Just had this conversation with a guy at the gym. GH is somatotropin, soma (whole of the organism or body). It makes everything grow, not just skeletal muscle (see pic above). It is also very expensive if you can get the real product. Women seem to be attracted to it bc it is not virilizing but it is by itself not a good anabolic agent for increasing skeletal muscle mass and is certainly not side effect free. Decades ago we had a drawer at the lab full of Genentech rGH and rIGF-I. Ended up throwing it out. We were looking to increase lean muscle mass in aging rats, ended up using oxandrolone pellets instead. All the lit showed that yes GH increased muscle but relative to body mass, it did not. Everything other organ grew along with it. That's not what we wanted. The oxandrolone however worked well, no surprise.
Developing a physique takes time, guys can run a test base or PCT to bring their own T up during off situation use as I like to call it to hold some size, women don't bc they fear virilizing sides so they shrink and virilization is time/dose/drug dependent and very genetic like hair loss. One female masters physique I train used to run cycles of WIN 10 mg/d, would grow and shrink, never really got anywhere. Ended up running TC 40 mg/ND 20 mg three times a week off season, then 20 mg/d oxandrolone (VAR) for contest prep 10 weeks out and switching out the ND about 6 weeks out with masteron prop 40 mg 3x/wk. That is the only way she has been able to continue to add mass and refine her physique. Her level of virilization is mild even after years of this. Labs wo var look like she takes nothing, no acne or hair loss. She is a freak, other women would turn overnight. I also train a 58 yr old post breast cancer survivor, on a pellet of testosterone and anastrozole. Has to keep her E2 < 5pg/ml. Her total T just before the next pellet was 450 ng/dl and about 3 weeks after about 800, labs are perfect again wouldn't know she has a T level of a gifted young guy. Some hair shedding and her doc added finasteride to her pellet and that resolved the problem. Has the physique of fit 25 yr old NPC level figure girl. These are not recommendations, only observations. The internet is a wild west of bro science and bullshit. The only real studies we have on women is in the trans literature and the studies from the 60's in metastatic breast cancer. What works for one doesn't always work for another.
It is all very individual and no matter what you do, at some point you will have permanent virilization even with cycling.
What's the purpose of waiting until your menstrual cycle returns just to shut it down again? Are you planning on having kids? You won't see the changes that you don't want happening in the mirror bc you'll be focused on gaining muscle. Once those changes have happened most don't go back. Be sure you know what you're getting into.
Virilization aside, IMO non-medical, the lowest risk compounds (based on the clinical literature) are testosterone, nandrolone, masteron, primobolan and for an oral, oxandrolone and none in high doses. Going back to studies decades ago when drug companies were looking at various AAS development, the science not bro-science showed that most of these have almost the same anabolic potential, it is what else they do or don't do that separates them. Sure they all work, but what else do they do that you don't want to happen (the stuff that can become life threatening, not virilization).
Stick with the lowest risk options. Looks like you're a Canadian?, less to be concerned with regarding personal use/possession and the law than the US.
Good luck.