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Overcoming injuries at 41



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
I started this log on another board last week. I figured it would be easier to bring last weeks entries over here as opposed to re explaining everything.

The first few entries are going to be long. I have some explaining to do about why I do some of the things I do. I do a lot of things that most wouldn't so bare with me and the entries will get shorter as everyone knows why I do what I do and how I do it.

This first entry was for the 9th-


It has taken me almost a year to get to where I'm at in my training. It has evolved a little at a time. I'll start with the problems I've had that have made me switch to this style of training.

Problems with my back-

L5- That is the last disc for lower back- Degenerative Disc Disease and Faucet Joint Syndrome. It actually sounds worse than what it is but it keeps me from going heavy on deads, BB rows, squats, good mornings and sometimes standing calf raises.

T5/6/7- Located between the shoulder blades- Thoracic sprain. It was almost a year ago but it will act up with heavy DB rows, sometimes shrugs and carrying one moderate to heavy DB.

C5/6- Lower neck- Segmental Dysfunction Chronic Sprain. This limits me from going heavy on shrugs, squats, good mornings and carrying one moderate to heavy DB.

All big scary words for me at first, LOL, but where there's a will, there's a way.

I was spending to much money and time at the Chiro and on the injured list so I had to make adjustments to my training because I was getting nowhere fast. Training is all I really have so I wasn't about to pussy out and give it up. My life goes to shit without it. The Chiro said no more deads or squats but that just wasn't going to happen.

I've had shoulder problems for years. I started a DC shoulder stretch routine, rotator cuff exercises before every upper body training routine and switched to slow negatives on all shoulder exercises, benching and fly movements to keep the heavier weights out of the picture. The combination of all the above keeps my shoulders in pretty good shape. They are the best they have been in almost a decade.

I mix and switch things up pretty good but I know I'm not tearing the muscle fibers up as deep as I could if I was going heavy so I might not spark as much growth as possible but I know if I go heavy, I will spark even less due to injuries.

I'm not training for strength so some of the exercises I do may seem pretty light but most of you know I could go heavier if that's what I was training for. It's been all about checking the ego for me and it was no easy task. I go less than half on most of my exercises compared to when I was a fat ass just throwing weights around.

Today was legs in the AM and Cardio in the PM. Calves are done on a different day.

I'll start with tonight's cardio since it's shorter.


While trying to build up a bit, I've been hitting cardio at a 15 degree incline, 1mph.

I don't hold on to anything. I couldn't do it at first but with the right music and concentration, it almost looks like I'm walking in slow motion, with long strides.

Nice and smooth like a machine. I try to keep all my training smooth like that. For me it's the best way to keep my form correct at all times and avoid injury/reinjury.

Time- 1 hour

I break it up into 2 @ 30 minutes. I usually need a piss break because of water intake. I hit the pisser, fill the water bottle and head straight back. No foolin' around.

I start at 1.8mph for 5 minutes then slow it down and hit the incline.

When I start the second set of 30 minutes, I only do 1.8mph for 2 minutes.


Warm up time- 10 minutes

I head for the treadmill as I do every time I walk through the doors. I started at 1.8mph for 2min and jumped speed to 2.2 and raised it to 15 degrees for 3min. Back down and stretched a little, stayed there for 2min and back up for the remainder.

After the tread, I head for either the cybex leg press or the cybex back extension for more warm up. Which ever is available. If both are available, I start with the press as it's used more.

I don't usually log these warmups or even do the same numbers each time.

On the press, I do one leg at a time usually at 90lbs for 15 or 20 reps. Nonstop switching back and fourth 2 times each. Then stop and stretch. Then 2 times each again and stretch.

Then I hit the back extensions at 90lbs. 15 to 20 reps. I take a short break between sets and stretch after set 2 and 4. 4 sets total as well.


Quads and Hammies

Exercise #1- Superset Good Mornings and Back Squats in the Max Rack.

