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Welfare and drug testing



Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
How many of you agree that people on welfare or ones that simply get food stamps should have to take drug urinalysis every month? 3 states made a law and is now mandatory in those states. I think that every state should adopt this law. Tax paying citizens pay for welfare and food stamps and I know plenty of people that are driving around $75k-$100k cars and hustle and have a bunch of kids and get $1500 a month in food stamps and get cash assistance from the state and hustle and sell drugs. I think if you can hustle and do what you do; you should be a man and pay for food and pay your fuckin bills and not live off the people that bust there backs ED to make a living and receive no help and are scraping to get by and provide for there family in these times. Respectfully,Wake


VIP Member
Feb 22, 2012
I agree they should be drug tested. I know people will make the argument that not every one is on drugs that collects food stamps and cash aid, so those people shouldnt have a problem pissing in a cup.

Account Removed - 1

May 16, 2011
Against it, you guys forget a few certain things starting with:

1. This will cost tax payers millions
2. Increased violence ( a drug addict will always find a way to get his fix )


Jan 26, 2011
For it. The money saved by not giving out handouts will balance out with the cost of drug tests. We can get swabs at two bucks a test


Jan 26, 2011
As far as violence. A bullet is cheap if we shot more often violence would go down


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
That is I believe the whole point of each state respectively Raiden and I was just curious to see who gets food stamps cause i will buy them for 50% hahahaha. In Baltimore bro pretty much everyone that has a child or children gets food stamps and they sell them for .50 on the $1 and you give them cash after you go food shopping with them. IMO that is paying 50% for my food and Knowing so many people that sell them is great because I spend $400-$500 a week in the grocery store and I only have to pay $200-$250 a week. Its only me and my wife and when my son comes over he doesnt eat much really. Eating healthy is friggin expensive and I will continue to use every possible means at my disposal to not pay full price for food lol. I guess really its a no brainer. Respectfully,Wake


May 9, 2012
I do the same bro^^^ but I live in the other state were 95% of the population is on foodstsmps(N.Y.)


Senior Member
May 12, 2012
That's a damn great idea.

I see FL got sued for passing such a law (wtf could be the basis, unless free money were a constitutional right), but it wasn't going over so well anyhow.

Regardless, there has been a lot of talk locally about people selling WIC debit cards and such, for one example, and I'm one who would rather break even or spend a bit more to keep the money out of some people's hands. Hell, I'll donate to get that shit on the road.

One more thing to get back a nation founded on principles by raising standards and accountability in spending.

Florida imposed drug testing on its TANF enrollees beginning last July, through October, when the Southern Center for Human Rights and American Civil Liberties Union sued the state for a violation of the constitutional protection against “unreasonable search.” A temporary injunction suspended the drug testing program.

Results of the tests in themselves discredited the law and the justifications of its supporters. During the four months that the law was in place, 4,086 welfare applicants were subjected to the test. By the state’s records, only 2.6 percent—108 applicants—failed the drug test, most often for marijuana. This rate is far lower than estimated rates of drug use in the population as a whole.

The Florida law moreover proved to be a financial loss to the state, since applicants who passed the screening had to be reimbursed for its cost, on average about $35. The total cost of the reimbursements was more than would have been paid out in TANF aid to the applicants who failed the test. Overall, the drug testing cost the state an additional $45,780 on top of welfare outlays. -Naomi Spencer


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
Against it, you guys forget a few certain things starting with:

1. This will cost tax payers millions
2. Increased violence ( a drug addict will always find a way to get his fix )

It will more then likely save tax payers if the stats are true because a drug addict is not giving up $200 for a wizzinator to piss in a cup they will just not get welfare if they will piss dirty and never end up going because drug addicts are the biggest procrastinators in the world when it comes to stopping using drugs. It is always tomorrow hence the welfare will be put off like everything else is. I know at least 50 people in this community that are recovering drug addicts and they trade drugs for a more positive addiction like bb'ing and they all are obsessive and compulsive over it like they were with drugs. Also, I agree drug addicts will always find a way to get there fix as will anyone addicted to anything.

Account Removed - 1

May 16, 2011
In a perfect world this would be a great thing. Let's be honest the government will use the most expensive testing. I just finished construction in a federal LE building where everything was start of the art. State of the art gym ( most expensive equipment money can buy ) state of the art kitchen ( granite counter tops, stainless steal appliances ) state of the art LED televisions ( oh and not just a few but 44 of them to be exact ) Hope you guys get the picture.

