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Aug 11, 2010
This is a pretty rare version of testosterone, as it has the Phenylpropionate ester attached. This ester is much more commonly attached to the Nandrolone base compound, giving us Durabolin (often called NPP, which is short for Nandrolone Phenylpropionate). Here, we find this ester attached to the Testosterone base compound, giving us a short/medium estered product, which gives us an active life of 4-5 days. Clearly, you´d get best results shooting this compound every fourth day, or twice a week. Other than the ester, there´s not much to say about Testosterone Phenylpropionate (TPP) which hasn´t been said already about testosterone in general. Here´s a refresher course on it, nevertheless...

You may experience less water retention with TPP when compared with other, longer acting, versions of test, probably somewhere between that experienced with testosterone propionate and cypionate. Anyway, testosterone promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle (1), which is highly desirable because the more nitrogen the muscles holds the more protein the muscle stores, and the bigger the muscle gets. And that´s why we´re jabbing ourselves with a needle full of TPP, right? Testosterone also has the ability to increase the levels of the highly anabolic hormone, IGF-1, in muscle tissue (2). IGF-1 is highly anabolic and can promote muscle growth, and is thought to mediate the effects of Growth Hormone (GH). IGF-1 is also one of the few hormones positively correlated with both muscle cell hyperplasia and hyperphasia, and this means it both creates more muscle fibers as well as bigger pure mass, IGF-1, GH, and Testosterone would be a very nice combination for muscle growth. Testosterone also has the ability to increase the activity of satellite cells(3). These cells play a very active role in repairing damaged muscle, and remember, exercise is perceived by your muscles as a form of damage. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor (A.R.) to promote all of the A.R dependant mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss (4), although it has many important effects independent of this mechanism. Somme of those AR-independent effects are Testosterone´s ability to protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones (6), and increase red blood cell production (7). Glucocorticoid hormones eat away muscle and a higher RBC count may improve endurance via better oxygenated blood.

Testosterone, once in the body, can be converted to both estrogen (via a process known as aromatization) as well as DHT. Estrogen is the main culprit for many side effects such as gyno, water retention, etc... while DHT is often blamed for hair loss and prostate enlargement. Unfortunately, reducing estrogen will often reduce some of your gains, and reducing DHT will do the same& but doing so is preferable to going bald, having prostate problems, and/or unsightly acne.

I suppose you can use this stuff in conjunction with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate and you´d have a pretty cool cutting cycle with minimal water retention and the added benefit of having your injection frequency being exact, since both compounds you would have the same active life. Other than that, TPP has its place in a cycle as any testosterone would, and is no better or worse than others.

Testolent (Testosterone Phenylpropionate)

4-androstene-3-one, 17beta-ol
(Testosterone Base + Phenylpropionate Ester)
Molecular Weight(base): 288.429
Molecular Weight (ester): 150.174
Formula (base): C19 H28 O2
Formula (ester): C9 H10 O2
Melting Point (base): 155
Melting Point (ester): 20°C
Manufacturer: Sicomed
Effective Dose (Men): 350-1,000mgs/week
Active life: 5 days
Detection Time: Up to 6 weeks
Anabolic: Androgenic ratio: 100:100


J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997 Feb;82(2):407-13. 2. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Mar;282(3):E601-7. 3. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004 May;7(3):271-7. 4. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2004 Oct;5(5):459-70. 5. Metabolism. 1991 Apr;40(4):368-77. 6 Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Mar;282(3):E601-7. 7. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004 May;7(3):271-7.
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