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my first public log



TID Lady Member
Jan 15, 2016
This weekend kind of got me out of synch because we traveled to DAllas to do a family thing. My food was pretty good tho, even at the party I didn't eat a ton of crap (just a little crap! LOL). I didn't drink at all so that helped a lot. Friday I didn't do my Pull workout but Saturday I hit and LA Fitness in Dallas (love those places!) and did it. Here is my log. the weights are all different than those at my home gym because of different brands of machines:
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 10 85, 1 x 10 70
T Bar Row (laying down type "machine") 4 x 10 #45
Seated Row 4 x 10 #90
1-arm rows 4 x 10 #60
Face Pulls 4 x 10 #42.5
EZ BB Curls 3 x 10 #40 (these were fixed weight bars)
DB Curls 3 x 10 #20
Machine preacher curls 3 x 10 #50

My golfers elbow was bugging me some on the curls so had to take it easy. I stretched and used the voodoo floss and my theraband again which seemed to help.
I just started week 2 of my NPP. Seems like I am retaining some water, but it's kinda hard to tell at this point, may be too early. I am up to 149, which is a 5 lb increase in one week which is a LOT. HOwever, I've been within my target calories (even this weekend, for the most part) which is 2250, so all i can think is it is water. ALso, my NPP supply came in those little glass vials where you have to break the top off and that is a pain because i am only using a small portion of each vial at a time so I have to store the rest for subsequent usage (e3d). I think I am going to put it in an old HGH vial to draw it up from there. BTW, I am using HGH as well, but a small amount just for anti-aging so i doubt it affecting the results of my NPP. I've been on HGH for quite some time now.


TID Lady Member
Jan 15, 2016
Workout log 12/20/2016
Push day
H.S. 1,2 and 3 are all chest presses working lower, mid, and upper pecs. I don't do bench press because it compromises my shoulder. I super settled the dB OH presses and the shrugs.
H.S. #1 4 x 8 #50/side
H.S. #2 4 x 8 #45 / side
H.S.#3 4 x 10 #30/side
OH seated DB press 1 x 10 #25 3 x 10 #30
DB shrugs 4 x 10 #55
DB front and side laterals 4 x 8 #20
Skull crushers 3 x 10 #30
Rope push downs 4 x 10
Close grip bench press 3 x 10 #95 (smith)

I was pretty pleased that I managed skull crushers and close grip BP without much pain to my golfers elbow. I voodoo flossed and worked with my theraband between shoulders and tricaps which was helpful. Food is good for calories but I keep blowing my fat!


TID Lady Member
Jan 15, 2016
Leg day leg day leg day! 12/21/2016
I decided to try some deadlifts for the first time in forever! Thinking I was still Crossfitting I went for the gusto at 225. One sorry rep....LOL! So i bumped it down to 185. I also did my squats in the regular squat rack, not on the Smith, because I am trying to do more free weight movements with barbells and dumbbells knowing it's probably going to be better overall for my goals. I got a spot on my last set of squats which helped me get down in the hole better. I was just barely getting to parallel in the next to last set as fatigue set in. I really need to do some cardio, but don't know when that will happen. Doing it in the a.m. would be optimal--I live in the country and can just stroll out the door, but it's cold! Ugh! I'm spoiled now that I am not in Crossfit, working out in a cold/hot industrial garage/gym. Anyways, here's the log:

Squats: 1 x 10 #135, 1 x 8 #155, 4 x 5 #175
Deadlifts: 5 x 5 185
Leg Press: 4 x 10 #290 (I lifted the 100 lb plates onto the machine all by myself like a big grownup girl! LOL
Leg Extensions: 4 x 10 #120 (my knee was feeling a little weird...not sure what to make of that)
Leg Curls: 4 x 10 #75

My food was ok, sort of hit and miss. I feel bloated. Ugh.
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