Coached SS at our commercial gym early in the AM. While picking up a 45 my back was not happy like it almost locked up. I know I'm not an early morning person when it comes to lifting, just the way it is, but I was a bit surprised by that. I was going to lift at my gym so I decided to do go after I was done with SS. Went home, caked on liniment (capsaicin) all over my back, drank my shake/ ate 2 oranges, and off I went to lift. I told myself, if I manage to hit the squats I was supposed to then I would amend my training to give my back a break, and sure enough I did what I set out to. I did abridge my squats in that my first set was a triple and was supposed to be 7 reps but I figured I'll save it for my last 2 sets. I'm also down to 244 so weight wise, this is extremely light for me (started at roughly 270 and now down to 244 so my cut has been a success).
Performed Donnie Thompsons's lower back protocol before and after I trained which had me feeling 10x better and I attribute that why my training went so well considering. I also performed my dynamic warmup ie. banded monster walks, lateral walks, banded squats, glute bridges, and planks.
B. Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 325x3, 375x7, 435x7
sleeves on 325 set, added belt on 375 & 435 set
Standing GoodMorning w/ SSB~ 135x8, 185x5, x5, x5
didn't go up b/c didn't want to push it with my how back felt
Hack Squat Machine~ skipped
GHR superset Seated Leg Curl~ RedMini x10/ 80x10 (2 sets), RedMini x6/ 60x6
Walking Lunges w/ KB~ 30x7/ BWx6, 30x8/ BWx8, 30x8/ BWx6
Got a late start today so cut workout a bit short. Wife, SS, got an award for her accomplishments in Math at the university today and I couldn't miss it. She won the STAR award.
Didn't have my bag with me but luckily it was a bench day so I wasn't missing much. Just no elbow sleeves and no liniment.
Speed Bench w/ Axle +70lbs Chain~ 145+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1min rest and during rest performed banded rows (sets of 20reps)
Floor Press w/ Football Bar +70lbs Chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 150+Cx5, 165+Cx5, 180+Cx5, 195+Cx5
2min rest and no sleeves
Seated DB OHP~ 35x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 95x3
JM Press superset Incline DB Curl~ 105x10/ 30x12, 110x10/ 30x12, 115x10/ 30x12
Training didn't go as I wanted but went as I expected if I am to be honest. Mid back, right side is still not 100% and I can feel it. I missed my last single but I didn't strain and fight for it either (probably smart on my end so I could finish my workout and not make it worse). I'll repeat these numbers next wave and if I complete them... I'll push forward. If I miss it again... time to reset and start lower. I'm guessing this bodyweight 241 is where I notice a significant strength drop. Weight after 2 high carb meals only up to 243lbs.
Maybe this is a sign... time to switch to sumo. I also dropped my bands from the speed pulls and only added chains to give my back a break.
Conv. Dead~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 325x1, 365x1, 415x1, 455x1, 485xmiss
shaking my head at the miss. Part of me says I bitched out and didn't push myself like I should have and part of me says... be smart. There'll be another day so no need to exacerbate my injury
Sumo Speed Pulls +40lbs chain~ 135+Cx3, 225+Cx3, 275+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1min rest (actually more like 40sec b/c it was easy)
Oly Front Squat~ 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x3, 285x3
285 wasn't difficult but could feel my back so I opted not to put 315 on the bar.
Plate Loaded High Row~ 45x15, 70x10, 80x7, x7, 55x15
Plate Loaded Row~ 70x10, x10