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Burritos and Barbells- 3M Training Log



Jun 20, 2012
Exciting to read those block DL numbers. 600 is awaiting it's turn.


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
Grats on the 3-rep PR, man. Taking 90% of your 1RM for a triple is pretty badass. Especially for us 3xBW squatters. :D
This is why you used to get grief from me about calculating percents on BY. And why I love RPE. We are already so limited by our minds why let the program limit us too?

In BY you never really have a true idea what your max is on that day or even what your true max actually is.

One thing 3m has mastered in training is overcoming fear and just going with what he knows he can hit. He pushes himself better than anyone I have worked with which is why me and him are bff's for as long as he lifts. It stems from his understanding of auto regulating his intensity and his intelligence in weight selection.

If you can't tell my mood is good AF RN. I have been up since 5 and keep saying nice shit to people... this needs to stop dammit. It's making me feel all weird inside.


VIP Member
Aug 10, 2015
Seems like I haven't been on here in forever. The gf was in town for a couple weeks on break from school so I kind of forgot about logging and junk. Training has been going phenomenally. I tripled 465 on squat on my last 1x3 day, and today I tripled 565, a 20lb PR triple. 7 weeks out from my meet and I'm on track to hit some big numbers. Hope everyone else has been smashing through PRs, which Im sure of considering the freaks that log on here.

Todays Deadlift workout

1x3 @9
565 (overshot rpe a little) also need to work on my soft lockout, POB suggested pausing at the top and holding.

Fatigue drop 2x3 @500

Rack Press 5x5
275 (rack height was about an inch above my chest)

Deficit deadlift 1x5

Fatigue drop 2x5 @405


VIP Member
Aug 10, 2015
This training cycle has been going much better than I could have ever expected. Last week I tripled 475 on squat for my 1x3, and it felt really smooth (probably an RPE 8). Since the beginning of the training cycle I had switched to squatting in healed shoes and my depth was complete shit, my 465 triple was super high. POB suggested that I switch back to squatting in flats because of the success that I had making that switch during last meet prep. The first day that I made the switch I hit a big volume PR hitting 425 for 5x5, with depth being perfect. The funny thing about that is that the last time I made the switch to flat shoes was the first time I hit 425 for a top set of 5, this time I hit it for 5 sets. I am really proud of the progress that Ive made since my last meet in january.

The other day I also benched 345 for a tng double, which I think is a pr. But I have been dealing with pec/shoulder tightness from the very beginning of prep, so my bench hasn't really progressed as much as I would have liked. I have been doing some massage and lacrosse ball on the pec, it is starting to feel much better which is why I had the confidence to even attempt the 345. I'm still not happy with where my bench is at but I am hoping to actually make it passed my opener on bench this time around.

I am deloading this week, then starting the taper (openers, 2nd attempts, etc). I am itching to step back on the platform again, in 5 weeks a 1500 total is going down.
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