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COVID -- never forget.



National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
I have always had severe asthma requiring year round fast and slow inhalers (underlying condition #1). At the time(s) I had covid (and yes it sucked) my blood count was as bad as its ever been, to the point of headaches and extreme lethargy (underlying condition #2). I made myself deep breath, walk, ate well and stayed hydrated even though drinking was strangely difficult, I just didn't want to.
Remember people, flu deaths were almost nonexistent and most (yes most) other causes of death were also lower because COVID. OH MY GOD COVID was listed as cause of death in place of.......

How many people simply gave up once they tested positive, because after all COVID is death sentence.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Wow! Pisses me right off. So sad that so many fell for that, then became apostles of fear spreading that bullshit and venom against those with a brain who resisted. I could never figure out why Trump didn’t fire Fauci. I wish he would have.

I never got the vaccine, but I wore the mask when I was required to, even though I knew it was worthless. I’m kind of ashamed that I didn’t protest and resist more than I did.
100% agree with everything.

I think Trump probably thought if he fired him in an election year that it would have looked bad on him, and I bet the media would have swarmed all over him as well. Just a guess. He should have canned him regardless though:(


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
The FDA gave both Pfizer and Moderna emergency use authorizations to move forward with their vaccines despite not going through the regular multi-year, double-blind type safety/efficacy studies. But the FDA provides that emergency use based on data submitted to them. Yet, as we found out, neither the Moderna nor the Pfizer vaccine was effective at preventing either infection or transmission to others. The gov't had this data, and yet still told the public that the vaccines prevented infection and transmission. That's a bald faced lie!

It may have been true that the vaccines showed LESS infection than an unvaccinated individual, but that was NOT the sale made for the vaccines. We were lied to, and while I don't know exactly why, it's my guess that the gov't elites simply didn't trust the public with the truth. Are we citizens or subjects? If I recall correctly, we kicked George III's ass about 250 years ago.

Many federal gov't employees were told that they would be fired if they failed to take the vaccine. That was evil. And yet not a single person will be held accountable for this. 200 years ago, those gov't officials would have been paraded though the village and rotten fruit and vegetables would have been thrown at them. They then would have been put in stocks in the village square to be shamed, and a lesson on abuse of authority would have been learned by all.
Rock Diesel

Rock Diesel

Senior Member
Mar 16, 2022
Many federal gov't employees were told that they would be fired if they failed to take the vaccine. That was evil. And yet not a single person will be held accountable for this. 200 years ago, those gov't officials would have been paraded though the village and rotten fruit and vegetables would have been thrown at them. They then would have been put in stocks in the village square to be shamed, and a lesson on abuse of authority would have been learned by all.
That's what pisses me off so much. Nobody will be held accountable for any of the misleading propaganda crap they pulled trying to scare the public into getting these vaccines. They rammed the stuff down everyone's throat (or in their arms) harmed countless people in the process and get off totally free. To them it's just another day at the office. It's infuriating.


VIP Member
Sep 14, 2010
Did she drive there alone in a car with a mask on @CFM

Two local incidents will remain in my memories. First the person that drove into a house while wearing their high grade mask behind the wheel of their vehicle. Second the person that passed out while exercising outdoors at the local park. To this day I always laugh when I see someone wearing a N95 mask or respirator while exercising outdoors. I see that on average once a week. Driving down the road a couple weeks I saw two of these morons walking their dogs and another jogging on a trail at the local park. I have to think getting covid while exercising outdoors is pretty low but to some people it's worth protecting themselves and thus decreasing the amount of oxygen getting in their lungs. Covid was a complete joke.

jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
It was the biggest scam I have ever seen. The lies told to us.

Love the end "If only we had a vaccine against BS".
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