For this superset I use the same weight for both. I pyramid the weight up and drop set at the end for the GMs and Squats. Ass to heals and on the lighter sets when I come up on the squats, I stand on my toes. I believe it will give a little extra for jumping. I rotate these with Front Jump Squats on the smith supersetted with good mornings every other week. All my good mornings are stiff legged.

I can do more with the good mornings but it takes away from the squats.

Set #1
GM/Squats- 85@ 10/10

Set #2
GM/Squats- 105@ 6/10

Set #3
GM/Squats- 125@ 6/7-3 (squats are 7 nonstop, 3 rest pause)

Set #4
GM/Squats- 145@ 5/4-2 (Squats are 4 nonstop and 2 rest pause)

Set #5 (Drop set for GM and Squats)
GM/Squats- 145@ 4/4... 95@ 4/4... 75@ 4/4... 55@ 6/6... 35@ 8/8

After these all I can do is hit the floor, pull my hat over face and try to catch my breath.


Exercise #2- 1 Legged Machine Hack Squats

These ones can be pretty tough towards the end but that's why I like em. LOL

Set #1
220lbs@ 10/10 (first number represents right leg, second number, left)

Set #2
220lbs@ 10/10

Set #3
220lbs@ 6-4/7-3 (second number on each leg represents rest pause... my left leg is stronger at this time)

Set #4
220lbs@ 5/5-6-4


Exercise #3- Deads in the Max Rack

I have to be really cautious with this exercise. It can mess up L-5 quick. It's been a while since I've given these a go so taking my time with em. I pyramid up and down on this one. As soon as I start to feel it in my low back I immediately start to lower weight. I've had to learn from trial and error with these and unfortunately, error can put me out for a week or two.

I use a step up to stand on so I can get a better stretch at the bottom and these are stiff legged as well due to the light weight.

Set #1
105lbs@ 12

Set #2
155lbs@ 10

Set #3
205lbs@ 8 (stopped at 8, to much pressure on low back)

Set #4
155lbs@ 12

Set #5
105lbs@ 15

I could do more reps on the first few sets but I would rather save my low back for more weight. I should be able to go higher over the next few weeks. We'll see.


Exercise #4 Leg Extensions

I pyramid up slowly on these. Slow up, slow down till towards the end. Then it's just trying to finish the set.

Set #1-
100lbs @ 15

Set #2-
105lbs @ 15

Set #3-
110lbs @ 13

Set #4-
115lbs @ 11


Exercise #3- Lying Leg Curls

I was burnt by the time I hit these. I'll say it's due to the rotation in on the deads. I usually have way more gas on these. I started at 75lbs and intended to pyramid up on the weight but that just wasn't happening this week.

Still using slow negatives.

Set #1
75lbs @ 10

Set #2
75lbs @ 12

Set #3
75lbs @ 12

Set #4
75lbs @ 10


Done and toasted. Gonna feel it big time in the hammies tomorrow.



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Entry for the 11th-

This is yesterday's entry for BIs and TRIs.

Don't worry, all the log entries won't be this long. I'm just giving everyone a feel for how I get started. In other posts I will just say I started with what ever warm ups they are and how I do them can be referenced here.

I usually start on the tread, walk for the first 2 minutes then continue to walk but warm up shoulders at the same time. Shoulder warm up on the tread consists of raising each arm parallel to the ground, bent in the shape of an L, moving back and fourth with fist almost touching opposite shoulder and DC style stretching with a towel.

I switch back and fourth between the two for the next 6 minutes while walking at 2mph then just walking for the final 2 minutes. This is done before each upper body routine.

After 10 minutes, I grab a 5lb DB and head to the adjustable cable for a rotator cuff tri-set for each individual arm. I set the height at 10 which is slightly below my elbow. I start with my opposite hand placed between my rib cage and elbow to ensure good form. The plates are in increments of 10. Depending on how my shoulders feel I might add the 5lb plate. I usually start with the left arm.

