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Reaching Out to All Bros for End of Cycle Help!



Sep 11, 2010
Since I know how LOADED you are, why not run hgh for the next year? Hgh PLUS diet PLUS 6 months will equal one really lean mofo.

I agree that pics along with meals and training info would make it easier to give solid advice

I have given some consideration to HGH, but I have read stories about long term use causing problems like facial changes and bone problems. I have this doc who will hook me up with Test and HGH in small doses for one year but it is $5,000 plus blood work. He says he has used his program for years and I have to admit he looks 10 years younger than his age and he is pretty lean. I just think that I look pretty fuckin good now so why go all that extra way to mess with something where "the results are not in yet" so to speak.
Get Some

Get Some

Sep 9, 2010
Facial and bone structure changes usually only occur at higher dosages. Sticking with 3-4 IU per day for 6 months should really help lean you out. As you get lder, you can start to be on GH year round if you can afford it. That doctor certainly isn't going to prescribe that you go on 10IU ED.


TID OG Member
Sep 19, 2010
Bro, I'm concerned with the T3 dosage at 100mcg, I WOULD NOT use T3 PCT due to muscle wasting, if you insist on using it drop to no more than 25mcg/e.d. and you may want to add Proviron-25mg/e.d.

I don't like the fatigue and intense sugar cravings you are explaining. I would urge you to go ahead and get your bloodwork done. I would for sure get my levels checked b-4 you even consider DNP bro.

I know you don't handle stimulants well, but if your bloodwork checks out ok, consider Clen with ur PCT. Start with low dose and ease up.

Just a thought and my opinion bro.

Did my last injection today. =(

3 solid months of juice. + 3 weeks cutting prior + 5 weeks PCT = Just under a 5 month venture.

Pre cycle cutting
T3 100 mg ED
dbol 30 - 50 mg ED

Actual Cycle
Dbol - 350 mg per week 6 weeks (2 cutting weeks [dbol and t3 only] and 4 first weeks of this cycle)
Test Prop - 900 mg per week 12 weeks
Tren Ace - 450 mg per week 12 weeks
Winny - 350 mg per week (last 4 weeks)
T3 100 mg ED
Arimidex as needed
hCG 500 IU ED (last 3 weeks)

Post Cycle
T3 100 mg ED 1 week
Nolva 5 weeks
Clomid 5 weeks

Kinda sad since I did not see the BF % I wanted from this cycle. 9% BF at best. I also ran into some gyno related issues this last week and had to break out the Femera. That shit seemed to fuck me all up. Don't want to work out. Look like shit. Want to eat sweets in mass quantities. WTF? This week was supposed to be my grand finale.

I am starting to see the veins on my hip flexors, but now I suppose I better quit with the T3 else I will start to lose muscle. FUCK! How could I lose my perfect chest? And after all this time on t3 I still have a 1/4" of fat on middle lower abs?

Someone please hit me up with a PM for some legit DNP. I just don't think I have any other options here. I have been doing everything right from diet to exercise. I prob ably do way too much cardio.

I think that a cycle of DNP with a huge focus on chest and abs will get me where I want to be. I'm supposed to be doing a photo shoot damn it!

Come on bros help me out here. You know I'm headed into 5 weeks of clomid and nolva and we all know what that means.





Sep 11, 2010
Bro, I'm concerned with the T3 dosage at 100mcg, I WOULD NOT use T3 PCT due to muscle wasting, if you insist on using it drop to no more than 25mcg/e.d. and you may want to add Proviron-25mg/e.d.

I don't like the fatigue and intense sugar cravings you are explaining. I would urge you to go ahead and get your bloodwork done. I would for sure get my levels checked b-4 you even consider DNP bro.

I know you don't handle stimulants well, but if your bloodwork checks out ok, consider Clen with ur PCT. Start with low dose and ease up.

Just a thought and my opinion bro.

Day #4 of PCT
Sugar cravings gone. Hungry as hell. I keep eating but I'm actually down to 206! (I was at 225 4 months ago.) Still have the little bit of fat on love handles and lower, mid abs. I feel great. I been takin 9 of those NITRIX horse pills every day for the past 4 weeks and I really get a pump in the gym. I still feel strong, perhaps not as strong, but I totally tore it up in the gym today. Blood pressure down. (Treated that with water pills).

Every time I get blood work done my doc says I'm fine. Since I'm 4 days into PCT I will consider Clen, but I am 99% sure it will not work for me. I was only able to use it successfully in my mid 20's and now I'm 35. Every time I have touched it since I seriously freak the fuck out. Even with the slighest dose I get heart palps and shakes, and they never go away. Consider this, If I eat dark chocolate I get the shakes. That is how I react to stimulants.

