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Old and Fat



Jan 19, 2011
I realize the majority here are young and if not in shape are fast getting there. Where am I? Ancient and overweight. The Doc yesterday informed me that I'm pre-diabetic, joy of joys, and need to drop weight and exercise. But there's the rub, after years of running and swimming in cold (I mean cold!) water, jumping out of perfectly good aircraft and boats, breaking ankles, running a marathon and riding boats with steel decks my knees have almost zero cartilage left. I used to lift when I was maintaining my upper body strength, and now am the proud owner of a couple of kettlebells, sitting in the same spot for the past 9 months.
So, that's the intro, now the need for advice, I really need to lose like 50+ pounds, asap, without sending myself into being a full blown diabetic. That word, and cancer scare the crap outta me. I need to exercise, keeping in mind that deep squats are a single motion event for me, down. So, really great diets? Kettlebell ideas? Vitamins and supplements? Anything else someone in the know could pass down?
Thanks for any help.


Dec 12, 2010
Well, actually most people here are in their 30's to late 40's with a lot being in early 40's. I will give you my story:

I was 315 2 years ago, if you look in the members pics section you will see where I was and am now. I was type-2 pre-diabetic and taking Byetta 2 times a day. I looked in the mirror and saw a FATASS. I decided screw that, joined a gym and started bro, I worked hard 7 days a week, weights, cardio, I did it all. I then realized that hey 7 days is too much and cut back to 6. When I started my max bench was like 275, now with a lot of hard work it is at 420 with a goal of 500 in July. Leg press was around 800, now 1060 5 times. I now weight 270-280 back and forth between there and I take no byetta shots at all. I also went from pants size 44 to now 36.

Hard Work and Cardio bro and if you lose it fast, it will come back, set a goal of 1.5-2lbs a week.

Before and After BTW I have leaned up since these pics.


Sep 15, 2010
all takes time man. i'm 35 and 230lbs i was 250 and a fat fucker. i couldn't see my dick on a good day. i droped all the way down to 198lbs and have worked my way back up to a lean 230.
you can do it just commit to it.


Jan 19, 2011
Laughing, your 'before' is close to where I am, I think I'm a bit shorter so the 315 is out, but our shadows coulda been brothers.
Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
Start with your diet and work on it from there. How does your current diet look? I'm sure you can see some decent results by changing that up.


Jan 17, 2011
Get ur hormones checked and get on a diet and excersise. Nobody started out in shape. Since you know what commitment is, make one for urself.


Jan 19, 2011
Westwood, you remind me of a first class I knew in dive school. Yes, I know what commitment is, when you're 20 and they tell you to run off the pier into ice covered water is one thing, when you're almost 60 and they tell you to walk down the pier to the end, my first thought is wtf for? I started jogging to prep for a marathon, a target in sight, and I scored a hit on said target. That was 30 years ago. Right now my targets are more distant and my aim is worse, this is becoming life serious and the lethargy of old age is like a 50# dive belt around your middle. It tires you out just sitting there.


Sep 29, 2010
Good advice above. Get your diet squared away, using pen and paper- figure out how to change what you are eating to get in a calorie range that will aim you to your goals. It all takes time. I'm heading for 50 brother, nothing good comes quickly at our stage in the game; hard work and commitment within the physical hand you've been dealt are what you have to rely on. Got to work around those knees-

Your intro shows you to have had an active life. So I'm not telling you anything you don't know.

You ever see an arm pedal exercise machine at your gym? Or can your knees take a spin sort of approach to getting your metabolism up? Is using a rowing ergometer something you can do?

Eating a buncha small nutritionally complete meals (be sure to get enough good lipids, especially olive oil) will help get your metabolism cooking while keeping you in the right caloric window to lose. Cut out processed foods, and simple sugars. Drink green tea. Make sure you drink lots of water.

Got to get moving, as you know, to get your metabolism going. And eat right to seal the deal. The rest is time and dedication to achieving.

You're not alone. Keep striving and asking questions!


Jan 19, 2011
I realize the majority here are young and if not in shape are fast getting there. Where am I? Ancient and overweight. The Doc yesterday informed me that I'm pre-diabetic, joy of joys, and need to drop weight and exercise. But there's the rub, after years of running and swimming in cold (I mean cold!) water, jumping out of perfectly good aircraft and boats, breaking ankles, running a marathon and riding boats with steel decks my knees have almost zero cartilage left. I used to lift when I was maintaining my upper body strength, and now am the proud owner of a couple of kettlebells, sitting in the same spot for the past 9 months.
So, that's the intro, now the need for advice, I really need to lose like 50+ pounds, asap, without sending myself into being a full blown diabetic. That word, and cancer scare the crap outta me. I need to exercise, keeping in mind that deep squats are a single motion event for me, down. So, really great diets? Kettlebell ideas? Vitamins and supplements? Anything else someone in the know could pass down?
Thanks for any help.

