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Need some Solutions



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
I love to hear your thoughts on what I can do. LOL… I’m sleep deprived and about to go Ape Sh*+… I have this new person that moved in above me with two 100lb dogs that sounds like wrestle mania with non stop barking . This normally starts around 9pm every night, randomly throughout the night, and again at 4am, 5 am till around 8am when it gets quiet. I’ve asked what solutions can be done and I was assured by this person, the noise has been dealt with. But now they stepped up the noise and its worse. And the worst part is, this is an individual that registered both dogs as service animals and puts the gear on them for walks and they don’t listen and bark and growl at people and dogs. I’m like service dogs don’t act that way. Plus the dogs get locked up in cages when the owner leaves, they never go with the person.

what would you do if you were in this situation? Open to ALL ideas!
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Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Move. This is why I never get units with anyone above me... and concrete construction (not wood frame).

They aren't going to get rid of the dogs. They can't control them. Property management I guarantee won't handle it, or it will take months and months of letters sent by their attorney before they even get to the point of eviction. All this time you are losing sleep.

You are in a no-win situation. I was forced out of previous place under similar circumstances.


Jun 12, 2023
Just because somebody puts a sign on their dog that says service dog doesn't necessarily make them a service dog. Service dogs don't trump regular laws.
Keep calling the police after local noise ordinance time, keep complaining to the landlord, call animal control the crates may be too small for the dogs.


Jun 12, 2023
Call the cops when the dogs are out running around, I heard they like to shoot dogs
Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
Get a jar of peanut butter, here skippy!


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
The problem here is we already know the person knows how to work the system. From that, we can fairly reliably infer their ideologies. They are going to manipulate the situation so that they are the victim, and property management companies or landlords aren't going to touch anything that even has a whisper of discrimination.... real or not. I hope to God you didn't buy into a stacked condo, and you are leasing. If they're a minority, you are doubly fucked. It's not fair, and it's total bullshit. Your best bet is your landlord allowing you out of the lease without paying a break fee. The landlord should never have allowed them to lease, but it's too late now. Calling the cops, fines, etc. isn't going to do anything. Dogs are dogs, and being "service animals," they aren't going to get touched. Plus, I'm not in favor of punishing animals for shitty owners. Trying to follow the proper process/procedure for eviction is going to take months of complaints, and at the end of it, I really doubt they will evict them. So, you'll just be that much more stressed and sleep-deprived and still have to move.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
Is there any type of paperwork signifying that these dogs are really “service dogs”?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
Thanks for all the responses. Yes, the mentality of a person like this annd what they will get away with, management won’t ever evict them. They are a system player.

So yes, I’ve been in communication with management about moving! Since I just signed a renewal I want them to cancel it, and if not, then they need to pay for a move to another unit. I am calling for a meeting between owners. They also want to see if she’ll move to a first floor at least. Either way, someone will be moving and it most likely will be me.

Also, ear plugs don’t work. Tried them.

Since I know the psychology of this type of person, I know that any type of behavior change with their dogs will freak this person out. I bought a specific long range bark control device that emits a painful sound if the dog barks, so essentially, the device, if works correctly, the dog doesn’t want to go anywhere near it. So if the dogs don’t want to go inside, or they want to leave and hide, then maybe it will drive her away too….

Some other suggestions people told me were rat poison and PB… I was like no way.

Also, you can paper for service dog papers online. I looked it up. It is also against the Americans with disability act to ask to service animal papers. Apparently has something with discrimination.

Who is up for a revolt?


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Well they are service dogs. JackD can get serviced by two at once.

I absolutely love dogs and that was hard for me to type.
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