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Sep 9, 2010
LOL... Whatever! I simply said I was pressed for time and did a quick search and could not find what I read and frankly could careless if you care to listen to what I have to say. I have way to many personal things going and frankly I'm tired of getting shit on by trying to help people out. Should I mention I have recently been asked to be a rep for a peptides company? hmm I wonder why someone would ask me to do something like that? must be cause they I know I just full of shit! ;) I will now shut my mouth not contribute here..

This is exactly what we DO NOT need gentleman. Everyone has a voice and I'd personally like to hear it. You don't have to agree with anything that someone says, but you SHOULD take it into consideration. If you find something contrary to what someone says, post it up. If you can't find anything, simply state so. There's no reason to bash each other based on something NOT being found. In science when something hasn't been proven wrong it's called a theory. When something is proved right in every single case it's a fact or law. Something like this will likely always remain a theory and always be considered.

I value all of your opinions and would like to continue to see everyone contribute their knowledge on the subject, whether right or wrong. We have enough valued vets here to discern right from wrong, I'm not worried about newbs getting misinformed. I just think there's a better way to go about handling these situations. I know that AWARE has a good knowledge of the peptide world, btu I also know that like everyone else (including myself) he is not always right or on point. I'd like to continue to see AWARE participate in discussions like these (as well as Osiris and Vette), and I hope y'all feel the same way


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
absence of proof is not proof of absence


Oct 17, 2010
This is exactly what we DO NOT need gentleman. Everyone has a voice and I'd personally like to hear it. You don't have to agree with anything that someone says, but you SHOULD take it into consideration. If you find something contrary to what someone says, post it up. If you can't find anything, simply state so. There's no reason to bash each other based on something NOT being found. In science when something hasn't been proven wrong it's called a theory. When something is proved right in every single case it's a fact or law. Something like this will likely always remain a theory and always be considered.

I value all of your opinions and would like to continue to see everyone contribute their knowledge on the subject, whether right or wrong. We have enough valued vets here to discern right from wrong, I'm not worried about newbs getting misinformed. I just think there's a better way to go about handling these situations. I know that AWARE has a good knowledge of the peptide world, btu I also know that like everyone else (including myself) he is not always right or on point. I'd like to continue to see AWARE participate in discussions like these (as well as Osiris and Vette), and I hope y'all feel the same way

I'm sorry I was in a bad mood yesterday and will contribute here. I like to think I pass along valid and current information and I know in the peptide world things are constantly changing and evolving. I like to share knowledge I gain and valve other thoughts and theories. I wish the other posts had not been deleted. I do not claim to be an expert in any thing, however feel I have a good knowledge level in certain things base on research and my own experimentation. I hope I'm correct and true in things I share and write and will be the first one to admit when I am wrong. As it states in my signature it about gaining self knowledge. :)


I Look Good...
Sep 13, 2010
LOL... Whatever! I simply said I was pressed for time and did a quick search and could not find what I read and frankly could careless if you care to listen to what I have to say. I have way to many personal things going and frankly I'm tired of getting shit on by trying to help people out. Should I mention I have recently been asked to be a rep for a peptides company? hmm I wonder why someone would ask me to do something like that? must be cause they I know I just full of shit! ;) I will now shut my mouth not contribute here..

Damn i give props to u aware. If i said that i woulda been banned lol.


Aug 11, 2010
AWARE is an excellent resource of Peptide and HGH knowledge. KBD how did this turn out for you?
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