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  1. Y

    training not as exhausting as it once was???

    It's the same for me to bro. Im not for sure, but i think it is because our muscles are used to the abuse and can handle much more. If you dont touch any weights for a year then hit the gym your muscles are going to be in pain for the next several days.. Maybe try taking a week or so off. You...
  2. Y

    cycle related info reqruied??????

    Clomid: 100/50/25/25 Nolva: 40/20/20/20 This means clomid 100 mg per day for the first week of pct or 100 mg totalling in that week?
  3. Y

    working out guide required?

    hey fellas. i have a minor question (could be stupid question) as i am new to fitness. my question is can I safely work my back and biceps a day before working my chest and shoulders? thanks and pardon for any mistake
  4. Y

    new user

    Hi Hi!!!! I am a new member to this forum, so I would like to briefly introduce myself to everybody. I am a 5’10 male with 155lbs. I am completely new to bodybuilding as I don’t even know the abcd of bodybuilding. I was looking for some fitness related information and found this forum helpful...