Hello my friend ,i can see where you're comming from, I'm 59

First you have to educate yourself on how you eat, its not just food ,but quality nutritous food.

so you're hitting the weights hard but after a few months you get discourage because there hasn't been much change in your body,the first thing that comes to mind is "steroids" NO NO NO! Forget it!!!Why? Because you're doing something wrong that even steroids will not cure, the most anabolic substance you can put in your body is FOOD!But what food? Here i'm going to list 20 superfoods you can eat to burn fat and build soild muscle.
To build muscle & lose fat, you need a variety of proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, and healthy fats. Eating Protein helps building & maintaining muscle. But it also helps fat loss: Protein has a higher thermic effect than carbs/fats.

Eating fats also helps fat loss: your body holds fat if you don’t eat fats. Fruits & veggies contain vitamins & minerals, necessary for recovery from your workouts. And carbs fuel your muscles so you feel full of energy at the gym.

Lots of you struggle to get these foods. Sometimes because you’re too busy or sometimes because you just lack information. This list will help you — 20 super foods you need to build muscle & lose fat.

1. Whole Eggs. Cheap & rich source of Protein: 7g/egg. The yolk contains most nutrients: half the Protein, vitamins A/D/E and cholesterol to naturally increase your testosterone levels.

Don’t worry about cholesterol in eggs. Dietary cholesterol isn’t bound to blood cholesterol. If you have bad cholesterol, lower your body fat rather than throwing the yolk away.

2. Fish oil. Reduces inflammation (joints/skin), lowers body fat and increases testosterone levels. You need 9000mg EPA/DHA per day. Since you’ll probably struggle to get that from eating fatty fish, consider a fish oil supplement.

3. Wild Salmon. One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also gets you 20g Protein per 100g serving. Farm raised salmon is, however, omega-3 deficient: it’s corn/grain fed. Go with wild salmon.

4. Berries. Strong antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart & eye diseases. Any kind works: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Buy fresh or frozen berries and mix with oatmeal.

5. Yogurt. Contain bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. Don’t buy frozen yogurt or yogurt with added sugar and fruits at the bottom. Get plain low fat yogurt. Eat it with berries & flax seeds.

6. Flax Seeds. Source of fiber, Protein & omega-3. Grind the flax seeds to get the most out of them. Take 1 tbsp with yogurt & berries before going to bed. Stay away from flax oil: it’s unstable and contains no fiber.

7. Extra Virgin Olive oil. 70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart diseases and cancer. Add 1-2 tbsp olive oil to your salads. Buy Extra Virgin Olive oil: it contains more polyphenols and tastes better.

8. Mixed Nuts. Contain mono- & polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Mixed nuts are caloric dense, great if you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain weight.

Anything works: almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, … Peanut Butter also works as long as you buy natural Peanut Butter without added salts/sugars.

9. Red Meat. Protein, vitamin b12, heme iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3 if you eat grass-fed beef. Eat steaks & hamburgers from top round or sirloin. Read Dr. Lonnie Lowery’s article on Meat.

10. Broccoli. High in cancer-fighting phytochemicals and anti-estrogenic indoles. Broccoli is also high in soluble fiber and low calorie, helping fat loss. Eat other cruciferous vegetables for a change: cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, …

11. Spinach. One of the most alkaline foods. Spinach prevents muscle & bone loss, but also cancer and heart diseases because of its high nutrient profile. Try one of the spinach recipes I shared a while back.

12. Turkey. If you don’t believe saturated fat is good for you, try white turkey. The leanest beef has about 4.5g saturated fat/100g, while white turkey has close to 0g (that why it’s so dry). Eat turkey with spinach & quinoa.

13. Quinoa. South American “king of grains”. Quinoa is higher in fiber & Protein than rice or oats, tastes a lot better and is gluten free. Buy the whiter grain, it’s better quality. Eat it post workout with meat & spinach.

14. Oats. Reduce cholesterol, provide you with low-gi carbs for energy, and high in soluble fiber. Try this post workout shake of whey & oats.

15. Tomatoes. High in lycopene, which prevents cancer. The lycopene in tomato paste is 4 times more bioavailable than in fresh tomatoes. Have pizza or pasta with tomato sauce & olive oil post strength training.

16. Oranges. Vitamin C to fight diseases, magnesium to lower blood pressure, anti-oxidant beta-carotenes, etc. Quit drinking processed orange juice which often has added sugars. Eat oranges or make your own orange juice.

17. Apples. Pectin in apples helps weight loss by increasing satiety. Apples are also the strongest antioxidiant after cranberries (eat the peels). Unfortunately apples are one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits. Go organic.

