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  1. Wallyd

    Leaving for vacation

    I think it would be helpful to know how long you will be gone.
  2. Wallyd

    Semiglutide, Nothing but the runs

    My gal likes the Tirzepatide better than Semaglutide. Less sides & suppresses the appetite better.
  3. Wallyd

    Semiglutide, Nothing but the runs

    It usually causes constipation. I wonder why it would do the opposite to you.
  4. Wallyd

    Child support

    For me the state getting involved was fantastic! I had a paper trail a mile long & it put a stop to the lies & bs the ex just lived.
  5. Wallyd

    Child support

    I get it. I’m dating g a gal that puts absolutely no pressure on me. I think she has me figured out, it doesn’t take much for me to shut down anymore.
  6. Wallyd

    Child support

    For the record I did everything I could to avoid going through a divorce. Once I found out she was cheating that changed.
  7. Wallyd

    Child support

    I didn’t know that. If true that’s some bs.
  8. Wallyd

    Beginner needing advice

    I always pyramid the weight up and the reps taper down. I mainly do a 4 day split. Chest & biceps Legs Delts & triceps Back & traps. I don’t usually schedule rest days because things just come up that may require you to take a day off. Hope this helps!
  9. Wallyd

    Child support

    I actually have 50/50 custody but that doesn’t really matter. When I moved 45 minutes from my daughter the court ordered me to do all the driving. Fast forward my ex moved an hour away from original home & I had to do all the driving. In the beginning it was one picks up & one drops off per the...
  10. Wallyd

    Child support

    I’m good buddy & thanks for the well wishes. It’s just aggravating jumping through all these hoops. All she had to do was say I want child support then we fight over how much. In the end the judge says pay this amount. I can’t just prove I meet the criteria, I have to miss multiple days of...
  11. Wallyd

    Child support

    Since 2010, when my ex couldn’t keep her knees together, I’ve been paying child support. The total amount I’ve paid is over $82320. Out of that amount I bet my daughter hasn’t seen a quarter of that money. Fast forward to the present, I meet all the criteria to terminate child support. Of...
  12. Wallyd

    Training and Time Management

    I’ve tried doing a little bit of that & the taping & mudding is the worst. I’m not good enough to not have to sand a LOT!
  13. Wallyd

    Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone

    Seems like double standards to me. Lol
  14. Wallyd

    Someone Snitched on Me

    Umm are you saying she isn’t natty? Are you jealous of her? Why would you insinuate such a thing? Lmao
  15. Wallyd

    Not new but I’m probably not familiar to some

    Welcome back!
  16. Wallyd

    Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone

    All good. I see it was tiny, I didn’t remember asking for meds or anything. Lol
  17. Wallyd

    Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone

    You lost me.
  18. Wallyd

    Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone

    Tell me that’s f’d up without saying that’s f’d up. Come on now, really? We live in such a messed world right now it’s troubling.
  19. Wallyd

    Coming soon - Prefilled research injection cartridges

    Dosing schedule. I don’t think you need to go up just because this chart says it’s time but it does give you a guideline to follow.
  20. Wallyd

    Back after an extended month off

    Welcome back!