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Dave Hoff's 795lb Deadlift



VIP Member
Sep 19, 2011
As for gear vs. raw...this debate wages on and on (and will forever). I have no qualms with either side (as long that there is no disrespect on either side). I will never say that I wouldn't consider trying it again, but I think raw is my calling. I will be the first one to say that I was guilty of thinking all I had to do was throw on a shirt and press stupid weight. Obviously, I learned differently. On the other end, I do catch myself having trouble with someone being 600 lbs in a shirt when they can barely press 315 (from a purist standpoint). Anywho, lift in whatever fed you want and go raw or equipped. Bottom line to me is just lift. That's respect.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
As for gear vs. raw...this debate wages on and on (and will forever). I have no qualms with either side (as long that there is no disrespect on either side). I will never say that I wouldn't consider trying it again, but I think raw is my calling. I will be the first one to say that I was guilty of thinking all I had to do was throw on a shirt and press stupid weight. Obviously, I learned differently. On the other end, I do catch myself having trouble with someone being 600 lbs in a shirt when they can barely press 315 (from a purist standpoint). Anywho, lift in whatever fed you want and go raw or equipped. Bottom line to me is just lift. That's respect.

I think this can be a healthy debate. My biggest point is that as well. I know a competitor who could not squat 405lbs raw but he threw on a suit and hit 661lbs in a meet. To me that 661lbs is tarnished b/c look at what he can do on his own. I completely understand wearing equipment when you have 900+lbs on your back and you're going to take it for a ride, but 661lbs??? Really???

But hawkeye is right, in the end what matters is that we all support each other in our endeavors be it raw or equipped.

I also have to admit, I do enjoy stirring up shit from time to time so that's just me. But I think a debate about raw vs equipped would be great. It would educate those of us who may have misconceptions and those of us who are learning.
porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
I'm not hating. It's just my opinion, doesn't make it right or wrong. I also think the rules should be standardized across the board and possibly condense the fed's down to a few instead of so many. Again, just my opinion.

Just b/c I'm not a fan of something that doesn't mean I don't have respect the person. It's just my opinion and perhaps in time it'll change. I already see that for me to have a long life in this sport it would most likely behoove me to lift semi equipped (wraps, briefs, etc).

Fair enough, man. Sorry to have jumped on you.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Fair enough, man. Sorry to have jumped on you.

No worries. I made a thread about Raw Vs Equipped. Check it out. I'd like to get a PLers opinion on the subject. I think it could be a good discussion.


Jul 20, 2011
As for gear vs. raw...this debate wages on and on (and will forever). I have no qualms with either side (as long that there is no disrespect on either side). I will never say that I wouldn't consider trying it again, but I think raw is my calling. I will be the first one to say that I was guilty of thinking all I had to do was throw on a shirt and press stupid weight. Obviously, I learned differently. On the other end, I do catch myself having trouble with someone being 600 lbs in a shirt when they can barely press 315 (from a purist standpoint). Anywho, lift in whatever fed you want and go raw or equipped. Bottom line to me is just lift. That's respect.

A shirt is in the cards baby!!:cool:
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