18. Carrots. Their huge vitamin A content improves eye-health, especially night vision. Carrots are also rich in fiber, low calorie and taste good, even raw.

19. water. Your body holds water if you don’t drink enough. Drinking prevents water retention, helps muscle recovery and prevents dehydration from strength training. Get a brita filter and drink 2 cups of water with each meal.

20. Green Tea. Strong antioxidant and natural diuretic. Green tea also speeds up fat loss, prevents cancer and improves blood sugar & circulation. Drink green tea in the morning instead of coffee. Real green tea, not the teabags.

Putting it All Together. Eat proteins, veggies, fruits & fats every 3 hours. 2 cups water with each meal. Carbs post workout only. Junk food 10% of the time. Get stronger in the meanwhile and you’ll build muscle
hereare some exercises you can do ,if you need help on anything just pm me> :)

Exercise & Muscle Directory


Chutzpah VIP
Jan 17, 2011
If your looking to lose weight with a non ketogenic style diet i would recommended getting your food from the following sources only and allowing yourself one cheatmeal a week on a non workout day. Foods are:
low GI carbs such as oats, whole grain breads or bagels, brown rice, whole grain pasta, fiberous green vegetables
Proteins: egg whites, tuna, chicken breast, turkey breast, white non fatty fish such as tilapia
fats: flax oil
misc: non fat cheese

common recipe i used during the day was can of tuna or chicken with salsa and non fat cheese.
recipe before bed was cottage cheese and broccoli or white fish and broccoli - you can sub out salmon for the white fish in this meal only.

fruits and nuts have no place in a fat loss diet. Also try to center your carbs around your workouts. try not to eat them after 6 if you can help it.

Also most people have success with either a 40/40/20 or 50/30/20 p/c/f breakdown.


Jan 19, 2011
Hello my friend ,i can see where you're comming from, I'm 59

First you have to educate yourself on how you eat, its not just food ,but quality nutritous food.

so you're hitting the weights hard but after a few months you get discourage because there hasn't been much change in your body,the first thing that comes to mind is "steroids" NO NO NO! Forget it!!!Why? Because you're doing something wrong that even steroids will not cure, the most anabolic substance you can put in your body is FOOD!But what food? Here i'm going to list 20 superfoods you can eat to burn fat and build soild muscle.
To build muscle & lose fat, you need a variety of proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, and healthy fats. Eating Protein helps building & maintaining muscle. But it also helps fat loss: Protein has a higher thermic effect than carbs/fats.

Eating fats also helps fat loss: your body holds fat if you don’t eat fats. Fruits & veggies contain vitamins & minerals, necessary for recovery from your workouts. And carbs fuel your muscles so you feel full of energy at the gym.

Lots of you struggle to get these foods. Sometimes because you’re too busy or sometimes because you just lack information. This list will help you — 20 super foods you need to build muscle & lose fat.

1. Whole Eggs. Cheap & rich source of Protein: 7g/egg. The yolk contains most nutrients: half the Protein, vitamins A/D/E and cholesterol to naturally increase your testosterone levels.

Don’t worry about cholesterol in eggs. Dietary cholesterol isn’t bound to blood cholesterol. If you have bad cholesterol, lower your body fat rather than throwing the yolk away.

2. Fish oil. Reduces inflammation (joints/skin), lowers body fat and increases testosterone levels. You need 9000mg EPA/DHA per day. Since you’ll probably struggle to get that from eating fatty fish, consider a fish oil supplement.

3. Wild Salmon. One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also gets you 20g Protein per 100g serving. Farm raised salmon is, however, omega-3 deficient: it’s corn/grain fed. Go with wild salmon.

4. Berries. Strong antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart & eye diseases. Any kind works: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Buy fresh or frozen berries and mix with oatmeal.

5. Yogurt. Contain bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. Don’t buy frozen yogurt or yogurt with added sugar and fruits at the bottom. Get plain low fat yogurt. Eat it with berries & flax seeds.

6. Flax Seeds. Source of fiber, Protein & omega-3. Grind the flax seeds to get the most out of them. Take 1 tbsp with yogurt & berries before going to bed. Stay away from flax oil: it’s unstable and contains no fiber.

7. Extra Virgin Olive oil. 70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart diseases and cancer. Add 1-2 tbsp olive oil to your salads. Buy Extra Virgin Olive oil: it contains more polyphenols and tastes better.

8. Mixed Nuts. Contain mono- & polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Mixed nuts are caloric dense, great if you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain weight.

Anything works: almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, … Peanut Butter also works as long as you buy natural Peanut Butter without added salts/sugars.

