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Obamas newest angle at division - "Income Inequality"

JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Do you mean the taxation on the top 1% population? I don't see a problem. Can you explain what you mean? possibly I miss the context that clarifies the point.

He mentions going after "what they've accumulated".

If you build a multi-billion dollar company, you shouldn't have to give away most of it or have it taken away by the tax man just because "it's not fair", or because you have accumulated far more than most. Nor should you have to give away inherited money that was already taxed one or more times. Nobody ever said life was fair, and attempts by politicians to make life so are always disasterous in the end.

Obama was told a while back that increasing certain taxes on corps and the evil rich would NOT increase govt revenues in the end. He said he didn't care, that it was about what is "fair" in his mind.
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JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
The VA was a mess before Obama and will remain a mess after Obama is gone.....Again it doesnt matter which party is in office, both will blame the other and nothing gets accomplished.

That's what government does - they screw up just about everything they touch - save for national defense (at least in the past) and a few other things.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
there are two people in my life I want to make a lot of money... My Doctor... and My Lawyer...

Yeah, you get what you pay for. I want the guy who was at the top of his class cutting on me or handling my legal affairs. I'll cut corners elsewhere, but not with my health or legal matters.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Chew on this for a minute Gman......

-Unemployment was 10% 6 months into Barack Obama's term. Now it's 5.5%
-The Dow was under 8,000 when he took office. Now it's almost 18,000.
-GDP was -5.4%. Now it's 2.8%.
-The deficit was 9.8% of GDP. Now it's 2.2%

... I'm not saying I'm completely happy with everything our President has done but let's give credit where it's due.

I can hear the gnashing of Republican teeth but there's no denying he's done a good job on those fronts cleaning up what the impossibly-stupid guy before him did.

The labor participation rate is lower than it's been in nearly 40 years.

Much of the REAL job growth has been due to the private oil boom of recent years - something Obama opposes and has no control over, yet something he still tries to take credit for. It has absolutely nothing to do with the government.

Tell me how Obama is responsible for the stock market? He's not. Neither was Bush or Clinton. About all presidents and govts can do is to increase or decrease taxes and regs, which have minimal effects. The Dow fell to about 7500 after the tech crash, 9-11, etc. It climbed up to over 14000 in Oct '07. It's now about 30% higher in the last 7 years or so. Ups and downs are part of the game. Pick up an economics textbook sometime.

The crash was largely due to bad legislation going back decades, requiring bad loans to be written to unqualified or shaky borrowers, often with little or nothing down, to institutions who sold most of those loans - often right after funding them. Real estate had been in a bubble prior to the crash, then property values crashed. You can't blame Bush for the crash.

There was also a huge oil selloff from $140 a barrel to ~ $40 a barrel in '08 that contributed heavily to the crash. Of course this caused gas prices to fall back then - are you going to credit Bush for falling gas prices back then, the same way I'm sure you're wrongly crediting Obama with oil going from $115 to ~ $40-ish lately? When oil moved back up from $40 in late '08 to $115 in mid '14 and gas prices increased, was that Bush's fault?

The president doesn't control the price of a barrel of oil any more than he can control the stock market. OPEC, supply and demand, and speculation control the price of oil. And gas taxes and things like excessive environmental regulations can have an additional affect on prices at the pump.

Here's a hint about the cause of the 170% rise in the market from '09 to present:

When it comes to the stock and bond markets, the Fed trumps all. That's also largely true for the prices of metals vs the dollar, and somewhat for the dollar vs other currencies, etc.

GDP will always improve after a recession. Recessions and recoveries are part of capitalism - they aren't caused to any degree or controlled by presidents. GDP has been growing more slowly than after any recession since WW2. Increases in taxes and regs will do that. Please pick up an economic book at the library and do a little reading.

United States Government Debt to GDP | 1940-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar
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JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Please define what you consider a "better" economy, and explain how it relates to whom from which party is president.

Economy's usually do better under a democrat. The thing that needs to be done is to take power away from Washington. Term limits should be set on all elected officials and waste spending has to be dealt with and elminated. Most all of the 500 billion dollars annually of waste gets back to a politician in the dorm of a campaign donation or what not. It's become a Tyranny and the economy isn't right. We are heading towards the European style economy's. I guess I don't see how that's a good thing. We won't keep our status if we keep down the same path that both Republican and Democrats want. To me they are one in the same siding with bullshit just because they're one party or another. As far as health care goes. I'm proud to know my tax dollars can help maybe someone who needs it to get covered but what I am ashamed of is the fact that people can and will be penalized by the IRS for not having coverage! That's madness people! Oh and the irs? That damn outfit is criminal always has been and it's getting worse. We need big big changes in the way DC and the cronies out there do things. Fat cats getting fatter and people think they really give a shit? Obama is an absolute moron and I didn't think anyone could be worse than Bush. He is a damn to child with foreign policy and a conceited asshole. My way of thinking the whole way of doing things needs revamped and I'm not sure how we get there.


Rottens Pimp
May 24, 2011
Please define what you consider a "better" economy, and explain how it relates to whom from which party is president.

No problem we are evolving into a socialist economy. Whoever is in the white house doesn't make a shit if our spending doesn't stop. It's simple you can't spend more than you make. Government needs to be down sized and spending has to be cut. Run a flat tax and cut wasteful spending and let people and businesses flourish like they're supposed to.


Rottens Pimp
May 24, 2011
Abolish the corrupt IRS while they're at it. It either changes or this country will collapse.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Good stuff there JR!!!

Thanks. GDP in the last 6 years has been around 2% on average. It should be closer to 4%.

18 trillion plus in debt - the majority of it new debt in a zero interest rate environment - look out when rates go up!

$100 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and the number of people on food stamps has doubled in the last 6 years.


May 4, 2013
I want to hear HGH's response to all this.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
No problem we are evolving into a socialist economy. Whoever is in the white house doesn't make a shit if our spending doesn't stop. It's simple you can't spend more than you make. Government needs to be down sized and spending has to be cut. Run a flat tax and cut wasteful spending and let people and businesses flourish like they're supposed to.

Maybe I misread your post. I thought you said the economy is better when a Dem is in office?
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