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Found my way back...



Oct 3, 2016
I missed my first 470+chain (just gave up) and then watching my wife pull 445+80 chain made me sack up and get it done. It always helps having a strong training partner to push you.

:cool::eek:....That's awesome!...Always wished my ex would have supported/joined me in my lifting endeavors!....U are fortunate, my friend!....



VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
:cool::eek:....That's awesome!...Always wished my ex would have supported/joined me in my lifting endeavors!....U are fortunate, my friend!....

I'm spoiled to have a wife who is understanding of my training routines (how often I train, my diet, and someone to train with who actually pushes me.)


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
My dude BI still here killing it. I wouldn’t expect any less. Awesome to see, looking forward to catching up.

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Always training but my numbers are beginning to dwindle. I've dropped from 270 to 241 so my numbers are dropping but that's something that can't be avoided. I'm looking leaner but I'm ready to start going the other way... unfortunately, I'll keep cutting for a couple more weeks and then stay there for a couple months.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Someone asked about my diet and I thought to myself other's may want to see what it is I do so here's a rough layout of my diet:

I do a carb rotation.

My Low Day is conditioning and not lifting, it's low carb (1 carb meal) and the remaining meals are protein and fat.

Example of a Low day:
Meal 1 Oatmeal, carb pancake, eggs (3 whites to 1 yolk)
Meal 2 - 6 Chicken, bell peppers, almonds, avocado
So as you can see the only carb meal is on meal one.

My Medium days which are training days other than squat and deadlift are made up of 3 carb meals and 3 non carb meals. I try to take in first meal before training, and the other 2 carb meals after. The remaining meals take place after the 3 carbed meals.

Example of Med Day:
Meal 1-2 Oatmeal, pancake, eggs
Meal 3 Chicken, green peppers, white rice
Meal 4-6 Chicken, bell peppers, almonds, avocado

My High Day is for my squat and my squat and deadlift day which is 5 carbed meals and 1 non carb meal (sometimes it's just 5 meals b/c it's a higher Kcal day) I have my main cheat day on one of these days too.

Example of High Day:
Meal 1-2 Oatmeal, pancake, fresh fruit (1 cup), eggs (no yolks)
Meal 3-4 Chicken, white rice, bell peppers
Meal 5 Cheat meal (has to be high in carbs so pasta, Italian or pizza or anything that I'm in the mood for)

My layout looks like

MON - High
TUES - Low
WED - Med
THUR - Low
FRI - High
SAT - Med
SUN - Low

If I miss a training session then I make that day a low day. like last Sat I skipped training since my back felt off and it's a recovery week so I just opted to make it a low day and skip my training.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Coached SS at our commercial gym early in the AM. While picking up a 45 my back was not happy like it almost locked up. I know I'm not an early morning person when it comes to lifting, just the way it is, but I was a bit surprised by that. I was going to lift at my gym so I decided to do go after I was done with SS. Went home, caked on liniment (capsaicin) all over my back, drank my shake/ ate 2 oranges, and off I went to lift. I told myself, if I manage to hit the squats I was supposed to then I would amend my training to give my back a break, and sure enough I did what I set out to. I did abridge my squats in that my first set was a triple and was supposed to be 7 reps but I figured I'll save it for my last 2 sets. I'm also down to 244 so weight wise, this is extremely light for me (started at roughly 270 and now down to 244 so my cut has been a success).

Performed Donnie Thompsons's lower back protocol before and after I trained which had me feeling 10x better and I attribute that why my training went so well considering. I also performed my dynamic warmup ie. banded monster walks, lateral walks, banded squats, glute bridges, and planks.

B. Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 325x3, 375x7, 435x7
sleeves on 325 set, added belt on 375 & 435 set
Standing GoodMorning w/ SSB~ 135x8, 185x5, x5, x5
didn't go up b/c didn't want to push it with my how back felt
Hack Squat Machine~ skipped
GHR superset Seated Leg Curl~ RedMini x10/ 80x10 (2 sets), RedMini x6/ 60x6
Walking Lunges w/ KB~ 30x7/ BWx6, 30x8/ BWx8, 30x8/ BWx6

Got a late start today so cut workout a bit short. Wife, SS, got an award for her accomplishments in Math at the university today and I couldn't miss it. She won the STAR award.

Didn't have my bag with me but luckily it was a bench day so I wasn't missing much. Just no elbow sleeves and no liniment.

Speed Bench w/ Axle +70lbs Chain~ 145+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1min rest and during rest performed banded rows (sets of 20reps)
Floor Press w/ Football Bar +70lbs Chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 150+Cx5, 165+Cx5, 180+Cx5, 195+Cx5
2min rest and no sleeves
Seated DB OHP~ 35x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 95x3
JM Press superset Incline DB Curl~ 105x10/ 30x12, 110x10/ 30x12, 115x10/ 30x12

Training didn't go as I wanted but went as I expected if I am to be honest. Mid back, right side is still not 100% and I can feel it. I missed my last single but I didn't strain and fight for it either (probably smart on my end so I could finish my workout and not make it worse). I'll repeat these numbers next wave and if I complete them... I'll push forward. If I miss it again... time to reset and start lower. I'm guessing this bodyweight 241 is where I notice a significant strength drop. Weight after 2 high carb meals only up to 243lbs.

Maybe this is a sign... time to switch to sumo. I also dropped my bands from the speed pulls and only added chains to give my back a break.

Conv. Dead~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 325x1, 365x1, 415x1, 455x1, 485xmiss
shaking my head at the miss. Part of me says I bitched out and didn't push myself like I should have and part of me says... be smart. There'll be another day so no need to exacerbate my injury
Sumo Speed Pulls +40lbs chain~ 135+Cx3, 225+Cx3, 275+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1min rest (actually more like 40sec b/c it was easy)
Oly Front Squat~ 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x3, 285x3
285 wasn't difficult but could feel my back so I opted not to put 315 on the bar.
Plate Loaded High Row~ 45x15, 70x10, 80x7, x7, 55x15
Plate Loaded Row~ 70x10, x10


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Not a bad day. Shoulder is actually feeling remarkedly good. Left elbow was only semi wonky. I had plenty of food in me from Korean BBQ and Pizza from last night (enjoy my cheat meal) and I took advantage of it.


Z-Press~ bar x many, 85x5, 115x3, 140x3, 155x3, 170x4, f.drop 140x10
Standing Push Press~ 135x5, 155x4, 175x4, 195x4
Incline Bench (machine; each arm)~ 65x7, 80x7, 95x6
Hang Side Lat (machine)~ 16x10, x10, x10
Rear Delt supersett EZ Curl Bicep Curl~ 13x10/ 50x17, 13x10/ 50x17
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