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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

May 6th '24 SNAFU
206 body weight
1445 cals at work out headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Welp , some days are diamonds and some days are stones , today we got stoned hahaha.

Stretched out got warmed up , everything was feeling good , was working deads up to 1 rm in triples , 455 and the lower left side of my back uhh , lat but down low at the bottom just locked up like super charlie horse ,,, it doesnt feel pulled or torn but it keeps locking up like that depending on how i hold my arm.

Like at my side no issue ,, i put my arm around the old ladies waist and my back on that left side goes apeshit and into ,,, what i can only describe as a charlie horse , if it was my leg. Odd as fuck

I don't wish getting old on my worst enemy.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic raise 2x25
Pelvic tilt 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Bird Dogs 2x25
Cat Cows 2x25

Lifts -
Dedz - triples to 1rm
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x3 225x3 315x3 405x3
Work - 455x2 and a WTFx1
walked around stretched worked out the cramping
WTFx1 and done
walked around stretched worked out the cramping again

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30 nice n slow no back issue


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
I'm with you this getting old shit isn't for the faint of heart, but we're still above ground and trying to get after it!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

May 8 '24 Dynamic Deloading
Sovietish 5x5 main
205.7 body weight
1525 cals at workout headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions of 5 miles each

Being everything is just not healing on time for me these past couple of weeks Ive realized im just beating myself around the bush and its going to continue until i actually rest some.

So today was a 50-60% of 1rm type of day and stuck to the plan of just getting in some good feeder sets and some work on volume , out with the bad and in with the good.

Strength was there , drive was on , no issues with focus at all it was actually a fun session with no stress for a change , just what the Dr ordered to quote the song.

Warm up -
Band Pulls - 2x10
Band Press - 2x10
Band Side Raises - 2x10

Lifts -
Main - Flat Bench - 5x5 up to 50% of 1rm + 60# chains
Warm up - ebx10 - 135x5 - 135/60x5 - 145/60x5 - 165/60x5
Work 180/60x5x5x5x5x5

Spoto Press - 50% for volume #155 - 3xamrap - 18+1+1 - 16 - 13+1

DB Flat Bench - 50% for volume #30 - 3xamrap - 25+2+1 - 20+2+1+1 - 18+2+1+1

DB Inc Bench - 50% for volume #30 - 3xamrap - 20 +1+1 - 16+2 - 14+1+1+1

DB Hammer Curls - 60% for volume #30 - 3xamrap - 16+4 - 15+1+1 - 14+1+1+1+1

Band Pull Apart'Down - 4xamrap - 33 - 30 - 25+1+1+1 - 20+1+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011

May 8 '24 Dynamic Deloading
Sovietish 5x5 main
205.7 body weight
1525 cals at workout headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions of 5 miles each

Being everything is just not healing on time for me these past couple of weeks Ive realized im just beating myself around the bush and its going to continue until i actually rest some.

So today was a 50-60% of 1rm type of day and stuck to the plan of just getting in some good feeder sets and some work on volume , out with the bad and in with the good.

Strength was there , drive was on , no issues with focus at all it was actually a fun session with no stress for a change , just what the Dr ordered to quote the song.

Warm up -
Band Pulls - 2x10
Band Press - 2x10
Band Side Raises - 2x10

Lifts -
Main - Flat Bench - 5x5 up to 50% of 1rm + 60# chains
Warm up - ebx10 - 135x5 - 135/60x5 - 145/60x5 - 165/60x5
Work 180/60x5x5x5x5x5

Spoto Press - 50% for volume #155 - 3xamrap - 18+1+1 - 16 - 13+1

DB Flat Bench - 50% for volume #30 - 3xamrap - 25+2+1 - 20+2+1+1 - 18+2+1+1

DB Inc Bench - 50% for volume #30 - 3xamrap - 20 +1+1 - 16+2 - 14+1+1+1

DB Hammer Curls - 60% for volume #30 - 3xamrap - 16+4 - 15+1+1 - 14+1+1+1+1

Band Pull Apart'Down - 4xamrap - 33 - 30 - 25+1+1+1 - 20+1+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of
Smart work!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Smart work!
Thank ya , I am a horrible rester and deloader i try n try to avoid it but i just end up beat up and not making progress , taken me a long time to learn how to just relax and heal.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
If anyone has ever wondered what the fk im yapping about when I say , soviet peaking program or soviet style , this old article from FitnessVolt covers it really well from top to bottom.



VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Thank ya , I am a horrible rester and deloader i try n try to avoid it but i just end up beat up and not making progress , taken me a long time to learn how to just relax and heal.
I resemble that, it really does take a long time to get into the rest relax recover mindset. Before I got to Tampa Barbell I was working out 6-7 days a week sometimes 2-3 times a day my logs are still on here and it's painful for me to even look at what I was doing. The guys at TBB told me do you want to be a powerlifter well then that shit is out, we lift 3 days a week and that's it. We overload the CNS and you won't grow or recover without rest. Sat mornings were squat and you needed Sunday to be able to work on Monday LOL. Tues was Deadlift Thursdays Bench and obvious auxiliaries. I've never seen my strength grow like those couple of years I was there it was insane. Prior to it I used to log every rep, when I would lift there I couldn't remember what we did for the first 6 months it was a blur it was all work for two hours and no one ever stopped moving. You were either lifting, loading, Deloading, spotting one of three spots or coaching form. I'd get home after and sit catatonic for an hour or two after. I miss those days. Yet here we are still getting after it. You're work and others on here keep inspiring and motivating me to push harder. Hopefully I will continue to rest intelligently, eat as clean as possible to support the lifting and make up a bunch of lost ground.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
I resemble that, it really does take a long time to get into the rest relax recover mindset. Before I got to Tampa Barbell I was working out 6-7 days a week sometimes 2-3 times a day my logs are still on here and it's painful for me to even look at what I was doing. The guys at TBB told me do you want to be a powerlifter well then that shit is out, we lift 3 days a week and that's it. We overload the CNS and you won't grow or recover without rest. Sat mornings were squat and you needed Sunday to be able to work on Monday LOL. Tues was Deadlift Thursdays Bench and obvious auxiliaries. I've never seen my strength grow like those couple of years I was there it was insane. Prior to it I used to log every rep, when I would lift there I couldn't remember what we did for the first 6 months it was a blur it was all work for two hours and no one ever stopped moving. You were either lifting, loading, Deloading, spotting one of three spots or coaching form. I'd get home after and sit catatonic for an hour or two after. I miss those days. Yet here we are still getting after it. You're work and others on here keep inspiring and motivating me to push harder. Hopefully I will continue to rest intelligently, eat as clean as possible to support the lifting and make up a bunch of lost ground.
I work a 4 day week but I get what you mean about splitting up days, Max effort days i just end up sitting in my chair feeling like im floating in water on a raft. So I work lower on monday and upper on wednesday , then dynamic on fri n sat , gives me a full day to just rest and get my shit back together.

Ive never gotten to train PL in a real gym with coaches , just in the basements and garages with other meatheads and what ive learned online from folks. I was trying it before I had the stroke , took me years to get back to it and now ive been back at it 3 years.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

May 10th '24 Fun with Fives and such
Deloady light work
207 body weight
1659 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions

Simple short n sweet , kept to the light work idea and sort of had to. Left side of my back and hip are just not driving right , finding my self carrying all my weight on my right side.

Kept to the 50% of 1rm plan again today

Called it once I realized what was going on and there was no way to compensate for it. Really strange only time ive had this happen was aftering injuring my back and having pressure on my SI and sciatic nerve .. Ive got no pain , no pulls , nothing inflamed. Pisses me off , leg is just half dead.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 count hold
Pelvic Raise 2x25
Pelvic Tilt 2x25
Dead Bugs 2x25
Bird Dogs 2x25
Cat Cows 2x25

Lifts -
Ghetto Homemade Belt Skawt to get the ball rolling - cant get more than 2 plates on it
45x5 it felt good on with the show

Dedz - Fun with Fives to 50% of 1rm
Warm ups - ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5
Work - 275x5x5x5x5x5

