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TID Board Of Directors
Apr 23, 2011
The national parks are the UN,s property Clinton gave them away long time ago


Beard of Knowledge VIP
May 6, 2013
Why on earth would Obama negotiate with the Republicans who aren't doing their job, of passing a budget so the country can run? What self respecting president would negotiate with an out of control minority in congress when they are holding the entire country hostage to a single ideological issue?

Like John McCain says, the Democrats won, they passed Obamacare, then they won again. America endorsed Obamacare and the R's lost the issue. Now they are trying to roll back the clock on it. Well that isn't how the system works. The Teapublicans need to get out of the way and allow the budget to be passed so the country can move forward.

Negotiating with them would be as bad as negotiating with hostage takers, because that is exactly what they are . . . hostage takers, only they have the whole US as hostage.

They tried to pass a budget, it just didn't include obamacare, which is perfectly constitutional and actually not out of the ordinary to do something like that. Instead of negotiating, Obama just shut down the government.

So what is your source that stated they wouldn't pass a budget? You know Obama hasn't passed a budget as of yet, instead, he raises the debt ceiling.

You can check the congressional records. The republicans have tried to pass a budget several times, only to have the Obama admin stop it.
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm against the affordable health care act, and voting record somewhat reflects that. I lost. I've dealt with it, and will vote again when the time comes that would put people in position not to let it happen again. What's there to discuss. It went through as a law. It is a law. We fund enforcement of the law. I don't like that law, but it's a law. We fund our enforcement of the law through the budget. Changing the law to agree to fund it is pretty much hijacking the process. Crazily, I've seen many more conservative republicans use the constitution as reference as how it is unconstitutional. Choosing to change law that has gone through supreme appellate court confirmed it constitutional. So after all this mess, waste of money, something that our elected officials (who were voted in when liberals ran the country) created as passed the correct way because us stupid americans could vote right, we're stuck with it. Quit fighting it, let it go through, let the republics' assholes heal as the bill fails with full republican support, then propose a new resolution. You realize dems now have a great excuse if this does didn't get bi-partisan support. This is politics, we have shitty democrats winning because republicans are bad at losing. Pass the budget, start working together, and a great fiscal conservative leader will rise out of the heap of shit we call our government.


Dec 7, 2011
I thought the swear words automatically turn to symbols. My bad.


Beard of Knowledge VIP
May 6, 2013
I'm against the affordable health care act, and voting record somewhat reflects that. I lost. I've dealt with it, and will vote again when the time comes that would put people in position not to let it happen again. What's there to discuss. It went through as a law. It is a law. We fund enforcement of the law. I don't like that law, but it's a law. We fund our enforcement of the law through the budget. Changing the law to agree to fund it is pretty much hijacking the process. Crazily, I've seen many more conservative republicans use the constitution as reference as how it is unconstitutional. Choosing to change law that has gone through supreme appellate court confirmed it constitutional. So after all this mess, waste of money, something that our elected officials (who were voted in when liberals ran the country) created as passed the correct way because us stupid americans could vote right, we're stuck with it. Quit fighting it, let it go through, let the republics' assholes heal as the bill fails with full republican support, then propose a new resolution. You realize dems now have a great excuse if this does didn't get bi-partisan support. This is politics, we have shitty democrats winning because republicans are bad at losing. Pass the budget, start working together, and a great fiscal conservative leader will rise out of the heap of shit we call our government.

WRONG!! Again, as usual, this is the kind of attitude that gives the government more power than they need. You think it's law and it's over? You couldn't be further form the truth. It's this attitude that the government LOVES to see. They say roll over, you roll over. The left media is what is telling you that "It's law now, deal with it", and you all believe it. It's really quite scary that the American people are so easily played.


Dec 7, 2011

I don't think your following me right. That comment is not a right or wrong. What is happening is legal/constitutional. You can fight any law to the death if your elected officials choose to, which is happening. I'm saying stop, the fight is lost. It passed appellate court, so you can't deem it constitutional. To decide not to pass budgets because you still want to fight a law is fodder for the fire. Republicans need to regroup; start working on some legislation for the future that makes sense, and start working with conservative democrats and stop losing in politics. Republicans need to shift the balance away from the left and this behavior is not good for that purpose.

And yes I'm still a liberal.


Aug 8, 2011
I hope the government stays shut down. We really don't need 90% of it. Its amazing how many people have been "laid off" that work for the government but the country has not crashed and burned. That means we over employ when it is not needed.

And to top it all off the government employees are still going to get paid.
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JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
It's NOT "the law of the land", because Obama has decided on numerous occasions to unilaterally "amend" it, period. It should be scrapped for that reason alone - nevermind the fact that the president lied and lied and lied about it, then sneaked it through the backdoor via a Democratic majority in both houses, most of whom now regret that they were stupid enough to trust the POS and vote for it without even reading it.

The Repubs should continue to fight tooth and nail no matter what the short term consequences are. They need to really go after this POS and do their best to impeach him now, regardless of whatever race rioting and civil unrest it may cause. This guy won't stop until he's stopped. And some of you should lay off of MSNBC.


Sep 9, 2012
It's NOT "the law of the land", because Obama has decided on numerous occasions to unilaterally "amend" it, period. It should be scrapped for that reason alone - nevermind the fact that the president lied and lied and lied about it, then sneaked it through the backdoor via a Democratic majority in both houses, most of whom now regret that they were stupid enough to trust the POS and vote for it without even reading it.

The Repubs should continue to fight tooth and nail no matter what the short term consequences are. They need to really go after this POS and do their best to impeach him now, regardless of whatever race rioting and civil unrest it may cause. This guy won't stop until he's stopped. And some of you should lay off of MSNBC.

