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Presidential debates



Oct 1, 2010
I leave this thread with a final historical quote. America is living this and it is coming to fruition right before our eyes. We have eyes - but we can not see. We have ears - but we can not hear.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
Alexis de Tocqueville

We are about 240 years old. Our wealth and our military have allowed us to live beyond the average. Once those are gone (and reside in some other country), the United States of America will be a memory and a dream. Then, the cycle of repression, revolution, and hardship will start over again.

Even Marx wrote that the natural progression of a democracy would ultimately end in a "Bloody Revolution". What I see happening is these Liberals championing seemingly small issues such as immigration and women's rights to position themselves exactly where they want to be. I know so many black people that voted for Obama because they think they have something in common when in reality they have absolutely nothing in common with the man other then race. These politicians have created the illusion of a divide in order to ultimately have control, Obama could really give two shits about "dont ask dont tell" but people are so caught up in one single issue be it be it gay marriage or cell phones for lazy dirt bags that they fell to see the entire picture. Im blown away and depressed as hell, dont even remember what I started writing about now, this is how it came out. Nice to see you still holding it down CC!


Oct 1, 2010
lets see what's gonna happen with the looming tax cut expiration and soon we'll reach the debt limit again at the end if the year. I hope republicans don't cave on both. whoever votes to raise the debt limit needs to get their brain checked. they have serious mental issues.

Wall street took a big ass hit today, looks like anyone that has any dividend paying stock dropped it for cash then went out and bought a gun with the money.


Sep 29, 2010
Well put dw. People aint seen nothing yet, he is gonna make jimmy carter look like a choir boy when its all over.

I thought he was voted out cuz he was a choirboy...

You say this because he originated FEMA?


Sep 29, 2010
Gotcha on Benghazi--

Like the dude on vacation for 3 weeks after being in office for half a year which allowed 3000+ Americans to be killed on their own soil, he ought be impeached!


People beat corporate money. So it goes. You'll sooner be slaves to a Goldman Sachs subsidiary or Visa -- and most folks are, to one degree or another, or are at least indentured servants.

This thread, overall, is a hoot. America is about the ability to differ in thought and share perspectives.

Rock on, bros!

We'll get to the bottom of this!


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Mr. Wiggly

Mr. Wiggly

Oct 15, 2011
IMO this was all fixed before we even went to vote. I don't trust this government. All the lies, cover ups, gun running, apologizing to terrorists, and we don't think they wouldn't fix the election?? Take a good look around, you won't even recognize this place in a year, maybe two.

I agree 100% The whole thing was a sham from the start. On one hand im sad that I didnt vote but on the other, I knew it was a waste of time. Its two sides of the same coin but I would rather hear the lies come from Romney's mouth for a while. Im just so sick of the head tele-prompter readers voice, it is worse than any nails on a chalk board to me, I find it extremely offensive.............Go NWO....lets see how much destruction he can bring to our country this term.
Mr. Wiggly

Mr. Wiggly

Oct 15, 2011
1. Handled Osama Bin Laden unlike G Bush said he would.

2. Better healthcare benefits for the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions ( I work in healthcare I know)

3. Saved Auto Industry: keep in mind the residual effects. there are metal and plastic companies that supply this industry (just to name two), so lets look at both the micro and macro effects and not just if a person can buy a GM or Chrysler.


Wall Street Reform (before changing to healthcare, I worked 20yrs in the Financial Industry, Trader, again i know first hand)

There you have it my friend. I will expect to see a vote for Obama from you come tomorrow> Obama thanks you and so do I.

Im not even sure what to say, maybe I shouldnt say anything, .........................................but thats not me.....................................................are you for real with this post? Do you REALLY believe he got Bin Laden?lol Auto, Health care, Wall street????????Lol............. OMG Im gonna stop here. Sorry


VIP Member
Feb 25, 2012
You cats are sore Romney.


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
there are millions that would love to trade places. but help me to understand how are we all losers.

We have more people in America now that want Free-stuff instead of Free-dom. People don't want to be free to go earn their own own stuff. That is hard work. So, they have found it easier to vote their way into my stuff. Once this occurs, republics are in danger of collapsing into a welfare state. Then, the door is open to socialism.

When a person is left with nothing, a loaf of bread is better than no bread at all. And when that bread is handed to you by the government, you owe the government and learn to love the government. All the while, those that are in power live like kings and dictators. But you will have your bread and I will not have mine. So, you will be happy.

It always starts with the argument "you have more bread than I do. That is not fair." Government steps in to make it fair and we all get screwed in the end.

That is why we are all losers.
I am sure a whiner will come back and say, "But it is like that now. The evil corporations have everyone working for them!" That is total horse shit compared to the number of people on government assistance. That number includes the poorest person on food stamps all the up to the corporation that receives a subsidy. We have found that sucking the government tit is easier than managing our freedom. We must turn around.
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