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Erythrocytosis Following Testosterone Therapy



Feb 25, 2024
Ehhh... It is not that bad. I use food as a tool to achieve my goals, not as something I enjoy. During the fall when I usually have a bunch of venison from hunting, it will be my main protein source. Not so much for the taste, but because I have a freezer full of it and the only thing I paid for it was my time about $25 in tags. On training days, I will eat 24 oz of cooked venison a day and on non-training days, I will eat 36 oz until I run out. Then it is back to chicken and fish.
The cost of food has gotten ridiculous so props on saving money on protein. Most hunting out here is public only so unless you've been doing a lot of scouting your chances kind of sux, however I did get to travel and got some dove and we had grilled dove wrapped in bacon. I probably had a dozen of those things , dee-lish:)


Jul 2, 2012
Man i wish i could use natto but i cant, causes my nose to just bleed at random times, sleeping and waking up running blood onto ur pillow is no fun… wish i could use it… even off trt my blood has crept up, possibly from being behind a desk for most of the day now, and not doing cardio and still chewing at this older age doesnt help
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Man i wish i could use natto but i cant, causes my nose to just bleed at random times, sleeping and waking up running blood onto ur pillow is no fun… wish i could use it… even off trt my blood has crept up, possibly from being behind a desk for most of the day now, and not doing cardio and still chewing at this older age doesnt help
How is your sleep? Lack of quality sleep is one of the biggest drivers of high RBC.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Always fun-fun doctors 'know' so much yet consistently provide no solutions.

I wonder how many infants were dosed with AAS and AAS metabolites from juicers 'donating' blood.

jus sayn drain that shit in your bathtub.
I don't think it is significant. Once released from the ester the lifetime in serum is on the order of hours and may actually be gone by the time the donation is given and or the red cells and plasma are separated.


VIP Member
Dec 23, 2010

not sure why no one looked at or commented on my post from months ago but this guy lays out why androgen enduced secondary erythrocytocis is NOT ploycythemia and no one dying from it.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I watched it a few weeks ago and found it interesting. I think I've caused myself more harm than good donating blood regularly. Have been fighting shitty blood and iron labs for a few years. I stopped donating a little over six months ago and am getting labs this week. Hoping to see some improvement but also curious what HCT will measure since I stopped obsessing over it.


VIP Member
Dec 23, 2010
I watched it a few weeks ago and found it interesting. I think I've caused myself more harm than good donating blood regularly. Have been fighting shitty blood and iron labs for a few years. I stopped donating a little over six months ago and am getting labs this week. Hoping to see some improvement but also curious what HCT will measure since I stopped obsessing over it.
Some people feel better from donating. I noticed nothing and my RBCs bounced right back. I over donated a couple years ago, crashed my ferritin and felt like crap for weeks. No more. Like the video says...the data doesn't support donating. Nattokinase to regulate RBCs is my new therapy. Let's see what the blood work shows. Either way, having more oxygen carrying components is a good thing imho.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
My RBCs dropped from 54 - 48 after a few months with a CPAP. They haven't been high since, but were high for years before I got that squared away.
Happens to a lot of guys. Why so many are resistant to use their machines, baffles me. Sure, they can be a PITA to get them dialed in the way you want. I am a stomach sleeper and it took me a bit to get the correct positioning, mask tightness, ramp up time and pressure, etc... before I liked wearing it. Now I don't even think about not wearing it. I even bought a battery pack off Amazon that powers it for 5 days, so I can still go camping/backcountry hunting with it.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Remember guys to be patient with these RBC and HCT levels. Red blood cells (RBCs) have a lifespan of approximately 120 days, so it generally takes a few months to observe significant changes in RBC counts and hematocrit levels. Also watch you iron intake if you have high HCT. Excessive iron can lead to further increases in hematocrit and viscosity of the blood.

Also, I found that taking 500-1000mg of grapefruit seed extract per day helps keep the HCT in check.



VIP Member
May 27, 2013
Happens to a lot of guys. Why so many are resistant to use their machines, baffles me. Sure, they can be a PITA to get them dialed in the way you want. I am a stomach sleeper and it took me a bit to get the correct positioning, mask tightness, ramp up time and pressure, etc... before I liked wearing it. Now I don't even think about not wearing it. I even bought a battery pack off Amazon that powers it for 5 days, so I can still go camping/backcountry hunting with it.

I can't sleep without mine anymore. Difference is night and day. If I don't use it, I get a shitty night's sleep. It's that simple.

I do now hate going camping though. The smoke from camp fires jacks me up trying to sleep with the mask. I was never a big camper before, but have to bring the kids a few times a year. Now I really just hate it because I know I'm not sleeping for 2 days.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
The CPAP would blow out my ears when I feel asleep, I have tube issues and very sensitive to pressure. My dentist made an oral device that pulls the jaw forward and has helped. Still trying to sort the effects (HCT) and physiological with my OURA ring and home holter monitor (Livenpace). I am a back sleeper bc of shoulder issues, even with the rTSA on the left, still can't sleep on the left side or right.
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