I started at 10lbs with the back of my forearm parallel to the ground, fist facing up/down and arm facing straight forward, then pulling the cable to my stomach and then back to the straight forward position,turn my body the opposite way without letting go of the cable, this time the start position is at my stomach and the end position is arm facing straight forward. This is 12 to 15 reps.

I then grab the 5lb DB, place left arm out to the left in the shape of an L with triceps parallel to the ground and fist pointing straight up in the air and lower it slowly to ensure good form till forearm is parallel to the ground then back up for 12 reps. Fist is in the left/right position.

I do the DC stretching between sets as well.

This week I did three sets of Tri's along with three sets of Bi's. I had only been doing 2 sets but backed off a little on the slow negatives on other days.

Elbow still giving me trouble so I started with assisted dips and pullups. Didn't really keep track just trying to get some blood flowing and give myself a better start for biceps. This helps alleviate the pain I can get during the first couple sets. I started with a Bicep machine as well to help warm it up better.


First Exercise- Cybex 1 arm BI and DB Overhead extensions.

This exercise is a superset. I train one arm at a time. I start with with the Cy BIs, 4sec negative then exploding to the top, pyramiding up slowly in weight.

Then I use two different dumbbells, 30lb and 25lb for extensions. Only a 2 to 3 sec drop on these ones. When I come down, I come over the top of my head so the dumbbell comes close to the opposite shoulder. As soon as I start to lose form, I immediately switch to the lighter DB.

Set #1
Bi @30lbs / Tri @ 30/25= 10/8/4

Set #2
Bi @35lbs / Tri @ 30/25= 12/6/3

Set #3
Bi @35lbs / Tri @ 30/25= 10/6/3


Exercise #2- Cybex 1 arm Tri and DB Concentration Curls

This exercise is done the same as the first, only starting with machine triceps and ending with DB concentration and curls using slow negatives . Two different DB weights as well.

Set #1
Tri @30lbs / Bi @ 30/25- 12/10/10

Set #2
Tri @35lbs / Bi @ 30/25- 12/7-1/6-2 (the second # represents rest pause for BIs)

Set #3
Tri @40lbs / Bi @ 30/25- 10/6-2/5-3 (the second # represents rest pause for BIs)


Exercise #3 Fixed Straight Bar BB Curls and Wide Underhand w/Close Grip BB Bench

This exercise is a triset. I start with 2 different weight fixed BBs for curls. As soon as I lose form, I go to the lesser weight. Slow up and slow down for all both BIs and TRIs on this one.

Then I immediately lye down on the bench and start wide underhanded pressing then immediately switch to close regular grip. This is one of my favorite BI and TRI exercises.

Set #1-
50/40lb BB (fixed) @ 8/8
95lb BB (oly) W 8/CL 8

Set #2-
50/40lb BB (fixed) @ 7/6
95lb BB (oly) W 8/CL 4-2 (rest pause on the last 2 close)

Set #3-
50/40lb BB (fixed) @ 6/6
95lb BB (oly) W 7/CL 4-2 (rest pause on last 2 close)


Done arms are shaking a bit


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Entry for the 13th-

This is last night's entry for shoulders. The night before I just hit the usual cardio.

Warm up for this is the same as every upper body warm up routine. It can be referenced in my last entry for arms.


I've had a lot of trouble out of my shoulders throughout the years. It was mainly because I was a dumbass when I was younger and didn't stop for pain and my flexibility has always been terrible. I had no idea what kind of damage I was causing and thought I could just push through it as I did everything else.

Hence... the dumbass.

The DC style shoulder stretches have worked wonders for me along with good form, the 4 sec drops and lighter weights. My shoulder will never be at 100% but as long as I work with them and not against them, I will keep progressing. They used to be my weakest area but they are catching up pretty fast this last year.

First exercise- Smith Machine Shoulder Press

This exercise pyramids up in weight and ends in a drop set. It's also done with a 4 second slow negative.

It helps to warm up for shoulders even more. I don't make big jumps in weight though.

