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Basic Fitness Nutrition Theory



Oct 17, 2010
Frederick C Hatfield, PhD.,F.I.S.S.A.
Paul O Davis, PhD.

Many people's beliefs and prejudices regarding nuttritional practices are very conversative. Fitness advoccates are continually looking for special foods and diets that will help ti improve their performance. Unfortunately, many athletes are not knowledgeable in regards to nutrition and therefore fall victim to those who market under false pretenses.

Proper supplementation is often necessary for full replenishment of vitamins, minerals, and foodstuffs used up by those who are into being fit. The old"shotgun approach" has been disclaimed as a bad practice if you want to recieve full benefits of nutritional supplementation. Because your body goes through various phases of breakdown and rebuilding, supplements that are used for rebuilding are best taken when your body is capable of using them.

Your nutritional and nutritional supplements should be taken for increased work capacity and speedier recovery, not solely to compensate for used energy.

A proper combination of food types can be crucial to supplying ample energy for your particular physical demands. Not everyone requires the same nutrition, but without good nutrition and proper supplementation, you will find it difficult to improve physical performance as well as physical appearance.


It's a fact of life: we need to eat to live. But to an athlete or serious fitness enthusiast, it is just not that simple. The proper quantity and quality of nutrition becomes increasingly crucial to various demands we face in rigorous sports and fitness training.

There are six major nutrients essential to healthy living abd prosperous fitness endeavors. These are water, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Although conservative nutritionist preach balanced meals consisting of foods from each of the four food groups for peak performance, sports nutritionist are finding that this is just not adequate.

As you expend calories and utilze various substances through intense physical training, full replenishment of used up substance is difficult through a well balanced diet alone. Besides, how many people do you know that eat a well blanced diet all the time? This is why nutritional supplements are necessary.

By not concuming each day all the needed nutrients mentioned above, you work outs may be less than maximal. Even if you are deficent in only a few of the major nutrients, this can diminish potential.

It is equally important for you to know how, what, and when to eat. Much of the scheduling and selection of meals is determined by your physical demands of training and competition.

The chief reasons that you can not eat randomly is that you need sufficient energy for the work you are performing, for training recuperation, additional filling of stores essential for greater work loads, body weight maintenance or increases or losses, and proper bodily functions. Remember, your needs are quite different from the average (inactive) individual.

To substantiate these claims, research provides us with information that shows that athletes can burn nealry one-third more caloires from nevousness alone. Even the calories expenditures during compentition can be more than one-fourth more than that utlized during training sessions.

It is well established that your diet allows you to do more and be a better competitor. Your diet needs to meet both energy demands and nutritional substance requirments. And your diet will be effective only when it meets all of the these various demands placed on it through physical activity. If you do not meet these demands through your diet, you can easily overtrain and become extremely fatigued.

You must organize your nutrition according to the phase of training you are in at the time. Regaedless of the current training phase, it is necessary to replenish all energy stores and consume vitamins ans minerals essential to proper body functioning. And your requirement during each phase can vary condiderably. The same is true of general fitness training. Much depends on physical size, metabolism and past eating habits combined with training volume, duration, and intensity.

We can not forget about taste buds, however. No matter how nutritious a food is, if you like the taste, it won't gert eaten....
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