Bro, I'm concerned with the T3 dosage at 100mcg, I WOULD NOT use T3 PCT due to muscle wasting, if you insist on using it drop to no more than 25mcg/e.d. and you may want to add Proviron-25mg/e.d.
I don't like the fatigue and intense sugar cravings you are explaining. I would urge you to go ahead and get your bloodwork done. I would for sure get my levels checked b-4 you even consider DNP bro.
I know you don't handle stimulants well, but if your bloodwork checks out ok, consider Clen with ur PCT. Start with low dose and ease up.
Just a thought and my opinion bro.
Day #4 of PCT
Sugar cravings gone. Hungry as hell. I keep eating but I'm actually down to 206! (I was at 225 4 months ago.) Still have the little bit of fat on love handles and lower, mid abs. I feel great. I been takin 9 of those NITRIX horse pills every day for the past 4 weeks and I really get a pump in the gym. I still feel strong, perhaps not as strong, but I totally tore it up in the gym today. Blood pressure down. (Treated that with water pills).
Every time I get blood work done my doc says I'm fine. Since I'm 4 days into PCT I will consider Clen, but I am 99% sure it will not work for me. I was only able to use it successfully in my mid 20's and now I'm 35. Every time I have touched it since I seriously freak the fuck out. Even with the slighest dose I get heart palps and shakes, and they never go away. Consider this, If I eat dark chocolate I get the shakes. That is how I react to stimulants.
My hope now is to continue to cut the BF% while holding as much muscle as possible.
6' 206 lbs. 10% or lower bf.
What do you bros think of a 40/30/30 ratio?
2500 calories a day (190g. of protein, 80g. of fat, and 250 g. of carbs)
- First thing in the morning muscle milk collegiate (580 cals, 70 fat cals, 40g protein, 90g carbs, 7g fat)
- Second meal is protien and fat like chicken breast, olives, tomatoes (sometimes in a burrito with beans)
- Snack - like a pure protien snack bar, or an apple, or some raw carrots with broccoli
- Post workout muscle milk collegiate (580 cals, 70 fat cals, 40g protein, 90g carbs, 7g fat)
- Dinner - Mix of protien, carbs, and fats. Chicken with pasta,
- Post Dinner Snack - 1 small can of tuna raw out of the can
- Midnight raid - 1/2 serving of muscle milk (250 cals, 35 fat cals, 20g protein, 45g carbs, 3.5g fat) with a few bights of chicken, tuna, pasta (leftovers)
I dont eat much dairy at all, eggs sometimes on weekends for the family breakfast.
I also supplement my protein drinks with IsoPure perfect protein, to bump up the ratios.
So there is my PCT diet. I have more cardio (if you read my workout post above) so I think 40/30/30 is better than 40/40/20 for my PCT.
Feel free to tell me how and why my workouts and diet are not getting me down to the 6% bf that I want.