Total number of sets- 5

Set #1-
65lbs @ 12 reps

Set #2-
75lbs @ 10 reps

Set #3
95lbs @ 8-1 reps (#1 is without a slow drop)

set #4
105lbs @ 8 reps

set #5
125lb drop set
125 @ 4 reps / 105 @ 4 / 85 @ 4 / 65 @ 4 / 45 @ 6


Exercise #2 Rear Delts On Adjustable Incline Bench With 25 and 20lb Dumbbells

On this exercise I'm on my stomach, on the incline bench starting with the 25lb DB then switching to the 20lb DBs.

I start with arms hanging to the ground, then lift them up slightly higher than my back, arms stay to the side, not out like you would expect a rear delt exercise to be. It almost looks like a variation of a back exercise. I do a 2 second iso hold at the top and a 3 second drop. When I can no longer do this with the 25lb DB, I immediately switch to the 20 without missing a beat. This one can take a lot out of you with the hold and slow negative. It has been awesome for my rear delts. It is more of a compound for rear delts but my rear delts have never come out more.

Total number of sets- 4

Set #1
25lb/20lb - 6/5

Set #2
25lb/20lb - 6/4

Set #3
25lb/20lb - 6/4-2 (on 20lb- 4 reps, 2 hold and 3 drop, 2 reps no hold regular drop)


Exercise #3 Side Delts On Cybex Side Lateral Machine

I pyramid up on this exercise and use a 4 sec drop. I've been going up a little each week.

Set #1
65lbs- 12

Set #2
70lbs- 12

Set #3
75lbs- 12

Set #4
80lbs- 12

Last set was pretty hard. Felt good though. Might go up again next week even if I have to lower reps on the last two sets.


Exercise #4 Wide/Close - Front/Back Shrugs On the Smith and 45lb Plates (1 long set)

This exercise can give me trouble even with moderate weight. It affects my lower neck and between my shoulder blades. For a while I felt like I wasn't getting much out of my shrugs because even with trying to rep out with low weights, I felt like my back was doing most of the work. I decided to try wide grip shrugs to eliminate some of the back as a secondary and it has worked out great so far. I then started supersetting them with close grip and then shrugging 45lb plates to finish them off.

I use a plate and 25lbs (165) on each side of the smith and lean a plate against the smith on each side. I start by setting the safeties on each side so I can work straight from them without worry of setting the bar. I start with the hardest and work my way to the easiest.

Wide back is first. I start by taking my wallet out and putting it in a side pocket because the bar running across it really annoys me

I place my feet slightly under the bar and angle myself forward a bit and keep my legs straight to avoid any cheating, not rocking is also required. On all 4 smith movements I go slow up and slow down. I go from wide back to close back then turn around and go from wide front to close front then immediately pick up the plates and finish it off with arms at my side. I feel I'm really hitting the angles like this. It's all one non stop set. My upper rack is really taking a nice shape.

Total number of sets- 4

Set #1
Back Wide- 8 / Back Close- 8 / Front Wide- 8 / Front Close- 8 / Plates- 12

Set #2
Back Wide- 6 / Back Close- 6 / Front Wide- 6 / Front Close- 6 / Plates- 10-2 (last 2 plate shrug, rest pause)

Set #3
Back Wide- 6 / Back Close- 6 / Front Wide- 6 / Front Close- 6 / Plates- 8-4 (last 4 plate shrug, rest pause)


Exercise #5 Cybex Shoulder Press

With this exercise it's similar to the smith press, a pyramid up, 4 sec slow negative but no drop set.

Set #1-
65lbs- 10

Set #2-
70lbs- 10

Set #3-
75lbs- 10

Set #4-
80lbs- 10 (this set, 3 sec drop)


Done for this week. I left out isolation for front delts again because of the trouble I've been having with my elbow. I need an exercise that takes the elbow out of the equation. I was thinking about it this morning and decided to try to work from a floor pulley and use one of the attachments the chicks use to put around their ankles for leg work.

