Let me start by repeating *I love dogs*. I just don't think they should go everywhere their owner goes unless they are a true service dog. It's completely out of control. True service dogs? Everywhere. They are never going to be a problem. They are well trained. I know people with true service dogs and this whole thing drives them crazy.
Issues I have with dogs going everywhere with their owners:
1. Many people are afraid of dogs (not me) and it's selfish to bring your dog everywhere you go.
2. Dogs have no business being in any food establishment. I was once at an upscale restaurant and at the next table there was a dog sitting his feces ass on a chair while its owner spoon fed him ice cream. The chair had a cloth cushion, and you can't clean dog butt off of a cloth cushion.
3. Service dogs don't piss, shit or bark in inappropriate places. Untrained emotional support dogs do.
4. People who have a need for a well-trained service dog are sick and tired of having to tell people not to pet their dog because it is a true service animal and is working. People assume it's just a pet and they can pet it, even though it's wearing a vest that says it's a service dog. This happens because so many entitled and selfish people slap a "service dog" vest on their pet so they can bring it everywhere and they love it when people pet their dogs.
5. Some people are allergic to dogs, why should they be exposed to dogs in the market, restaurants, gyms, stores, etc?
6. Emotional support dogs which are really just pets sometimes bite people. A true service dog will not.
7. A packed gym at peak time is just about the worst place someone who truly needs a service dog or emotional support dog could possibly be. If you have PTS (I do) or other issues, you avoid frenetic places with lots of people and lots of loud noises, and would go during off hours. These two women with the German Shepherd were on a workout floor which had around 40 people on it during peak time (5PM). This was the latest I've been in the gym in a very long time. I try to avoid peak hours for the reasons I cited here. If I do go during peak hours, sometimes the flashbacks and anxiety start and I have to leave. I call bullshit on their need for a dog there.