Oh and be sure to invest in any of the medical companies that will be giving these tests because your honorable politicians that approve this nonsense will be if they were not already affiliated with them. ;)


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
That's a damn great idea.

I see FL got sued for passing such a law (wtf could be the basis, unless free money were a constitutional right), but it wasn't going over so well anyhow.

Regardless, there has been a lot of talk locally about people selling WIC debit cards and such, for one example, and I'm one who would rather break even or spend a bit more to keep the money out of some people's hands. Hell, I'll donate to get that shit on the road.

One more thing to get back a nation founded on principles by raising standards and accountability in spending.

That is an interesting article however are you sure this law is not back in place sartac? I have many friends in Florida who have to give a urinalysis randomly in FL for there food stamps or whatever it is that they get and they all have found ways around it. If you already know you have to piss in a cup of course you will bring clean urine to the urinalysis lol. I know when I was on parole when I was younger and wanted to got to the strip club and take some girls home and was 2 sheets to the wind drunk as shit I would do a line to sober me up which I thought was sobering me up anyway but really it wasnt. Anyhow what I am getting at is there was a guy that came in the bathroom with me at parole to piss and would watch. I always found a way to slip someones clean piss in the cup usually my fathers or brothers. I was 24-25 and didnt have any adult birthdays so when I experienced a ton of naked girls wanting to get drunk and screw I was all in. It got old super fast sleeping with a different girl every night or every other night. I think it lasted 4-5 months and been with my wife, faithfully, who I met accidentally ever since. I lived in a town where everyone to this day tries to scam the system. I am sure I would be in that group had i not met her. I did a total 180 when I met her and still 10 years later travel on the same road that it took a lot of work to get to. I think when you work hard to get somewhere in life you tend to have a different perspective on it. The same as people who lose 150 lbs or just 50 or burn the fat and become all muscle. Hard work makes it all feel like the work was worth the outcome.


Oct 1, 2010
Im all for people who truly need assistance getting it. By that I mean disabled, handicapped, widows who were homemakers their entire lives and children. All the others need to be cut off period and need to get a damn job. I live very very close to a social service office and everyone there for "assistance" drives a nicer car then I do and typically wears newer clothes then I do. I do not have a problem with this, what I do have a problem with is the fact that we are paying for it! I see them in the parking lot talking on their cellphones that WE pay for. Our fuel assistance running their vehicles while they sit in the parking lot idling with the ac on, lord knows we dont want them to sweat, otherwise they would get a job. I know one chick that has like 13 kids, literally, all raised by some agency or foster family. I know married couples that are legally "separated" because they get a few hundred bucks a month more. They get their health care for free! They get their prescriptions for a buck! If you set on your ass long enough your back will hurt too, then you can sell your OCs for some real cash. The safety net programs in this country are eating away not only at the financial heart of the nation but has become a way of life that is propagating swiftly across they board. Their kids have little to no chance at making it because they have never ever in their lives seen what it means to work for a living, they have no understanding of pride or purpose in life and have no problem taking you for everything your worth.
So now back to the original question.....If I have to be drug tested TO work then they sure as fuck better be drug tested to spend our God Damn money. Its one thing to set on your ass and be depressed because your a worthless nothing sucking the life out of the planet, its another to be out parting everyday and night abusing medicaid. Shit like this is part of the reason while healthcare costs so much. They go the the emergence room because of a tooth ache or back issue knowing they will get their drugs and never pay the bill. A guy was just in my place of business yesterday making a payment of $25 on a few thousand dollar bill he has owed for years now, bitching about having to take rehab and classes to stay out of jail.... The piece of shit pays the man $400 bucks a month and me $25, he owed me long before he owed them. Then gives me this spill about being on fixed income, I can promise everyone that no one shows up at my house at the end of the month handing me extra money so arent we all on fixed income?! I see these people buying party trays at the grocery store and we all know how expensive that shit is, all because they are too lazy to cut it themselves. Had a woman in line that day offered to buy my stuff on her card "welfare" if I would give her a percentage of the money back in cash. The government will never stop this because a large portion of their population is directly under their control and as long as thats the case these people will never look for something better and prosper.... and will never rise up against whats going on in the world around them.
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