I plan to stand and place it just below my bicep with my arm at my side bent at an L shape and try raises like that. I might look silly but I couldn't care less what the other gym goers think.

Open to any suggestions for an exercise that takes the elbow out.

Last edited:


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Entry for yesterday-

Hit cardio last night and Back and Chest the day before.

Switched up cardio a little. Only doing 30min cardio, 15 degrees @ 1mph and then abs on the cybex.

Abs are done on all 5 foot positions which range from bent leg (90) to straight leg. I use both hands for straight forward and one handed with each hand crossed over (separately) so when I move forward, my body twists. I have found it best and to be more smooth if I turn my hand the opposite way of normal resting position during cross over so knuckles are facing out.


Mon was back and chest. Did the same warm up as usual on tread, DC stretches and arm movements (back and fourth) that I do before every upper body training session. Then the triset for rotators.

Exercise #1 Machine Assisted Pull Up / Dip (triset)

This exercise is a triset. It's great for me to get warmed up the rest of the way on this one, it gets the blood flowing a little better and a good starting pump. I start with wide overhand pullups to neutral close grip pullups to dips. On both pullups, I do a 2 second hold at the top followed by a 4 sec negative unless otherwise specified. The dips are a 4 sec drop as well. I pyramid down for all three exercises. The lower the weight, the harder the pullup / dip.

Set #1-
Pullups @ 69.5lbs- 8 wide / 8 Close
Dips @ 52.5lbs- 10

Set #2-
Pullups @ 61lbs- 7 wide / 5 Close
Dips @ 44lbs- 10

Set #3-
Pullups @ 52.5lbs- 7 wide / 4 Close
Dips @ 35.5lbs- 8


Exercise #2 Cybex Flat Bench / Cambered Bar Rows (superset)

This exercise is a superset. I go really light with the chest part of this exercise but one rep is 2 partials which are 1/3 of a full extension followed by a full extension (not locking out) followed by a 4 sec negative. I pyramid up on this part of the exercise. Then I immediately grab the cambered bar and do normal speed for reps on the rows. The cambered bar is the short bar. The machines are pretty tight and I can roll it under the seat. Rows stay the same weight.

I've gone up on the rows from last week and probably will again next week.

Set #1-
Cybex @ 80lbs 12reps (that's 2 partials and a slow negative for each rep)
Rows @ 135 15 reps

Set #2-
Cybex @ 90lbs 8reps +5 par (first 8 are 2 par & S.N. / rep 9 is 5 par only)
Rows @ 135 15 reps

Set #3-
Cybex @ 100lbs 7reps + 4 par
Rows @ 135 15 reps

Set #4- (benching is par only)
Cybex @ 120lbs 16 partials
Rows @ 135 17 reps (14 regular, 3 rest pause)


Exercise #3 Dumbbell Pull Overs / Cybex Independent Arm Row (superset)

On this exercise I start with the pullovers on the seat that is slightly angled on the cybex row. I place my feet on the top of where the foot rests are for rowing. It's a good position for the pull overs. The pullovers stay at the same weight but it is a 4 sec negative.

On the rows, I pull low towards my hips and twist my wrists. My hand positioning starts at palms facing down and ends with palms facing up at my hips then back to the original position. No negatives on this one but weight pyramids up.

Set #1-
Pullover @50lbs- 10 reps
Row @ 105lbs- 15 reps

Set #2-
Pullover @50lbs- 10 reps
Row @ 150lbs- 15 reps

Set #3-
Pullover @50lbs- 10 reps
Row @ 160lbs- 13 reps (9 reg, 4 R.P.)


Exercise #4 Cybex Machine flies

I started rotating these with Cybex incline partials every other week. Keeps the chest tender.

This exercise is pretty simple. A small pyramid in weight and slow forward and back. Going heavy bothers my shoulder but the lighter weight going slow seems to be doing the job.

