I was in a motorcycle accident 5 years ago and broke my Tibia and Fibula in two places (each) it took a long while to recover. Squats are no longer the same for me.
Hang in there Pumpkin, you will recover eventually I assure you, it is just another hurdle in life, lay down and die or keep fighting is my motto.
I'm hanging in. My new gym stuff has not shipped and I'm nowhere as far as moving the gym from the garage to the basement but I've been training steady since I posted the vid and me and Mrs Flex started going back to the gym too.
She came with me a few times over the last couple weeks and this week every day.
My preferred gym was by appointment only with 1 hour limits when they first opened up and I said fuck that, but I since found out they are no longer requiring appointments or limiting time so we went back.