was French pressing my own, man, looooooved that stuff.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I don't want to make Beef fall off the wagon, but as I was going through the posts I just kept thinking about how the best coffee I had was when I was French pressing my own, man, looooooved that stuff.

I'm off the wagon already, so let's turn this thread into "your favorite coffee." I'm using Blue Mountain Blend from Costco at the moment. I have a conical grinder to grind as needed and just use a plain old Mr. Coffee 6-cup ($20). I went down the rabbit hole with Technivorm Moccamaster (huge disappointment), Chemex, and a pricey (OXO) brewer. I spent a lot of time particularly with Chemex, using a nice kettle to boil the water and perfecting my pour. And in the end, I found the $20 Mr. Coffee performs just as well. At one time, I was making coffee with a cup that used kind of a French Press method. You'd throw the coffee in at the bottom, pour in the water, and then take this metal insert that had a filter at the bottom and press it all the way down. It did make some damn good coffee. Maybe I need to revisit the French Press method.

I'm not using nearly as much coffee as I was, though.


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
Right on. I've been feeling that oppressive weight of depression. Kind of picked a bad time to make any changes; I honestly did not know coffee was propping me up that much. Mood is way better, and so are energy levels, with a simple cup of coffee (not an oversized mug of high octane like before). I lost my dog close to two years ago, and it still weighs on me every single day. She was my only joy. I remember you lost yours, too. Couple that with some stupendous failures with the past two relationships, losing my job this week, having to back out of buying that house in Florida (as well as losing a $10k deposit), and my fucking 51st birthday next month, I'm really not having a good time. I usually have my diet locked down, but with the stress, even that had begun to fray and decline in quality... and that Saturday night cheat meal has gotten more and more indulgent. My training is literally the only thing helping me keep my sanity. I've got some left over Reds and Greens powder from 1st Phorm I'm going to reintroduce for the time being. It's pricey, though.
You lost the house man? I remember you mentioning a couple of times you were really trying to penny pinch for it. Sorry.

Well, as you know, we have some very parallel sides, put you and @Kluso together it's like Holy Crap, a twin brother.

I have to be REALLY careful with my neurotransmitters... ephedrine, too much, too little... feel like ass for a couple days, pop an ephedrine and bam, normal... dopamine must have been low... but then take too much tyrosine for increased focus, and major crash later ... ritalin really was a big game changer for me but not "healed" by any means... then as you mentioned, the mental aspect of "failure" can just compound.... do you put a lot of pressure on yourself? High achiever? Not competitive with others in the office per se, but just expecting a lot from yourself... That can kill me sometimes, I feel like at "this" or "that" stage in life I should be at least an "8" but feel like I should be a 3 or 4 in certain area's... but who's to say necessarily? Having my balls kicked in twice by a narcissist and then a sociopath can still haunt me sometimes despite finally getting lucky.

What the point of all that? jesus, I dont know, group therapy hahahaha


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
You lost the house man? I remember you mentioning a couple of times you were really trying to penny pinch for it. Sorry.

Well, as you know, we have some very parallel sides, put you and @Kluso together it's like Holy Crap, a twin brother.

I have to be REALLY careful with my neurotransmitters... ephedrine, too much, too little... feel like ass for a couple days, pop an ephedrine and bam, normal... dopamine must have been low... but then take too much tyrosine for increased focus, and major crash later ... ritalin really was a big game changer for me but not "healed" by any means... then as you mentioned, the mental aspect of "failure" can just compound.... do you put a lot of pressure on yourself? High achiever? Not competitive with others in the office per se, but just expecting a lot from yourself... That can kill me sometimes, I feel like at "this" or "that" stage in life I should be at least an "8" but feel like I should be a 3 or 4 in certain area's... but who's to say necessarily? Having my balls kicked in twice by a narcissist and then a sociopath can still haunt me sometimes despite finally getting lucky.

What the point of all that? jesus, I dont know, group therapy hahahaha

I'm being hit the hardest simply by my age right now. I see it in my face and hairline. I see it how people respond to me. I see it in the ageism I get from HR departments (it's subtle, and they try their damndest to hide it). But the heaviest hit of all is just basic math. I really do not have much time left for true, quality life. Keep in mind I can't have children, so whereas many (most?) men would shift their definition of "quality" to that of family as they get older, I can't. I also hate kids, so there's that. I wouldn't mind fucking, but combine an introvert personality with a wreck of a face, and it just ain't happening.


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
I'm being hit the hardest simply by my age right now.
Yup, that too... which for me kind of goes back to expecting more out of myself, but also- Just how long can I feel good? I'll admit my biggest fear is getting old, not having respect, moving slow... people talk about being jacked in their 60's and 70's, yeah, that's cool, but, it's still 60's and 70's :D Jeeze I need to shut up before I put myself back in depression :D


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Absolutely. It's basic math, and the number is finite. I really don't want to go past 60 at this point. I'm sure at that point, survival instinct would kick in at 60, but if that's all that's keeping one alive, with no joy, with no purpose other than making it one day to the next, what is the fucking point?
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I don't want to make Beef fall off the wagon, but as I was going through the posts I just kept thinking about how the best coffee I had was when I was French pressing my own, man, looooooved that stuff.
Usually, I like straight black coffee, but I have been really digging Snickers coffee with some sugar free Torani Salted Caramel syrup and a little hazelnut creamer. I swear I am drinking a Snickers.


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
Usually, I like straight black coffee, but I have been really digging Snickers coffee with some sugar free Torani Salted Caramel syrup and a little hazelnut creamer. I swear I am drinking a Snickers.
I have that salted caramel syrup, good stuff man! I had wanted to experiment a little and see if I could make a sugar free ice cream with it… I’ll try your recipe for the snickers :D
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I have that salted caramel syrup, good stuff man! I had wanted to experiment a little and see if I could make a sugar free ice cream with it… I’ll try your recipe for the snickers :D
Fill up your blender to around the 16 oz mark with ice cubes then fill it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk until you just cover the ice. Add 2 scoops of vanilla protein and 1/4 tsp xantham gum then blend. Add in some of the caramel syrup and blend some more. It really comes out more like a Wendy's frosty, but it is pretty good. I got this recipe from Frigg.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
For pumps and energy in the gym try this You only need one scoop.

Best thing about the stuff other than the fact it does work. I ran into John at the St. Louis show last year and bought his pre-workout formula that contained stimulants and the stuff was awesome. We got to talking a bit and started following each other on IG. Fast forward to a year later. I run into John at another show and as I walk up to the booth he says, "Bro, I am so stoked you made it to the show. I wasn't sure after your bout in the hospital if you were going to compete or not, but I am glad you made it. I also designed a new pre-workout formula with no stimulants you can use with your heart issues." The dude actually cared enough to remember me and the fact I was hospitalized a couple months before the show.
Going to try this out brother, Nothing to do with the coffee though..haha
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