Set #1-
70lbs @ 20

Set #2-
75lbs @ 20

Set #3-
80lbs @ 15

Set #4-
85lbs @ 15


Done for this week. I've cut back on the sets and reps for this day since switching from recomp to growth. It was hard. This is my favorite day.



Jan 26, 2011
Nice ! Good to see you posting this up here.
It's all about never giving up and doing what you can. Checking the ego is a hard thing to do. Mine isn't so much with the weights but with the endurance part.
Anyways not trying to muck up your log. Ill be reading as you update


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Great job HDH, I know the back thing sucks. I'm crushed T4 with spondalosis T2-T7 been going through some hideous treatments. I've tried everything since my initial injury that was over 13 years ago I was running like a madman and that shit beat my spine up way worse. I did some swimming didn't do shit for me, then I started PL'ng and now even though I'm still in pain every day I can get up go to work and lift heavy. It's taken quite a while. I say do the things you can that don't bend your spine, such as bent over BB rows I would think that pressure would be unnatural for that injury but I think you would be ok for DL if you find the right form groove just start light and let those spine muscles thicken up and take the brunt of it for you. I realize "now" that back pain and spine injuries are so unique in how they work how they refer pain and stress that I always say play with different things that strengthen the area but don't put an unnatural pinpoint strain on it. I'm here if you have any questions that I can help with. I'm no pro but I think I'm somewhat successful at navigating my problems.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Nice ! Good to see you posting this up here.
It's all about never giving up and doing what you can. Checking the ego is a hard thing to do. Mine isn't so much with the weights but with the endurance part.
Anyways not trying to muck up your log. Ill be reading as you update

Thanks, I appreciate it. I might start checking out some logs. I've never really been into them but after starting my own I'm seeing that I might be able to pick up some tips from other's experiences.



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Great job HDH, I know the back thing sucks. I'm crushed T4 with spondalosis T2-T7 been going through some hideous treatments. I've tried everything since my initial injury that was over 13 years ago I was running like a madman and that shit beat my spine up way worse. I did some swimming didn't do shit for me, then I started PL'ng and now even though I'm still in pain every day I can get up go to work and lift heavy. It's taken quite a while. I say do the things you can that don't bend your spine, such as bent over BB rows I would think that pressure would be unnatural for that injury but I think you would be ok for DL if you find the right form groove just start light and let those spine muscles thicken up and take the brunt of it for you. I realize "now" that back pain and spine injuries are so unique in how they work how they refer pain and stress that I always say play with different things that strengthen the area but don't put an unnatural pinpoint strain on it. I'm here if you have any questions that I can help with. I'm no pro but I think I'm somewhat successful at navigating my problems.

Damn, sounds like you've been going through it for some time. I've come a long way over the past year. The biggest part was strengthening my back as you stated. I know I've got a ways to go and there was a time that I just couldn't do the deads.

They actually gave/give me more trouble than the bent over rows. I find if I keep my knees slightly bent, it changes the center of gravity and puts less on L-5. No way I can do DB rows it messes with T-5/6/5 and C-5/6 to much. I have trouble just carrying heavy weight on one side without counter weight to balance it out.

I like the supersets because I seem to get more out of them with less weight. Some of the GM and Squat supersets seem dangerous but did well for me at a time I could barley do anything. I just kept them light. I'm coming to a point where I believe I'm ready to slowly add some weight on and see how it goes.

Thanks for the reply and I'll keep the help in mind.



TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Yesterday was legs excluding Calves. Calves will be done tonight with BIs and TRIs.


Warm up time- 10 minutes

I head for the treadmill as I do every time I walk through the doors. I started at 1.8mph for 2min and jumped speed to 2.2 and raised it to 15 degrees for 3min. Back down and stretched a little, stayed there for 2min and back up for the remainder.

After the tread, I head for either the cybex leg press or the cybex back extension for more warm up. Which ever is available. If both are available, I start with the press as it's used more.

I don't usually log these warmups or even do the same numbers each time.

