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ChrisLindsay9's Journal - "Lightweight Strong"



Jun 20, 2012
That's interesting. I consume just over 2500 to maintain 165 to 170, and I do a fair amount of cardio and conditioning.
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TID's Official Donut Tester
Oct 14, 2012
CL I really like flexible dieting and tracking calories. It's Really convenient.


Jan 12, 2014
Hi Chris been following your journey for a long time,I am not in your league of lifting experience etc ,but I do a great deal in minor injuries and the mantra I teach for tendon muscle pain is rest ice NSAIDs and do no harm for the first 72 hrs with harm equating to heat alcohol running or massage .


Jun 17, 2013

I went 3/3 on my Deadlifts at my meet on Saturday. I opened with a ridiculous easy 375lb/170kg that was such a smoke show, one of the side judges was giving me crap about it ... lol And it wasn't one of your "put some weight on the bar next time" kind of retorts ... it was "don't be warming up on my platform". Because I set a national record with that attempt, he had to feel my singlet to make sure I'm not wearing anything underneath ... so he got to give me crap after all my lifts .. haha

Second attempt was 185kg/407lb. Another smoke show, but felt a slight tinge in my forearm. This time when the judge was giving me crap, I told him that I couldn't lock that out 9 days ago. So he kinda backed off a bit. Heh.

So I was going to either do 190kg or 195kg for my third lift attempt based on the second pull. And because I locked it out easy, but felt that tweak, I decided to split the difference and go 192.5lk/424.4lbs. And I pulled that, again, looked easy probably could have locked out 435. But I did get a bit of a sting on my arm ... so I'm glad I played it safe. My arm was hurting afterwards, but I smashed it up good, and felt a ton better on Sunday.

And on top of all that, I was one of two recipients of the Golden Cup Award. That's right I was randomly drug-tested for the first time. So I had to pee in a cup, and I PR'd that too. filled that badboy to the brim without spilling over.

My wife messed up taking videos, she took a ton of still photos of each lift. And someone else who took video had a crappy camera. But the feed from the meet is up, and you can see my third attempt at the 39:15 mark.
[video] z&t=2355[/video]

All in all, this was a confidence builder. I feel like with constant management of the issue, I can probably hit 450+ at my next meet in October.


SUNDAY (09/09/15)
* Less than 11 weeks out from my next meet; APF/AAPF Full Power (Classic Raw)

POST-COMPETITION: "Get the Blood Flowing Day"
*Everything at RPE 5 or 6

225x8 x3 sets (beltless, double overhand grip)

3"Deficit Deadlift
225x5 x4 sets (belt, double overhand grip)

Paused Squats
155x5 x2 sets (belt)

BB Row
75x8 x3 sets

Lat Pulldown
120x8 x4 sets

GHR (w/20# Vest)
5 reps (RPE 10) *VIDEO*
*first time ever doing these with weight, not ideal form, but still pretty tough

Back Extensions
20 reps

My wife tested her 1 RMs on bench and deadlift on Sunday, and got a 7.5lb. PR on bench (120) and 20lb. PR on deadlift (200). So she's going to do her first meet with me in October. She'll push-pull on the day before my full power meet. I'm so excited!! I think she's going to post a training journal here on the Den. She's just trying to come up with a forum username she likes.



Guys, I'm so f**king focused and pumped for my next meet. I'm so locked into this next 10-week peak, it's not even funny.

My philosophy in training is going to be as followed:

Squat - the RAW rules do not allow any knee support. I unofficially tested my 1RM with a belt-only squat at 335. But I think I can get 350 by the meet. I'm going to essentially follow PillarofBalance's template as I peak for the meet. I'm going to swap out a couple of assistance exercises, bring back glute bridges for example, because the APF judging is strict. I need to get better and more comfortable at coming out of the hole without knee wraps/sleeves.

Bench - I really need to put in the reps, so I can get comfortable and more consistent with using leg drive and pressing in that efficient groove. So I'm going to do bench strength building on Tuesday, and technique work on Friday. Tuesday will be a lot of sets and lot of reps. Friday, I drop the weight and work on long pauses off the chest, and long pauses at lock out before I rack it - and gradually bring that weight up. The APF press/rack commands are long (I think they're trying to be resemble USAPL or something), so I want to train the mental part of the bench as much as the physical (there were a lot of red lights for missing commands at the push-pull yesterday). But because I don't want to kill my shoulders benching twice a week, I'll still incorporate POB's strategy of using the floor and boards for accessory work.

Deadlift - I'm going to do something a little different here. I'm going to keep my training percentages in the 60-75% all the way up to October. My arm issue only manifests when I start pulling in the high 300s, low 400s. But it never bothered me when I was pulling in that 60-75% for all those reps. And also, I might experiment with switching my grip and pulling double overhand (not hook grip though, god no!). So I'll focus on getting stronger in the 6-8 rep range for the next 6-7 weeks, and then do some heavy singles in the few weeks before the meet.

So my training emphasis is going to be on squat and bench (especially bench), and I'm going to treat deadlift as a "me too" exercise at the competition. I really want a 350 squat and 200 bench, and I'll take a 435-450 deadlift. I won't lie to you, I think I have a 1000 total in me. I just gotta put in the work and do what I can to stay (relatively) injury free.

Buckle up boys, this training log is gonna be giving you all perpetual case of DOMs.
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Feb 20, 2015
You got me jacked up just reading your post! Awesome job at your meet, brother. And it sounds like you're going no place but up.


Jan 26, 2011
Yes !!!! Freaking look at how far you have come !
Exciting to see your wife jumping in as well.


Jun 11, 2014
Congrats brother!!!!

I'm so impressed and proud of you!!!


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
That comment you made about 9 days ago is why you got the golden cup I bet :)

Btw you are looking more swole fo sho
Go Away

Go Away

Dec 28, 2011
What an inspiring meet write up and peaking plan.
You're the fuxking man!!!


Jun 20, 2012
Congratulations, Chris!!!! You went 3 for 3, made your goal, and set a record. Doesn't get much better than that.
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