Skwatz - Fun with Fives - low box - ssb -
Build up - ebx10 110x5 150x5 200x5
Work - 250x5 x5x5x2 no drive through left leg

Pull Throughs - single looped red mini - 4x20

Abs -
Bent Leg Lifts 2x30
Reverse Crunches 2x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

May 11 '24 Dynamic Upperish
Conjugate style with some chains
206.4 body weight
1649 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today was a good day , sort of blew the percentage and just kept climbing the ladder for a while but I got no complaints it all felt good and I stopped before getting to crazy with the cheez whiz.

Like I said I blew the 50% deal for main but managed to reign it in and keep it for the accessories so ,,, its a win in my mind.

Good strength , good drive , focus was on point. was a fun session all around , kept to the higher reps and lower weights on the accessories and finish up healing and look forward to next week

Stretches -
Band Pull Aparts 2x20
Band Stretches 2x20
Band Side Raise 2x20

Lifts -
Bench - 5's to infinity then to 1rm
Warm up - ebx10 added #60 in chains - 60x10 - 135/60x5 185/60x5 195/60x5
205/60x5 215/60x5 225/60x5 235/60x5
Work - 245/60x3 255/60x1 260/60x1 265/60x1

Spoto Press - for volume - #135 on bar #60 in chains still on -
135/60 3xamrap - 14+1+1 - 12+1+1 - 8+2+1

Flat DB - for volume - #30 3xamrap - 25 - 20+1+1+1 - 18+1+1+1+1

Incline DB - for volume - #30 3xamrap - 15+3 - 13+1+1+1 - 10+1+1+1

Curls ezbar - lightened to #65 for more volume - 3xamrap - 12 - 10+1+1 - 8+2+1

Bands - Tricep Press downs - double looped red mini - 4xamrap
36 - 28 - 20+1+1+1 - 18+2+1+1

Abs -
Bent Leg Lifts - 2x30
Reverse Crunches - 2x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

May 13 '24 Conjugate limited accessories
Max Lower
206.2 bodyweight
1680 cals headed to 2700
45 min cardio - 3/15 min sessions - 5 miles each

Today was good n bad. God in some good work but its more than obvious at this point something is off in my left side for sure.

Its not a pulled muscle or even painful until I bend it past a certain point and put pressure on it moving up or down ,, like walking up stairs ,, it goes into a full charlie horse all across the quad.

Leg feels heavy , knee feels like its got fluid in it but it looks n feels fine ,, no swelling no edema , its got good color and capillary refill when ya squeeze my toes or foot , it comes right back pink , its not cold.

What ever it is I just cant drive with it like im supposed to when I need it , its all coming from my right leg and at some point thats just not going to work as I go crashing to the ground in a hail of oh fucks ....

All that being said ,, Do what you can not what you want to right ? .... So we got in some good sets n reps with what we could move and some accessories.

Stretches -
knees to chest 4x20 count hold
pelvic raise 2x25
pelvic tilt 2x25
dead bugs 2x25
bird dogs 2x25
cat cows 2x25

Lifts -
Dedz - to one rm - then some band work
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5 225x5 315x5
Work - 405x5 455x2 495xfail - not satisfied at all no left leg drive at all
Drop down 455x1x1x1 still not happy
Drop down added 2 bands #75 - 405/2x2x2x2 - added 2 more bands #75 - 405/4x2x2 - added 60lbs in chains - 405/60/4x2x1 = 615 at the top

more of a touch and go than an true stop n go double but ill take it for now
405 on the bar - 150 in bands - 60 in chains = 615 at the top

Skwatz - doubles to 1 rm - really obvious on these that the left leg isnt driving properly at all -
Build up - 150x2 200x2 240x2 290x2
Work - 3002x2 - 3102x2 - 330x1

Quad Ext - dropped to #60 just no power in the left leg - 10 - 12 - 8+2+1+1

Ham Curl - 60# - 10 - 8+1+1+1 - 6+2+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30

Pull Throughs - double looped red mini - 4 sets of 20
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