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porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
Bonus memories for you young folk: PLUSA did PL mostly but had other strength sports as well. A monster named Cleve Dean was the absolute king of wrist wrestling for a short while back in the late 70's - early 80's(?) A naturally strong pig farmer from rural USA, 6'8" tall, well up into the 400's in weight, he was "clocked" one time @ 465lbs. Some conjecture at the time of what he could do in PL, although he was said to be a stranger to the weights, and strapped with back troubles. PLUSA ran a pic of him lumbering away from the camera, cited the 465 bodyweight, said Cleve was gonna drop the 3 lbs, and enter both the 220lb and 242lb class in the next contest.

Same time period, either early PLUSA or original Iron Man, can't remember, Dennis Wright owned the 181lb class in the USA. Could never catch the great English lifter Ron Collins due to a weak deadlift, but his subtotals crushed all but Collins for a while. Writing in one of those mags, Terry Todd, who kinda pioneered "erudite" in musclehead articles, observed that "Dennis' nemesis is the deadlift" (it's better if you say it out loud).

Little gems from little known magazines that were hard to find on newstands, you pretty much had to stumble on one somewhere, and then subscribe.

Cleve was a monster for sure! If you get a free 90 minutes get on youtube and check out the 1979 worlds strongest man contest..... Cleve, Kaz, and Don Reinhount (sp?) all MONSTERS!


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 29, 2013
Cleve was a monster for sure! If you get a free 90 minutes get on youtube and check out the 1979 worlds strongest man contest..... Cleve, Kaz, and Don Reinhount (sp?) all MONSTERS!

I forgot Cleve was on WSM, I will make 90 minutes sometime soon. Funny to think that in that trio you mention, Kaz was the baby of the bunch, bodyweight-wise, OR, that someone outweighed Reinhoudt by over 100 lbs. Kaz still has the alltime best gameface, not sure how many places he would wear it, but it's there in all its glory in those sumo wrestling finals with poor little John Gamble, a babybeast @ 275.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
I forgot Cleve was on WSM, I will make 90 minutes sometime soon. Funny to think that in that trio you mention, Kaz was the baby of the bunch, bodyweight-wise, OR, that someone outweighed Reinhoudt by over 100 lbs. Kaz still has the alltime best gameface, not sure how many places he would wear it, but it's there in all its glory in those sumo wrestling finals with poor little John Gamble, a babybeast @ 275.

They interviewed Kaz about that face he made in the sumo wrestling portion of the WSM way back and he said he made that face b/c he was actually injured and wanted to psych everyone out so as not to make the injury potentially worse.

Kaz was a freaking MONSTER... His lifts are epic.


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
Porky, have you noticed a trend of people leaving multi ply and single ply and changing to RAW?

I was watching some interviews from the Arnold Classic earlier this year and there were multiple people that said they were burned out on multi and going to try RAW.

Do you know what started this?
porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
Porky, have you noticed a trend of people leaving multi ply and single ply and changing to RAW?

I was watching some interviews from the Arnold Classic earlier this year and there were multiple people that said they were burned out on multi and going to try RAW.

Do you know what started this?

With more and more decent raw contests I do see a lot of guys competing in multiple divisions, but from what I've seen it's more of just enjoying competing different ways and less any sort of geared exodus.

Powerlifting draws a great parallel to drag racing - with all the different divisions and ways to compete.
Multi ply is like top fuel. It's the most expensive, it's the hardest to master, and it's the most removed from day to day life.
Raw lifting is like super stock - just hopped up versions of day to day life.

The multi ply guys like the rush of handling the big weights, the raw guys like the accessibility and simplicity of it. Both are equally valid.

So, there definitely are guys who go and enjoy testing themselves in different divisions, but multi ply isn't going anywhere.

There is, however, a HUGE influx of raw lifters coming from crossfit. All the local contests have blown up because of it. Still the same 20-30 multi ply guys at the small local meet, but now instead of 20-30 raw guys there's 50-60 raw crossfitters there trying it out.... doing burpees and sh it ......


TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
I love the analogy. I totally hear what you are talking about.

I don't wanna see multi ply go anywhere, I love watching it. There's so much that goes into warming up at a meet and just in training.

I'd love to try on a multi ply bench shirt one day too.


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 29, 2013
^^^ best explanation my old school calcified brain has seen to ease me from the past to the present, and to appreciate both. I have trouble spelling "ply" unless you spot me the "p- -l- - - - -," and said brain is also confused with exposure to Strongman, where too much supportive gear might be too much, but, I'm working on it. It will take me a little while longer to wrap my mind around crossfitters crossing over to PL, but I'll work on that too, before I look like the last T-Rex seeing his eggs eaten by newer, more adaptable animals . . . . . Still refuse to forget Hugh Cassidy's supposed routine, however, the Big 3 Lifts + that little ab roller thing, period. lol


Apr 23, 2012
My first issue arrived today. Haven't seen it yet as I'm at work; Mrs. Flex let me know.

Will report back with my thoughts later tonight.


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 29, 2013
My first issue arrived today. Haven't seen it yet as I'm at work; Mrs. Flex let me know.

Will report back with my thoughts later tonight.

Great, took a little longer than the "about 10 days" that was said back in mid June, but I guess it's naive to expect otherwise. I never did get the online version I was after, kept getting that form that required a password to something or another. Tried reaching powerliftingwatch 2 different ways over on SOI, never got a response, finally said fuggit.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Flex let us know what you think of it.


Apr 23, 2012
Didn't read it through as it was nice evening so I was on the patio all night with Mrs Flex but I did thumb through it until I got the feeling she was annoyed. LOL.

Not a huge mag at only 40 pages but it's not jammed with advertisements yet. Just the inside front and back cover and the outside back cover.

There's 10 articles; all on topic plus a page of deadlifting tips. From what I browsed through the writing was pretty good.

The last article was a brief 3 page history on powerlifting and I thought that was great. The sport has come a long way.


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 29, 2013
Thanks, flex, your point about articles vs. ads is spot on. I doubt many muscle mags, incl. the revered PLUSA have any more than 40 pgs of "real" if you delete all the ads, many of them full 1-2 page things.
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