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Injection sites for daily injections



Mar 29, 2023
So where are people go to sites for daily injections. someone doing 60mg of NPP .4ml of 150 per, 70mg test c .28ml of 250 and 10mg of test prop 100 .10ml for a total of .80ml ish every day.
Using a 30g 1 inch I've been doing calf's, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, and bicep. I can't reach around to do my glutes, delts and there's no way to hit my tris without flexing them and no, the ventrogluteal scares me as I can't really feel it like I can every other muscle, so...
Where do you guys pin when doing daily injections? I only have a month left on the daily and will go back to E4D and be happy with doing alternating VL injections, but until then I thought Id see if I was missing a good spot.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Usually, if I am pinning ED it is sub-q. However, when doing EOD or MWF my rotation is R-quad, L-quad, R-delt, R-pec, L-pec and L-delt. If your chest is big enough you have three different spots you can hit with no problems. Smooth as hell too.


VIP Member
Nov 8, 2022
Left delt, right tri, left quad, right delt, left tri, right quad was my go to when pinning small amounts everyday using a slin pin


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Usually get three sites for each leg... top of each quad (lower I go the more dense nerves seem), mid-thigh, and outer thigh. Then left and right VG. Then front and back delts. I honestly hate doing front delts. They're almost as bad as quads for nerves, and they have a tendency to leak. Today I did lats for the first time. Was smooth and painless just like VG, but holy shit was it hard to reach.

When I say back delt, I guess I really mean lateral/side.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
So where are people go to sites for daily injections. someone doing 60mg of NPP .4ml of 150 per, 70mg test c .28ml of 250 and 10mg of test prop 100 .10ml for a total of .80ml ish every day.
Using a 30g 1 inch I've been doing calf's, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, and bicep. I can't reach around to do my glutes, delts and there's no way to hit my tris without flexing them and no, the ventrogluteal scares me as I can't really feel it like I can every other muscle, so...
Where do you guys pin when doing daily injections? I only have a month left on the daily and will go back to E4D and be happy with doing alternating VL injections, but until then I thought Id see if I was missing a good spot.
Scared by VGs, but not by CALVES? Understood that VGs are a little hard to find for beginners, or maybe by non-beginners up at 308, but they're golden once you find them. Ignore the posts you see some places linking medical sites showing a V-shaped hand (pointing upwards) over the general area. NONE of us can self inject w/our hands pointing upwards while placed on the "hip," those pics are for medical practitioners practicing on patients.

I'm somewhat south of your 308, probably older ... can twist around to do glutes BUT not without too much needle-shake, but VGs are still gtg for me. Advice I used to give is to put your hand on that general area and wiggle around hula-dancing style until you feel them pop up. ***

May be more valuable for IM shots than subQ, but fewer nerves+blood vessels, hold a lot of oil ... be a shame to not give them a 2nd chance.

*** Do this alone unless you're among ppl you really like.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I sit down for VG's. They just tend to poke out on the side and are soooo easy and smooth. It's like they evolved just to take that shit.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Usually get three sites for each leg... top of each quad (lower I go the more dense nerves seem), mid-thigh, and outer thigh. Then left and right VG. Then front and back delts. I honestly hate doing front delts. They're almost as bad as quads for nerves, and they have a tendency to leak. Today I did lats for the first time. Was smooth and painless just like VG, but holy shit was it hard to reach.

When I say back delt, I guess I really mean lateral/side.
Similar experiences. I do the 3 Quad sites too. Outer Quad a bit lower, Outer Quad up higher (I am just under 6' tall), and that middle, upper part facing frontwards. I reduce volume a bit for the 2 that are not Outer+higher.

Used to be on a somewhat forgotten "TSC" board where one of the Mods was allegedly a licensed MD. I once posted my thought that we could consider Delt injections as 3 sites like we consider Delt muscles, i.e. anterior, lateral, and rear. "Dr Iron" cautioned me that anterior is full of nerves and I'd be sorry if I did. I get scared easily, never tested that on myself, but it seems to echo what you're saying?


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Seems to. I have to go real slow for quads and anterior delts. If there is any pain, that's early warning that I'm about to hit or get near a nerve. Front/anterior are a pain in the ass and a luck-of-the-draw site. I may drop them if I can figure out a technique for lats. Take that needle, bitches.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
If I was that dedicated to said stack, I would source raws and get all the mgs into <.5 mls and s-Q. With s-Q injections the scaring and possible sites are optimized.


Mar 29, 2023
Usually, if I am pinning ED it is sub-q. However, when doing EOD or MWF my rotation is R-quad, L-quad, R-delt, R-pec, L-pec and L-delt. If your chest is big enough you have three different spots you can hit with no problems. Smooth as hell too.
I don't think I can reach my delts right. With the 30g pin it takes a bit of force on the plunger, I can see my hand shaking and causing issues. I'm terrified to hit the pecs, I need to just get over myself and try them, as your not the first to mention them.


Mar 29, 2023
Usually get three sites for each leg... top of each quad (lower I go the more dense nerves seem), mid-thigh, and outer thigh. Then left and right VG. Then front and back delts. I honestly hate doing front delts. They're almost as bad as quads for nerves, and they have a tendency to leak. Today I did lats for the first time. Was smooth and painless just like VG, but holy shit was it hard to reach.

When I say back delt, I guess I really mean lateral/side.
Yah delts are going to be hard for me to hit, but lats! I can't imagine being flexible enough to do them.
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