9. Red Meat. Protein, vitamin b12, heme iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3 if you eat grass-fed beef. Eat steaks & hamburgers from top round or sirloin. Read Dr. Lonnie Lowery’s article on Meat.

10. Broccoli. High in cancer-fighting phytochemicals and anti-estrogenic indoles. Broccoli is also high in soluble fiber and low calorie, helping fat loss. Eat other cruciferous vegetables for a change: cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, …

11. Spinach. One of the most alkaline foods. Spinach prevents muscle & bone loss, but also cancer and heart diseases because of its high nutrient profile. Try one of the spinach recipes I shared a while back.

12. Turkey. If you don’t believe saturated fat is good for you, try white turkey. The leanest beef has about 4.5g saturated fat/100g, while white turkey has close to 0g (that why it’s so dry). Eat turkey with spinach & quinoa.

13. Quinoa. South American “king of grains”. Quinoa is higher in fiber & Protein than rice or oats, tastes a lot better and is gluten free. Buy the whiter grain, it’s better quality. Eat it post workout with meat & spinach.

14. Oats. Reduce cholesterol, provide you with low-gi carbs for energy, and high in soluble fiber. Try this post workout shake of whey & oats.

15. Tomatoes. High in lycopene, which prevents cancer. The lycopene in tomato paste is 4 times more bioavailable than in fresh tomatoes. Have pizza or pasta with tomato sauce & olive oil post strength training.

16. Oranges. Vitamin C to fight diseases, magnesium to lower blood pressure, anti-oxidant beta-carotenes, etc. Quit drinking processed orange juice which often has added sugars. Eat oranges or make your own orange juice.

17. Apples. Pectin in apples helps weight loss by increasing satiety. Apples are also the strongest antioxidiant after cranberries (eat the peels). Unfortunately apples are one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits. Go organic.

18. Carrots. Their huge vitamin A content improves eye-health, especially night vision. Carrots are also rich in fiber, low calorie and taste good, even raw.

19. water. Your body holds water if you don’t drink enough. Drinking prevents water retention, helps muscle recovery and prevents dehydration from strength training. Get a brita filter and drink 2 cups of water with each meal.

20. Green Tea. Strong antioxidant and natural diuretic. Green tea also speeds up fat loss, prevents cancer and improves blood sugar & circulation. Drink green tea in the morning instead of coffee. Real green tea, not the teabags.

Putting it All Together. Eat proteins, veggies, fruits & fats every 3 hours. 2 cups water with each meal. Carbs post workout only. Junk food 10% of the time. Get stronger in the meanwhile and you’ll build muscle
hereare some exercises you can do ,if you need help on anything just pm me> :)

Exercise & Muscle Directory

59? Remember Ernie Kovacs? Jack Paar? When Victory at Sea was a tv show? 51 was a very good year. Thanks for your advice, have started today as a matter of fact. Had a 2 egg/2 slice cheese omelet with a breakfast bar to boost the carb quotient. I won't mention what I fixed for the wife <sob>.
There's a workout plan for kettlebells called Burn 2.0, I'm starting that when I get home this afternoon and it includes a 'diet' of sorts in keeping muscle mass and losing body fat. Trying to figure out how to eat like that 5 times a day, I'm usually a 1 meal a day kinda guy. Hence the pre-diabetic status according to my doc. Eat often and less is the key and get moving again. My biggest problem is I'm extremely goal oriented, and once achieving said goal I'm done. The various schools, graduate and never run a foot again, done, run a marathon and never run after that. (Okay, I know I'm repeating myself about running, but a guy who did it pretty well I hated every mile.) So here I need an attainable goal, but trick my stupid mind in to keeping going. I don't know.
On my way to the store to pick up some 'special' foods now, need like a protein bar or something when I'm at work and stuff like that. This getting older biz ain't what it's cut out to be.


Jan 17, 2011
so you're hitting the weights hard but after a few months you get discourage because there hasn't been much change in your body,the first thing that comes to mind is "steroids" NO NO NO! Forget it!!!


I disagree with your statment above. Thats a steriotypical thought on them (AAS) and its bullshit. Not U bro, but the whole outlook on AAS and statement reinforces why AAS users on HRT are thought of as abusers. First, if he is older, chances are his hormones are in the tank and HGH is nill, nada squat. There is no way his stuff is where it should be which is something like he was in his 30's. You can grow old if you want, but u dont have to fall in the dirt on the way. Fuck that. HRT is a life saver and can help and will help. Im saying dont count it out and if fact its required to be healthy. Steroids YES! Abuse of them NO! All steroids arent bad. The first thing I would tell him is to do a lifetime of HRT. Then, do what you have to after that. Respect to you

BTW, food is not the most anabolic substance you can put in your body. The anabolic stuff comes from your body as a result of eating. Slin, test ect are already there.
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