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Deca or Equipoise



New Member
Sep 25, 2010
i love eq. though as stated, it needs to be run at fairly high doses to get a good effect off it. it makes me hungry and vascular. i also find it really hard to recover libido after a deca cycle. it really does a good job at shut down and because it hangs around so long, it keeps you shut down for a long time.
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Sep 9, 2010
the only way i run eq now is along with test and deca...when u combine eq with deca..its like lights go off inside your body......great combo!

Bro, I couldn't agree of the best cycles I've ever run was Test/Deca/EQ/Dbol. There's just something about that combo that really gets things going. You don't have to run nearly as high of an EQ dose when you run all 3 together. I've found you can run all 3 at pretty much the same dose with great results. Some people will need more EQ, that's just the way it is brothas


Sep 20, 2010
Bro, I couldn't agree of the best cycles I've ever run was Test/Deca/EQ/Dbol. There's just something about that combo that really gets things going. You don't have to run nearly as high of an EQ dose when you run all 3 together. I've found you can run all 3 at pretty much the same dose with great results. Some people will need more EQ, that's just the way it is brothas

I agree...i find runing them around 900mgs ew will bring super results...dw
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Sep 9, 2010
I agree...i find runing them around 900mgs ew will bring super results...dw

How long do you run them for normally? I like to go minimum 12 weeks and backload with prop for 4 more weeks. I'd like to run them all for 16 weeks, but the Deca and Undecylenate esters take so damn long to clear your system. I guess it's different for you because you're a blast and cruise guy right?


Sep 20, 2010
How long do you run them for normally? I like to go minimum 12 weeks and backload with prop for 4 more weeks. I'd like to run them all for 16 weeks, but the Deca and Undecylenate esters take so damn long to clear your system. I guess it's different for you because you're a blast and cruise guy right?

Yeah i stay on all the time but the sercert to runing eq and deca for 12 to 20 weeks is throw in some fast acting compounds like npp which works great with deca...I like to run npp the first 6 weeks alone side with deca and eq and sust..That npp will kick in quick wile deca is working its way to its active state ....Anything fast acting will kick start any long cycle your runing. and its most important toward the middle and the end..Most the time i see people runing a long cycle they get stuck..they level out towards the end or even towards the middle when this happens u need to throw in something fast to restart it.U can use an injectable or oral...Thats how i do things and its proven to work because not once has it failed for me........But after 4 weeks of runing an oral i would advise to swich it up...For me after 4 weeks of runing any oral my body shuts down...It doesnt repond untill i swich them up .
When u get my age bro i just see any use in not staying on the juice..Long as my blood pressure is level and u get a blood tested once a year to see whats going on and your perfect in health why not juice...Ive been juiceing stright now for i forgot how long...Years and years and my health is perfect....Im allways runing atleast 3 compounds year round and when i decide to bump it up and go all out hell i'll stack 5 to 6 compounds....
People dont realize deca and eq combine works like a charm..they both are like bread and butter...They work hand in hand....forget the dick issue...You got dick problems just take some cilais...That will get your dick hard again...Plus it will help if you have high blood pressure...One last note..EQ AND deca will make your blood thick...take an baby asprin ed...Keep that blood stright..dw


Sep 20, 2010
Two words for you guys..... Superman Pills! haha, they'll keep you hard for weeks

Ive never tryed that combo before but it has crossed my mind..I have a shit load of VIAGIA but the last time i took it my head was pounding...So i swiched to cialis.....They are 100mgs strong so maybe its too strong....dw
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Sep 9, 2010
Ya, I believe the combo has only 50 ro 75 mg viagra...depends on the supplier. I get no sides at all, then again I try not to take them unless I have to.
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