My hope now is to continue to cut the BF% while holding as much muscle as possible.

6' 206 lbs. 10% or lower bf.
What do you bros think of a 40/30/30 ratio?
2500 calories a day (190g. of protein, 80g. of fat, and 250 g. of carbs)

  1. First thing in the morning muscle milk collegiate (580 cals, 70 fat cals, 40g protein, 90g carbs, 7g fat)
  2. Second meal is protien and fat like chicken breast, olives, tomatoes (sometimes in a burrito with beans)
  3. Snack - like a pure protien snack bar, or an apple, or some raw carrots with broccoli
  4. Post workout muscle milk collegiate (580 cals, 70 fat cals, 40g protein, 90g carbs, 7g fat)
  5. Dinner - Mix of protien, carbs, and fats. Chicken with pasta,
  6. Post Dinner Snack - 1 small can of tuna raw out of the can
  7. Midnight raid - 1/2 serving of muscle milk (250 cals, 35 fat cals, 20g protein, 45g carbs, 3.5g fat) with a few bights of chicken, tuna, pasta (leftovers)
I dont eat much dairy at all, eggs sometimes on weekends for the family breakfast.
I also supplement my protein drinks with IsoPure perfect protein, to bump up the ratios.

So there is my PCT diet. I have more cardio (if you read my workout post above) so I think 40/30/30 is better than 40/40/20 for my PCT.

Feel free to tell me how and why my workouts and diet are not getting me down to the 6% bf that I want.


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TID OG Member
Sep 19, 2010
DHEA instead of Clen PCT fatloss

Ok, glad blood work looks good. If Clen flips you out then let's think of another option.

Do some solid research on DHEA supplementation and fat loss. May not be the answer, but, you are doing PCT and DHEA has been used with a SERM with nice recovery being the end result in more than one of my post cycles.


Sep 11, 2010
Ok, glad blood work looks good. If Clen flips you out then let's think of another option.

Do some solid research on DHEA supplementation and fat loss. May not be the answer, but, you are doing PCT and DHEA has been used with a SERM with nice recovery being the end result in more than one of my post cycles.

IS DHEA the same as it used to be in the health food stores? I remember taking it years ago and getting a lump under my nipple. Not sure if it was related. BTW the shit made from plants is supposed to be junk, so how do I get the lab stuff?

DHEA has multiple health benefits (including fighting cortisol) at doses of 50 to 100 mg ED for men. What dosage are you suggesting?
Also, the SERM will help with excess estrogen, so I assume that you may be thinking of a higher DHEA dosage?

Nolva or Clomid?...and Dose?

Assuming I take this DHEA and the SERM, how long before I see the results I am looking for? I don't want to have to wait till my next cycle ya know?


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Sep 11, 2010
Well I guess that I will be taking 100mg DHEA ED for the remaining 5 weeks of my PCT and then I will start a 6 month cycle of HGH 2 IU per day.

Other than DNP nobody has given me any other alternative, or pointed out anything wrong with my diet / exercise.




Sep 9, 2010
That's because IF you are truly using this routine, with this diet, you shouldn't have problems with leanness.

Something doesn't add up.

For days you've been "gettin pics tomorrow" on two different forums.


Sep 15, 2010
i was thinking the same thing as BR T3 that high and it didn't cause any problems. headach stomach cramps nothing. something is up.


Sep 11, 2010
Sorry for no pics yet. I have been busy developing a social networking site. I am down to about 202 lbs after 17 days of PCT. Still pretty strong, although I have noticed that I have leaned out a bit. Been working with a trainer and he says I'm just a high stress person and that he thinks cortisol is playing a role in letting me drop down into the lower single digit BF %.

His advice is to take Aminos (like Glutamine and all the L- amino acids) before and after a workout along with some sugars? sipping during a workout and then after workout.

Normally I carb up on a high calorie collegate muscle milk drink after a workout, I suppose I could sip on it during a workout. So that prevents muscle tissue from getting burned during a workout where the body is in stress mode and increases cortisol. Regarding controlling cortisol in general...I suppose taking something like Puritan's Pride Amino 1500 would help.

What do you do when you are in better shape than every trainer in your three gyms? Take their advice? I was told to eat more green veggies, up my carbs, skip the pasta...along with taking aminos.

Stretch you ask to see my pics more than Jeton and that kinda freaks me out... lol

Back to work...


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