52. Never done a cycle. Test came at 289, Estradiol came at 16.2. BF is like 16%Do the pellets that way you only have to have the insertion done once every 6 months or so. Or use
Androgel, Testim and Axiron
Keep in mind that's not going to bring your levels up to normal and then you get to go off of it. It's still a lifetime of supplementing with testosterone.
How old are you? Have you ever cycled? What are your estrogen levels like? What are your body fat levels like?
I did the BioT pellets. I trained a lot and they only lasted about 3 months and are pricy. Oh I felt like a beast but the rate they dissolve is based on how much blood is pumped past them.Do the pellets that way you only have to have the insertion done once every 6 months or so. Or use
Androgel, Testim and Axiron
Keep in mind that's not going to bring your levels up to normal and then you get to go off of it. It's still a lifetime of supplementing with testosterone.
How old are you? Have you ever cycled? What are your estrogen levels like? What are your body fat levels like?
The gels never got into my skin very much. Never went over 300 ng/dL. My brother did a little better, never went much over 400 ng/dL. He did pellets and his levels were all over the place. Now he does test U pills and he gets to about the same place, 400ish. From 50 years ago the therapeutic level for TRT has al,ways been 800 ng/dL until all these new versions came out like the gels. Now anything in the anemic range of 250-800 ng/dL seems to be acceptable by the AMA and other state versions. If it were me... wait a minute it is me too, I would just do the shot once a week. Best TRT I ever did was 100 mg Test C and 75 mg Primobolan. Primo is an anabolic steroid, the one with the safest profile, with estrogen lowering effects so you don't need an aromatase inhibitor and you get a little more anabolic effect. That's a once a week shot. Do that with gym 4-5 days a week with a clean diet and you will feel like a new man. Keep in mind you will probably have to dial in your dose and the Primo bit is not really legal so that is something you would have to add after your doc gets you pretty squared away. Get use to doing your own blood work ordering online at places like PrivateMD and such and you can manage things pretty well along with your doc.52. Never done a cycle. Test came at 289, Estradiol came at 16.2. BF is like 16%
I have heard the same thing from other guys. It takes a couple of rounds to get how much your body is absorbing. Personally I think doing shots are the best way to go pellets may be easier and less often but I don't think it works as well as getting the shotsI did the BioT pellets. I trained a lot and they only lasted about 3 months and are pricy. Oh I felt like a beast but the rate they dissolve is based on how much blood is pumped past them.
I dumped my TRT PCP guy after he threw me under the bus over the vaxx. Ended up at an Endo ho immediately wanted to cut my dose in half. That was the last appointment I had with him. i have enough test stored for a while and could care less about most of those in the medical profession at this point. I am a do it yourselfer. TRT is what gets me to 800 ng/dL and all health markers in range within reason.Pinned for 10+ years, doc that was prescribing is getting ready to retire cut me off due to high iron in blood. Sent me to an Endocrinologist, he has me on the gel, kinda meh for day to day stuff.
On the injections I could have sex 4 times a day, was chasing my wife around all the time. I never minded the injections but the Endo wants me at a constant level, which is like 400 currently. Honestly 400 is miserable compared to how I felt when doing a clinically legit 200 ml 1x/week.
Have sex 1x a week because I give up easy, used to be 4x+ a week when I still felt like a Man.
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