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GHRP-2 and GH release



TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
yes, i know, more copy and paste but it is needed for reference sake.

i have just entered the peptide world and am trying to figure it out in a common sense sort of way. hence the brief abstracts and my thoughts on them. i am not saying i have it figured out, i am just placing my thoughts out there and curious as to others peoples thoughts.

it seems that there might be some confusion as to what the peptides or atleast GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 are supposed to do or how they work. it was my understanding that they are used to cause the pituitary to secrete GH. they do not act upon the individual cells of the body like GH but rather they stimulate the body to produce its own GH. so their effect or actions are therefore to release GH and thereby they essentially will have the same type action as injecting GH itself only less so because we are stimulating release of GH and not injecting it directly.

GH-releasing peptides (GHRPs) are synthetic peptides that bind to specific receptors and thereby stimulate the secretion of pituitary GH. In vivo it is uncertain whether these peptides act directly on somatotroph cells or indirectly via release of GHRH from the hypothalamus. In this study we compared the pituitary hormone response to GHRP-2 in 11 individuals with isolated GH deficiency (GHD) due to a homozygous mutation of the GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) gene and in 8 normal unrelated controls. Basal serum GH levels were lower in the GHD group compared with controls [0.11 +/- 0.11 (range, <0.04 to 0.38) vs. 0.59 +/- 0.76 microg/L (range, 0.04-2.12 microg/L); P = 0.052]. After GHRP-2 administration there was a 4.5-fold increase in serum GH relative to baseline values in the GHD group (0.49 +/- 0.41 vs. 0.11 +/- 0.11 microg/L; P = 0.002), which was significantly less than the 79-fold increase in the control group (46.8 +/- 17.6 vs. 0.59 +/- 0.76 microg/L; P = 0.008). Basal and post-GHRP-2 serum levels of ACTH, cortisol, and PRL were similar in both groups. Basal levels of serum TSH were significantly higher in the GHD group than in the control group (3.23 +/- 2.21 vs. 1.37 +/- 0.34 microIU/mL; P = 0.003). TSH levels in both groups did not change after GHRP-2 administration. These results suggest that an intact GHRH signaling system is not an absolute requirement for GHRP-2 action on GH secretion and that GHRP-2 has a GHRH-independent effect on pituitary somatotroph cells.

Growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 s... [J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

Growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptides (GHRPs), a family of synthetic oligopeptides which stimulate GH release, were identified more than a decade ago. The effects of these peptides on GH release have been described in vivo and in vitro, in both animals and humans, using various doses and administration routes. It is generally accepted that GHRPs stimulate the release of GH by acting at the level of the pituitary through a receptor different to that for the endogenous GH-releasing hormone (GHRH)i][/

Growth hormone-releasing peptides: clinical and bas... [Horm Res. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI

it would appear that GHRPs do indeed stimulate GH release. when we inject them we are causing a release of GH. the peptides in and of themselves have no affect on the bodies fat metabolism etc but do so by causing release of GH. so we should take them with pretty much the same idea in mind that we would if we were injecting GH just expecting less because we are not overloading the system with GH like if we injected GH.


Jan 26, 2011
No shit POB? Ya think ? I mean it only says it repeatedly in the original article :p .


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
No shit POB? Ya think ? I mean it only says it repeatedly in the original article :p .

lol... Thats what I'm saying. i don't need pubmeds to tell me what GHRP does... I need to know what the acronym stands for. :-B


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
lol... Thats what I'm saying. i don't need pubmeds to tell me what GHRP does... I need to know what the acronym stands for. :-B

you might not need it but apparently others do since some think that the peptide is working on cells in the body. i dont understand why it has to be made into some laughing matter. not everybody works in the medical field and has an understanding of how these things work. why do you have to make fun of an attempt at an explanation that some might appreciate?


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
you might not need it but apparently others do since some think that the peptide is working on cells in the body. i dont understand why it has to be made into some laughing matter. not everybody works in the medical field and has an understanding of how these things work. why do you have to make fun of an attempt at an explanation that some might appreciate?

I never made fun of anything... Pubmed articles won't make that clear to lay people.. There are a bunch of threads up in the peps forum that explain very basically what these things do - for starters they help you cash in on your own growth hormone.

Think of your GH stores as a big jug of water... It never really fills up. Add mod grf 1(29) and its full to the brim. It never really empties fully either though. Add GHRP and the pitcher of GH gets turned upside down. voila - you're now on the way towards taking full advantage of your bodies own GH!!!

I just get upset seeing a lot of people - RR for example, that are perplexed at how peptides work. No scientific articles will help get past that (not "bitching" at you here btw just honestly frustrated). We've got the ball rolling pretty well here though and there's a lot of talk about peps lately which is great. I just don't want to see anyone get left behind like I was until recently.


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
Pob I happen to want to figure it out via the scientific journals. I don't want to be spoon fed something when there is so much controversy regarding it. I find most peoples explanations to be incomplete and therefore make me more confused. So I started this thread for those of us who like to actually read the facts for ourselves and not someone elses interpretation of it. I spent 7 years in college, I like figuring things out the hard way :)


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
Pob I happen to want to figure it out via the scientific journals. I don't want to be spoon fed something when there is so much controversy regarding it. I find most peoples explanations to be incomplete and therefore make me more confused. So I started this thread for those of us who like to actually read the facts for ourselves and not someone elses interpretation of it. I spent 7 years in college, I like figuring things out the hard way :)

Only controversy I see if over phillistatin!!! =)) but seriously though, I wasn't taking to you with that. It was for what we can call "others."


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Pob I happen to want to figure it out via the scientific journals. I don't want to be spoon fed something when there is so much controversy regarding it. I find most peoples explanations to be incomplete and therefore make me more confused. So I started this thread for those of us who like to actually read the facts for ourselves and not someone elses interpretation of it. I spent 7 years in college, I like figuring things out the hard way :)

No I think it's probably the right way.


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
I'm up for reading and listening in on all of the opinions and abstract descriptions of how they work, learning here every day. Loving the effects they are having on me right now.


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
I'm up for reading and listening in on all of the opinions and abstract descriptions of how they work, learning here every day. Loving the effects they are having on me right now.

Absolutely , I've seen some good things put up for people to get the basics.
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