Surprised he's still on AB, and hasn't been banned and labeled a scammer. If it's because the mods are allowing him to make good on some of the bunk orders that's good. Otherwise, he should be booted. What a shame.
what were the results on the underdosed test?
Did you call Chavo out directly? what happened?
yea it turned into chaos.
The worst is this is like the 3rd major source to go south there in about 1 year. It's been pretty crazy. I only have 1 source there I use still now. Jesus I hope he stays good.
It’s weird that he name dropped Mike. Mike went MIA. lol. As great as his reputation was, either of them, they both spiraled/spiraling out of existence.
So his "personal stash" is different from the shit he sells to everyone else?I don't post much on AB because of certain little groups there. I messaged him with my concerns and he said it was likely my receptors. After telling him it was my first cycle back from my layoff after 7 months he still wouldn't back off his gear being great. So I had blood work done and after 12 weeks on test E at 750, Deca at 600 and 2 weeks at one gram and 900 and zero gains or sides blood came back 1,100. Pretty much like I'd been on a trt dose. From my understanding If I had been on 500 per week for that long I should have been seeing numbers in the 1,500s but at 750-1,000? Pure speculation on my part but I believe the test was likely half the labeled dose or less and the deca was complete bunk. I go no sides at all even on 900mg.
After telling him my blood results he gave me two bottles of "his personal stash" Idk if they are legit or not honestly. They are sitting in storage at the moment and I'm reluctant to use it.
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