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Broken Humerous; HGH? Test-E? Anti-Estrogen?



New Member
Dec 10, 2012
Hey forum,

I broke my left humerus on the 31.12.2012 during arm wrestling.
At this time i was at week 7 of my planned 12 week test-e 500 cycle.

Many people recommended me not to go through pct but instead cruise on 250 - and that's what i'm currently doing, and i don't even think of stopping.

However the doctors told me not to lift anything - which was VERY hard for the past 6 weeks.
Today the second checkup was to be done which basically showed SOME healing, docs heavily recommended me atleast another 6 weeks free of any weight training.
I'm currently totally crushed.
Weightlifting and Bodybuilding were my whole lifestyle, including diet, my cycle of friends etc...

Now enough emotional bullshit, i want to combat that shit and heal as fast as possible and come back to the shape I worked so fucking hard for.

What are your recommendations towards my situation?
Shall i continue the test-e 250 cruise? (I Guess yes, also atleast some of my muscle mass gets preserved. Otherwise i would go completely crazy)

Should i look into HGH? I'm relatively young (20 years old) so i guess my natural HGH should be good, but more is better?!

Other peptides that are worth looking into?

Also: What anti-e shall i run? I have some pubertal gyno and always ran adex, but now search for something that's not antagonist for bones.
Aromasin 10mg/ed?

Thanks for every opinion and recommendation in advance!


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2012
Raloxifene (Evista) will help to combat bone-thinning osteoporosis and with your gyno, you need to run some bloods to see how you are, you need to check your crit levels and your E2 and go from there, Aromasin will help with your E2. As far as HGH ill say your too young to be using it, but if u decide to use it I think you need to run it at least 5 ius daily to see any benefits cause of your age. Good luck.


Oct 12, 2012
If you are 20 years old I do not recommend continuing your cycle. "Cruises" are for people who never come off and are committed to TRT for the rest of their lives. You are too young to make that decision. I don't think GH helps with broken bones but I could be mistaken. Sorry I don't have any advice to speed up the recovery, but there's not much you can do about a broken bone except to wait it out. You're young and will recover fast. I know exactly how much it sucks to not be able to lift but 12 weeks really isn't that bad. I had surgery to fix a torn rotater cuff in October and I'm out a minimum of 4 months. Keep eating right as if you were still lifting to retain as much muscle as possible. That's what I've been doing and it's helped. Good luck!


TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
I know they give small doses of DECA to women with severe osteoporosis.
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