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TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
does one ever acheive satisfaction with their body?

i think those of us who truly live this lifestyle will never be satisfied. we set goals and reach them and want more! be it the desire to be larger, stronger, less fat, it never ends! it is what sets us apart from the rest of the herd of 2 legged critters walking around here on earth. they might not be happy with their body but apparently they are satisfied with where they are at. because otherwise, why wouldnt they do something about it?

myself as an example. before i started back in the gym, i was fat, 32% bodyfat and even though i wasnt happy with the way i looked, i was ok with it. i would bitch and moan and wish that i was "thinner" but i didnt want it enough to change anything. i had convinced myself that that was the best that i would ever be. i was content, i was satisfied with what i was. unsatisfied people work hard to to do better. if you arent working hard, than you are satisfied by default.

then the gym came back into my life. my first goal was to be in the best shape of my life when i hit 40. still working on that one :) but as far as other goals, well, i wanted to get my bf to 18%. the closer i got to 18 the less satisfied i was with that so i changed it to 15%. well now im at 15% and im still not where i want to be so boom, changed again to 12%. will i be happy there? who knows, i doubt it.

that is why we do what we do everyday. that i why we put ourselves through the aches and pains and hurt of working out and the inconvience of eating right, because we want more! because we are never satisfied with mediocre or even what others would view as greatness! the drive for more, the drive for better, the drive for what others want but are unwilling to work for! we will never be satified! we are not defined by the default status! we are driven.................


Dec 12, 2010
I can tell you this I am getting more satisfied but will I ever be totally, I don't know. I was told that I had tree trunks for arms, I look in the mirror and I don't see that although there aren't may people in my town with 19.5" arms. I think when I reach 21" I will be.


Sep 10, 2010
I think nobody's happy with what they've got. We always want more and more.


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
I think nobody's happy with what they've got. We always want more and more.

I agree. Sometimes it takes getting out pics from a year ago to even convince myself that I'm making progress at all. The more progress we make it seems the less we give ourselves credit for. Which in many ways is a good thing because it keeps us hungry.


TID Lady Member
Jul 1, 2011
well, I look at it this long as I am breathing there is always room for improvement. Any time you are not moving forward you are there isn't an "end" to it....when I reach my goal for bf there will always be something needing work...add size to my muscles, increase my strength.....and changing priorities is good, it keeps you striving to achieve something...and just having a goal in mind is good for the body and the spirit :)


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
I don't think that the vast majority of people are 'ok' with their bodies....but I do believe that most have just accepted mediocrity. IMO the change in mindset comes when you make that first jump in progress. ATW you were ok, not happy, just ok at 32%. But then u got to 20% and now all the sudden you have a choice. Now you're in a better place but more disappointed because you realize you can do better. Most people never push themselves and therefore never acheive change. In their eyes the state of their body is fixed and outside their realm of control. We know that our bodies are reflections of our desire and intensity...therefore when we do not look the part we wish, we compelled to change.


Jul 5, 2011
as humans we are never happy with ourselves. We usually see some one else and want what they have. I get 2 muscle mags in the mail. Muscle and Fitness Her's and Oxygen and I see women with abs I would kill for or an awesome butt I would love to have. Now if I had those things then I would want more of something else. For me it's about liking my body but being willing to work on the things I don't like. Also being proud of how far I have come. For me when I think about that 50 lbs I lost....That's hugh! It's all about what we tell ourselves. If I want it I tell my self to go after it and attain it. It can be done.
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