Near zero means you are not eating foods like salmon when you can eat cod, eggs when you can eat egg whites or sirloin when you can eat eye of round. You are still going to consume some fat. Also, it is impossible to know how much fat is in a cut of meat. Do they DEXA scan the chicken, cow or fish before or after they butcher it up? Have you ever watched Wicked Tuna and seen the massive variance there is in the fat of tuna? When they make the nutritional labels they are only putting the industry averages on there and they are actually allowed to change it by up to 20%. The butcher can say, that looks leaner than most and label it leaner, but he has no idea. In fact, ground beef is only eyeballed. When you choose 80/20, 85/15, 93/7 or 96/4 there is no quality control that actually measures how much fat is in the package. The butcher just looks at it and says, that looks like 80/20 or 93/7.