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Help? Weight gain after breast cancer and hyterectomy



New Member
Nov 21, 2011
Hi All,

New to this site. A little history of me first. I am 39, and 3 years ago was diagnosed with breast cancer, which I did chemo, double mastectomy, and eventually had do to a total hysterectomy last year due to having the same cancer cells in my ovaries. Past few years have been rough.

Prior to all of this, I was a athletic, healthy woman who enjoyed running and working out with no prior health issues. Since the hysterectomy, and being on bio-identical hormone replacement, I have had the hardest time losing 15 pounds that I gained. I have dieted, worked-out, tried over the counter "fat burners" and have done just about everything I can naturally. I have talked to my doctors, and they just tell me to exercise and watch what I eat.

I am the point that I want to try something else....hcg, clen, something. If anyone of the ladies here have any advice, or recommendations for weight loss, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,



TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
first things first, welcome to the iron den! it is wonderful to have such a strong woman to join us! strength in character is so impressive! to have gone through all that you have and come out on the other side still striving and wanting more should be inspirational to anyone!

so now on to business :D

what are your stats? weight, height, bodyfat?

what is your daily calories and macro breakdown?

what is your typical daily diet?

the answer to these questions are going to allow many members here to help you! and we have some great ones!


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
Firstly, congratulation on winning that fight. Not everyone is so lucky... Have you had your thyroid function checked?


May 25, 2011
Welcome and congratulations!! As ATW said, a bit more in depth information would be the best start for some help!


TID Board Of Directors
Jan 20, 2011
you should be able to loose the weight without resorting to using clen. Clen harsh stuff you've been through enough lets not risk your health again with such a strong stim.

training schedule and diet would be a good place to start.

BTW I had a fight with cancer within the last year and I'm being monitored as a survivor so I know how you feel. Stay positive you'll loose the unwanted pounds with the right input.


TID Lady Member
Aug 16, 2011
Welcome & what they said ^^ . That's a long, tough road to be sure.

As mentioned above - I generally feel that the body can only respond to the environment you give it to operate in. This comes w/ the caveat that any health issues may be driving certain less than optimal responses. I was going to say w/ your estrogen levels may be a little whacky after all you've been thru -- estrogen is a whacky thing to begin with, but I since your doctors aren't calling this out as a possible source of issue, then I'll go straight to the basics.

Can you post a typical meal plan that you are currently following, e.g.

Meal 1: 8 am
2 whole eggs + 3 egg whites
1/2 c oatmeal

Meal 2: 11 am
4 oz chicken
4 oz sweet potato
1 c broccoli


And then, even better, if you can put this meal plan into a food counts program like FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal (easy, online, free, highly recommend it!) and then post up the total calories & macronutrient breakdown (%, grams protein, fats, carbs).

And also a sample of your weekly training, again in detail.

This gives us an idea of where you are at now. The whole point of a successful diet is to make it something that is not a DIE w/ a T or something extreme - just some minor tweaks to what you already do as part of what you like to eat and what is part of your lifestyle. To make progress w/ a diet, it is often just a matter of a few modifications to optimize things, make sure to include a scheduled cheatmeal so its not a highly restrictive program.
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