On the press, I do one leg at a time usually at 90lbs for 15 or 20 reps. Nonstop switching back and fourth 2 times each. Then stop and stretch. Then 2 times each again and stretch.

Then I hit the back extensions at 90lbs. 15 to 20 reps. I take a short break between sets and stretch after set 2 and 4. 4 sets total as well.


Quads and Hammies

Exercise #1- Superset Good Mornings with Front Jump Squats on the Smith

Last week I did Good Mornings supersetted with Back Squats in the Max Rack so they are rotated out but will be back next week. I just rotate the two of these in and out each week.

I use an 80lb fixed BB for the Good Mornings, I stay with the same weight for all the sets. I do a 4 second slow negative on this part of the superset focusing on a good stretch.

For Jump Squats, I pyramid the weight up and the last set is a drop set.

These are brutal. I hit em first and get em out of the way. If I do to much on the GMs, it takes to much away from the jump squats. I have to lower the GMs as I go for that reason.

I give it everything on the way up and my ass always hits my heels on the way down. No pause, straight up to straight down unless specified.

Set #1
GM/FJS- 80@10 = 65@10

Set #2
GM/FJS- 80@8 = 85@8

Set #3
GM/FJS- 80@6 = 105@6

Set #5 (This set is one GM set and a drop set for the Jumps)
GM/FJS- 80@6 = 125 DROP@3 / 105@3 / 85@3 / 65@5 / 45@7


Exercise #2- 1 Legged Machine Hack Squats

Slow up. slow down. Increased reps slightly from last week.

These ones can be pretty tough towards the end but that's why I like em. LOL

Set #1
220lbs@ 10/10 (first number represents right leg, second number, left)

Set #2
220lbs@ 10/10

Set #3
220lbs@ 9-1/9-1 (second number represents rest pause)

Set #4
220lbs@ 8-1/8-1 (second number represents rest pause)


Exercise #3- Deads in the Max Rack

I have to be really cautious with this exercise. It can mess up L-5 quick. I pyramid up and down on this one. As soon as I start to feel it in my low back I immediately start to lower weight. I've had to learn from trial and error with these and unfortunately, error can put me out for a week or two.

Went up on these as well this week. I'm hoping to continue to go up as the weeks pass. I won't know until I give it a go.

I use a step up to stand on so I can get a better stretch at the bottom and these are stiff legged as well due to the light weight.

Set #1
125lbs@ 12

Set #2
175lbs@ 10

Set #3
225lbs@ 10

Set #4
285lbs@ 2 (stopped at 2, way to much pressure on low back)

Set #4
215lbs@ 6

Set #5
175lbs@ 8

Set #6
125@ 10

This week was a lot better than the first attempt from last week. My hammies aren't near as sore as the week before and had more gas for lying leg curls this week.


Exercise #4 Leg Extensions

I pyramid up slowly on these. Slow up, slow down till towards the end. Then it's just trying to finish the set.

Went up on these as well this week.

Set #1-
110lbs @ 15

Set #2-
115lbs @ 15

Set #3-
120lbs @ 15

Set #4-
125lbs @ 13 (starting to move faster towards the end on this set)


Exercise #3- Lying Leg Curls

I had more gas for these this week compared to last week. Did a slow pyramid up on the weight. Slow up. slow down for movement.

Set #1
75lbs @ 12

Set #2
80lbs @ 12

Set #3
85lbs @ 10

Set #4
90lbs @ 10


Nothin' like rubber legs :)



Aug 8, 2012
Nice work HDH I just got back into the gym about a year ago after just over 5 yrs out. I had my cervical spine fused c-4 c-5 c-6. Docs said with my nerve damage and the stenosis in my neck I was going to be very limited I'd never workout again. After being addicted to pains meds for many yrs I decided to make a change. I've also had 3 rt shoulder surgeries. I just adjusted my workouts and I did a physique show in may where I placed 5th. I went through every treatment you name one I promise I did it. I had to go through counciling for my depression from my injury. I've been off meds for over 8 months and I feel so much better the gym gave me my life back. I'm a better person and this board has helped a lot also. I'm 39 if u can overcome I know you can good luck brother and if I can help in any way just pm me.


