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  1. Johnny Test

    An investigation dubbed 'Project Juice' led to beakup of huge steroid ring

    DAAAAAMN def nice size
  2. Johnny Test

    So you just bought TID

    This is a toughy as so many good ones mentioned already. Def have to think on this. If anything something with ecrypt pm's or unless they already are is so my bad on that
  3. Johnny Test

    TA's birthday

    Happy belated Birthday
  4. Johnny Test

    WA posties help police seize steroids, growth hormones in SW sting

    "weightbuilding" uh okay lol Yeah this is def some scary stuff here
  5. Johnny Test

    14 arrested in Pa. steroid, steroid case

    Jeez not another one scary
  6. Johnny Test

    Federal agents charge Texans in steroid ring

    Now maybe this is dumb talk but do you think with the mass amount of busts seems as if they are taking more interest in this here. Do you think they may reschedule aas as I know its a 3 you don't think with the hardcore interest they will raise it higher! I know there has always been busts but...
  7. Johnny Test

    Jay trains arms, Appearance by The Rock

    Double post
  8. Johnny Test

    23 y/o low test

    Not to high jack thread but I seen someone mention HCG from doc how hard is it to get HCG for a male from a doc! As know its basically female prescribed just wonder. Sorry Jackson90 didn't mean to highjack just peaked my curiosity
  9. Johnny Test

    Jay trains arms, Appearance by The Rock

    Yes it would be dumb of him to compete anymore as he has nothing to prove great fan base, businessman, and a ambassador to the sport NOTHING else needs to be proven. I can see the drive to compete and be onstage esp when you have done it for so damn long but in hind sight I am sure he knows he...
  10. Johnny Test

    Hmm whatcha guys think

    Lets see some squads yeah, upper lukn gd thou
  11. Johnny Test

    Police raid large steroid lab in Rushville home

    Damn nice catch Myo that's is nuts
  12. Johnny Test

    Jay trains arms, Appearance by The Rock

    Lol at cameo
  13. Johnny Test

    Authorities say 11 arrested after Dallas-based steroid ring is broken up

    You know its a shame all we want to do is be healty, be fit. luk and feel good but when you got guys like this mixing heroin and coke its just makes the AAS game luk worse cause that's just how the LE see it am sure. Heroin and coke wtf real stupid for sure
  14. Johnny Test

    Adding In Halotestin

    Dman IM that's a nice cycle there best of luck keep us psoted on how it goes esp like it with no tren
  15. Johnny Test


    Ron welcome to the Iron Den. Life change is great to hear this is place to get the knowledge to help with that. Exercise most do not know how important that is inyour life changes your body,mood,drive,determination, etc so wish you well in you endeavor boss
  16. Johnny Test

    What Bostin Loyd recommends for a first time cycle.

    Givng a video on insulin last week is he for real wow this kid is a true TURD! Nice scar why didn you flex the right side you fuk. One thing that bothers me more than anything KIDS that think think they know it all and they realy do not. Packing food when on the road and how to eat the next vid...
  17. Johnny Test

    Jay Cutler says he does NOT use anabolic steroids

    Jay's famous line its all anout the diet:bbq: the gear has nothing to do with it. Lmao oh really is that why you spent $5k for the last 8wks of contest prep oh okay yeah you are rite :rolleyes: we will believe that not you :liar:
  18. Johnny Test

    Feds bust massive steroid ring tied to Surprise gym

    Here is a pic oh him here: If I am right those are 20ml vials. Thanks for the post M cause I know a guy who used to get from this guy again this was 6yrs ago. ONLY reason why I know this cause he had said yeah am getting gear from this guy he just...
  19. Johnny Test

    Niles man indicted in steroids ring - Mutagenic busted

    Thru paypal gesh
  20. Johnny Test

    Does Rich Piana even compete?

    All this guy does is complain a guy I knows him and what a case