They said it was not a law but a tax. If it was a law we could strike it down. Congress SHALL make no law that they are exempted from nor can they allow anyone else to be exempted from it. It makes me sick to hear people say left this and right that. I am a proud republican and have a personal friendship with my representative and have spoke with him on many legilative actions that i have concern with and he has actually voiced my concerns. Neither party is right. The problem is I've seen this tactic that Obama is using before. It was used by my son when he was going throught his terrible 2s. People have the misconception that we are a democracy. We are actually a people's republic. With this shutdown they are furloughing all "non-essential" personnel. Where i come from this was called a layoff because you weren't needed. They are closing PUBLIC venues and spending millions to do so. That public venue is owned by us, not the government and if i want to visit there, i damn well don't give a shit who tries to stop me.


Dec 7, 2011
It's NOT "the law of the land", because Obama has decided on numerous occasions to unilaterally "amend" it, period. It should be scrapped for that reason alone - nevermind the fact that the president lied and lied and lied about it, then sneaked it through the backdoor via a Democratic majority in both houses, most of whom now regret that they were stupid enough to trust the POS and vote for it without even reading it.

The Repubs should continue to fight tooth and nail no matter what the short term consequences are. They need to really go after this POS and do their best to impeach him now, regardless of whatever race rioting and civil unrest it may cause. This guy won't stop until he's stopped. And some of you should lay off of MSNBC.

I get that Obamacare is bad. It wasn't snuck it, the country voted for a democratic majority in both house and senate with Universal Health Care as a top priority. This was big deal, they didn't sneak it in, they rammed it down our throats and the majority wanted it.

What I'm saying is that if republicans fight tooth and nail on this, they lose. Fighting tooth and nail doesn't have short term consequences, it's long term. As a democrat who does not like democrats right now, I'd like to jump ship and get some sane people running our government, but I can't because you guys are nuts. This was passed by a majority and should go through the same process to have it overturned; new legislation. "It should be scrapped" doesn't help. It is a law; I'm not sure what "law of the land" relevance is. It was a sloppy law, and shame on us for voting in people that would allow that. Now let's move on and start looking how we're going to reign in spending.


Dec 31, 2011
Why on earth would Obama negotiate with the Republicans who aren't doing their job, of passing a budget so the country can run? What self respecting president would negotiate with an out of control minority in congress when they are holding the entire country hostage to a single ideological issue?

Like John McCain says, the Democrats won, they passed Obamacare, then they won again. America endorsed Obamacare and the R's lost the issue. Now they are trying to roll back the clock on it. Well that isn't how the system works. The Teapublicans need to get out of the way and allow the budget to be passed so the country can move forward.

Negotiating with them would be as bad as negotiating with hostage takers, because that is exactly what they are . . . hostage takers, only they have the whole US as hostage.

AND OF COURSE, the self loathing WW posts up totally spoon fed bs. Every point you attempt to make is absolutely false.

1. It is Congress' alone duty and authority to fund the gov't. Congress has the sole power to spend money, NOT your president. So you say Osama SHOULDN'T negotiate with Congress on the budget? I guess you prefer Osama's type of governing -Dictatorial? You seem to totally pass over the fact the repubs have amended their stance and given back 3 times in their 'negotiations'. While Harry Reid refuses to even allow a vote. last time I looked repubs were not the minority in house of reps the dems were.
2.If Obsamacare is so great why is he exempting politicians, their aides, unions and big biz from it? If it's so great why isn't he enrolling his kids? Democrats passed this without a single repub vote, in the middle of the night by changing the rules. Scott Brown was to be the deciding vote so the demoncrats changed the rules and voted without him. You don't remember Pelosi saying ''we have to pass it to see what's in it''?? How stupid can one be ??!!! One thing you're missing the majority of Americans DO NOT want osamacare.
3.John McCain?? ? REALLY? Nuff said there.
4. Again you say don't negotiate? Should congress just green light everything your hero osama wants? lil thing called the Constitution there. Your demagoging sounds exactly like msnbc, please tell me you're not a ''shiver up my leg'' chris 'spittle mouth'' matthews fan?

This is a total indictment of our educational system, your posts show a total lack of 'criticAL THINIKNG' and shows how education centers have turned to indoctrination centers.


Dec 31, 2011
I get that Obamacare is bad. It wasn't snuck it, the country voted for a democratic majority in both house and senate with Universal Health Care as a top priority. This was big deal, they didn't sneak it in, they rammed it down our throats and the majority wanted it.

What I'm saying is that if republicans fight tooth and nail on this, they lose. Fighting tooth and nail doesn't have short term consequences, it's long term. As a democrat who does not like democrats right now, I'd like to jump ship and get some sane people running our government, but I can't because you guys are nuts. This was passed by a majority and should go through the same process to have it overturned; new legislation. "It should be scrapped" doesn't help. It is a law; I'm not sure what "law of the land" relevance is. It was a sloppy law, and shame on us for voting in people that would allow that. Now let's move on and start looking how we're going to reign in spending.

WRONG!! Healthcare was not on the table when these assclowns were voted in. Do you youngsters even check facts are do you just re-gurgitate what you hear on John Stewart and msnbc? You do know even he said he was afraid that so many of you take him as a serious news source?
It absolutely was snuck in i nthe dead of night by changing voting rules. Scott Brown was supposed to be sworn in to be the deciding vote but your dems circumvented it.
wait til you guys have to take part in this sytem and start paying into it whether you want to or not.It's already a irs rule they can just take your tax return or garnish your bank account. YOU WILL PAY INTO IT

You're obviously too young to remember the last gubamint shutdown. Nobody noticed the govt was shut down so they came up with this current action of 'make them feel it''!! Dems did the same shit and repubs regained their majority the next election cycle.
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