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Nice work HDH I just got back into the gym about a year ago after just over 5 yrs out. I had my cervical spine fused c-4 c-5 c-6. Docs said with my nerve damage and the stenosis in my neck I was going to be very limited I'd never workout again. After being addicted to pains meds for many yrs I decided to make a change. I've also had 3 rt shoulder surgeries. I just adjusted my workouts and I did a physique show in may where I placed 5th. I went through every treatment you name one I promise I did it. I had to go through counciling for my depression from my injury. I've been off meds for over 8 months and I feel so much better the gym gave me my life back. I'm a better person and this board has helped a lot also. I'm 39 if u can overcome I know you can good luck brother and if I can help in any way just pm me.

I was out for 2 years drinking a bottle of Vodka every day. Eating fast food every day and absolutely no training. When I started back up, I didn't even look like I had ever been to a gym. Pretty pathetic. It's been almost 2 years since I've quit drinking and almost a year and a half since I've been back training.

Training is the only thing that keeps me away from it.

Awesome job on getting back into a show. That's really is my goal and the core of my motivation. I've been fat before so I've got some loose skin I need to fill in but it just motivates me that much more.




TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
This is yesterday's entry for BIs, TRIs and today's entry for Calves, Abs and Cardio. I was going to hit calves with BIs and TRIs but I was short on time yesterday. I think I like doing them better with cardio and abs anyways. I like the idea of spreading out the energy used.

Started with the usual warm up of tread and rotators for arm workout.

I have cut back on reps this week and gone up a little in weight. On the exercises I was using two different weight DB/BB I dropped to only one. Trying to cut out some of the overwork for growth.


First Exercise- Cybex 1 arm BI and DB Overhead extensions.

This exercise is a superset. I train one arm at a time. I start with with the Cy BIs, these are slow up and slow down. TRI DB over head extensions are slow up and slow down as well.

Set #1-
BI Right 35lb @ 12
TRI Right 30 @ 12

BI Left 35lb @ 12
TRI Left 30lb @ 12
Set #2-
BI Right 40lb @ 12
TRI Right 30 @ 12

BI Left 40lb @ 12
TRI Left 30 @ 12
Set #3-
BI Right 45lb @ 10
TRI Right 30 @ 10

BI Left 45lb @ 10
TRI Left 30 @ 10


Exercise #2- Cybex 1 arm Tri and DB Concentration Curls

This exercise is done the same as the first, only starting with machine triceps and ending with DB concentration and curls slow up and slow down for both.

Set #1
Tri @35lbs / Bi @ 30- 12/10 (same number for left and right)

Set #2
Tri @40lbs / Bi @ 30- 12/10

Set #3
Tri @45lbs / Bi @ 30- 12/9

Exercise #3 Standing BB Curls w/ Standing Close Grip V Bar Pushdowns

These exercises are slow up and slow down as well.

Set #1
BB Curl @ 60lbs- 10
V Bar Pushdown @ 80lbs- 10

Set #2
BB Curl @ 60lbs- 9
V Bar Pushdown @ 80lbs- 10

Set #3
BB Curl @ 60lbs- 8
V Bar Pushdown @ 80lbs- 10

Felt pretty good going up a bit. Still a great pump and satisfied with the workout.


Tonight's Abs, Cardio and Calves.

I did the abs between sets of Calves then finished with cardio.

Exercise #1- Standing Calf Raises

Each set of three are done in all three positions. Heels turned out, heels turned in and neutral.

Set #1
250lbs- Out / In / Neutral... 12/12/12/ (4 sec hold at the top)


Set #2
270lbs- Out / In / Neutral... 10/10/10 (3 sec hold at the top)


Set #3
290lbs- Out / In / Neutral... 10/10/10 (2 sec hold at the top)

Easy night tonight.

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